Handout Unit 12 1. Questions about the article 1. What does Steve Jobs do at Apple’s conference? 2. What are main features of the products he presents there? 3. What is the new corporate strategy he announced? 4. What enabled him to take such a challenge? 5. What’s the difference between the iPod and iPod Shuffle? 6. What’s Apple’s main problem? 7. What makes the Mac mini special? 8. What are its two main advantages? 9. What does Steve Jobs hope to achieve by this? 10. How do Volvo, Ferrari and Apple cooperate? 11. How does Microsoft reply to iTunes? 12. What shows that Mr. Jobs is cautious? 2. Vocabulary – match the terms with the definitions 1. peripheral to give something such as an area of land or a right to a country or person, especially when you are forced to 2. unprecedented thinking carefully about something before doing it, in order to avoid risk 3. seamless able to be believed or imagined 4. fully-fledged instructions for a computer used especially to make pictures on a website appear to move 5. cede completely developed, trained, or established 6. stunning doing things or done according to the latest fashion [= cool]: 7. runaway a lack of energy and a feeling that you do not want to do anything 8. conceivable having continued or existed for a long time: 9. hip accepted by or involving most people in a society 10. long-standing relating to selling goods to a particular small group of people who have similar needs, interests etc 11. revere a piece of equipment that is connected to a computer and used with it 12. niche the amount that something costs: 13. inertia to respect and admire someone or something very much 14. flash happening very easily or quickly, and not able to be controlled: 15. mainstream made so smoothly that you cannot tell where one thing stops and another begins 16. shrewd well judged and likely to be right 17. circumspect extremely attractive or beautiful x very surprising or shocking 18. price tag never having happened before, or never having happened so much 3. Expressions with “have”. Match the sentences in the left column with the replies in the right column 1. I'm really tired. a) No, we're going to have a night in. 2. How was work? b) No, he had a rest in the afternoon. 3. I haven't seen you for a long time. c) No, I usually have a lie-in. 4. Do you and Carlos want to come to the cinema? d) They're having a family get together. 5. What are Annie and Marc doing on Sunday? e) You should have an early night tonight. 6. Did Jaime study all day? f) Oh, I had a really busy day, non-stop meetings. 7. Do you get up early at the weekend? g) I think he had a late night. 8. Simon fell asleep at work today. h) Why don't we have a night out together soon?