HANDOUT UNIT 11 A) Answer the following questions about article on p.95 1. Who are Larry Page and Sergey Brin? 2. What did entrepreneurs usually do when they wanted to sell shares on the stock exchange? 3. What advantage did it represent for the newly public company and the investment company? How high could the investment firm´s commissions be? 4. Why have Page and Brin decided to go public differently? What is the plan? 5. How much do they expect to receive through the IPO? 6. Will they go through the process on their own? 7. Why didn´t Bill Gates or Steve Jobs use a public auction? 8. What allows the Google founders to choose the novel way? 9. What do they expect the public to understand? 10. What are the risks for the company? 11. What principles is Google based on? B) Fill in the gaps with appropriate future form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I can’t believe that in June we _________________ married for 20 years! (be) 2. We ________________ back before six unless we catch the earlier train. (not be) 3. Oh no! Look at the traffic jam! We ______________ late! (be) 4. What do you think we ___________________ this time next year? (do) 5. I’ll tell you what the plans are as soon as I _____________ them. (know) 6. By the end of this course you _______________ 1,000 new words. (learn) 7. I can’t meet you at 9.00. I _______________ my physics exam. It starts at 8.30. (do) 8. ______________ you ________________ anywhere interesting this weekend? (go) 9. If we don’t hurry up, by the time we get there the concert _________________! (start) 10. Don’t forget we _______________ dinner at your sister’s this evening. (have) 11. I __________________ all my homework after dinner – I promise! (do) 12. Do you think the flight _______________ on time? It took off a bit late. (arrive) 13. You are sure to recognize me at the station. I _______________ a pink tie. (wear) 14. Don’t worry about your dog. I ________________ it while you’re away. (look after) 15. When ____________________ your car? It looks really dirty. (wash) 16. Don’t phone me between 5 and 7. I __________________ the cup final. (watch) C) Listen to a part of presentation about the services Google provides and answer the questions. Google’s first major development is ________________ ___________ based on an auction approach. Auctioning keywords search-terms delivering sponsored links to advertiser’s websites is especially _____________ and advertisers like paid search because they are charged when ________________________________________. AdSense is a kind of an ____________ ____________, placing sponsored links and other ads on __________ ________________. The revenue is then __________________ between Google and the owners of the website. These are multinationals as well as individuals publishing their ____________________. Google’s new services include possibility for advertisers to choose the ______________ _____________ where they want their ads to appear. This gives them more ______________ and ______________. In pricing CPM stands for ___________ __________ ___________ and it means that advertisers pay according to the number of people who __________ __________________ ________ ___________the ad. Google’s advertising is still based on using mainly _____________ _______________ ads, but many AdSense partners are planning to introduce _______________ ads to earn a share of _________________. There is more growth to come as companies become ______________ with online advertising. Now only 2 – 4% of the marketing budget of big firms is _____________ _____________________ even though it accounts for ___________ of consumer’s media consumption.