UNIT 9 1. Questions about the article 1. What are the results of using intuition when deciding about one’s future and what examples are given? 2. Who is Daniel Kahneman and why does he advise investors? 3. What examples of people’s unjustified optimism are given in paragraph 3? 4. What role do first impressions play in meeting people and in negotiating prices? 5. According to the author, are first impressions reliable? 6. What is the psychological explanation of huge financial losses that companies sometimes experience mentioned in paragraph 6? 7. What is „home-bias“and why is it irresponsible? 8. What does Kahneman say about the amount of time people spend on different types of decisions? 9. How are investors’ decisions influenced by the past 10. Why are governments more liable to make irrational decisions than businesses? 2. Inversion 1. The police will only investigate the matter further if an official complaint is made. 2. If we had known how ill Rob was, we would have taken him straight to hospital. 3. The wind was so strong that all the trees in the park were blown down. 4. She didn’t often regret her lack of education, although she was sometimes aware of gaps in her knowledge. 5. You should only phone for an ambulance in an emergency. 6. There was never any disagreement between us 7. If it were not for financial assistance from the government, the museum would have closed long ago. 8. They had only just finished eating before a waiter started to clear away the plates. 9. Children should never be allowed into the room without adult supervision. 10. If the bridge is ever built, it will be welcomed by the local community. 3. Dilemma – the compound nouns are mixed up. Put them right SCREEN IMAGE BUSINESS IMAGE MINIMUM INSURANCE LIABILITY INSURANCE TRADE LOBBY STAFF PLAN HEALTH PRICES COMPETITIVE PRINT TURNAROUND TIME CONSUMER TURNOVER BRAND UNIONS CORPORATE WAGE