10 May UNIT 14 1) Adverbial Clauses of Purpose So that / In order that · We want to arrive early in order that / so that we can/will/may see the sunset. · We arrived early in order that / so that we could/would/might see the sunset. · We came early in order that we could find places to sit. · Put the milk in the fridge in order that it doesn’t spoil. In order to/so as to · We came early in order to find places to sit. · Birds migrate in order to be able to winter in a warmer country. · They stood up so as to see the match better. NEGATIVE FORMS · She helps him study so that/in order that he won’t fail his exam. · He hid his diary so that/in order that his wife wouldn’t read it. · I left the house early so as not be/in order not to be late for the job interview. Complete the sentence using the correct conjunction expressing purpose. Example: I told my parents that I would be back home late so that they wouldn´t worry for me. Let´s turn down the radio ____________ we __________ (not - disturb) them. I took a taxi to the airport ____________ my friends ____________(not - have to) wait for me. Scientists wear white coats ____________ they ____________ (keep) their clothes clean. She reads newspapers every day ____________she ____________ (know) what´s in the news. All the orders were given by word of mouth ____________no written evidence ____________ (be) discovered later. He doesn´t eat cakes in __________________ (put on) weight. That'll leave you a bit of time _______________ you ______________ (get) the table set and whatnot. She stuck her fingers in her ears ____________________________________(hear) the noise. ____________________________________(hear) the noise. (make 2 possible endings: use both “so that” clause and the infinitive form) 2) WORD FORMATION 1. We offer courses on _______________________ (OCCUPATION) health and fitness _______________________ (AWARE). 2. The course designed for line managers stresses the fact that if you provide _______________________ (DICTATOR) managers with the appropriate training, you will reduce _______________________ (ABSENT). 3. WE will advise you on the methods of setting _______________________ (REACH) goals. 4. Some staff had health problems related to being _______________________ (WEIGH) and lacking exercise. 5. in what way was Brutus´s planning _______________________ (SUFFICE) 6. Making something to meet customers´ requirements is referred to as _______________________ (CUSTOM). 7. He became chairman in _______________________ (SUCCEED) to Eric Marshall. 8. Allowing staff to work autonomously is called _______________________ (EMPOWER). 3) SYNONYMS to act out = ___________________ to make staff being interested in …= ___________________ to keep to traditional methods = ___________________ training participants = ___________________ specific problems = ___________________ meeting = ___________________ to make a deal = ___________________ to give sb the most recent information about st. = ___________________ on st. strict / hard = ___________________ 4) TRANSLATIONS oddanost personálu – následný kurz (X následující kurz) - dodatečná provize (provize navíc) – přezkoumání/inspekce/revize (organizace) – protichůdný názor - série dotazníků – 5) PREPOSITIONS to result _________ ignorance (vzniknat z/pramenit z) to report _________ Purchasing Manager to sign _________ the course to comply _________ requirements to report _________ topical issues to point _________ important aspects to react _________ dramatic changes to result _________ failure (mít za následek) 6) Identify mistakes: 1. Anglocentrics choose to make business exclusively with countries that have had close historical ties to the UK. 2. Adaptors attract foreign custom and that involves to make an effort to present product information and sales literature in the local language. 3. Opportunists are prepared to consider to do business with non-English-speaking countries. 4. Enablers are, just like other managers, too relucting to actually conduct business in a foreign language. 5. They analysed their responses to a standard questionaire. 6. The study divides UK exporters in four distinct groups. Self-check: Translate: vysoká fluktuace zaměstnanců - poradenství pro lidské zdroje - brát vážně problém špatné docházky (zaměstnanců) - nepružní vedoucí úseku/oddělení - špatný zdravotní stav – špatné/mizerné vztahy – otázky/problémy spojené se stresem - možnost/alternativa zavedení ročního rozpočtu – udržet si /neztratit zaměstnance - vyčlenit rozpočet na školení - možnosti jsi tyto/následující – stanovit dosažitelné cíle - poskytnout manažerům náležité/vhodné školení – key associates - fitness awareness – to enhance relationships with co-workers – occupational health – payroll - Fill in the appropriate preposition or adverbial if necessary: to be ______ sick / ______ addition to this / come ______ with solutions / to complain ______ this / ______ the workplace / to discuss ______ the benefits and drawbacks / Give similar expressions: customized – training programme - KEY CB: p.126 Translate: vysoká fluktuace zaměstnanců - high staff turnover poradenství pro lidské zdroje - human resources consultancy brát vážně problém špatné docházky (zaměstnanců) - take absenteeism problem seriously nepružní vedoucí úseku/oddělení - inflexible line managers špatný zdravotní stav – ill health špatné/mizerné vztahy – poor relations otázky/problémy spojené se stresem - stress-related issues možnost/alternativa zavedení ročního rozpočtu – an option of implementing annual budget udržet si /neztratit zaměstnance - to retain staff vyčlenit rozpočet na školení - to allocate the training budget možnosti jsi tyto/následující – the options are as follows stanovit dosažitelné cíle - to set reachable goals poskytnout manažerům náležité/vhodné školení – to provide managers with appropriate training key associates - hlavní partneři/kolegové/spolupracovníci fitness awareness – informovanost/povědomí o významu fyzické zdatnosti/kondice to enhance relationships with co-workers – zlepšit/pozvednout vztahy se spolupracovníky occupational health – péče o zdraví v zaměstnání payroll - mzdy (celkově vyplácené firmou)/výplatní listina Fill in the appropriate preposition or adverbial if necessary: to be off sick / in addition to this / come up with solutions / to complain about/of this / in the workplace / to discuss – the benefits and drawbacks / Give similar expressions: customized – tailor-made training programme - training scheme