12 May Unit 15 REPORTED SPEECH AND REFERENCE WORDS In reported speech references to people, places, times and things often change, because the point of view changes. 'I will install a new printing machine here tomorrow.' he said. .......... He said HE would install new printing machine THERE THE NEXT DAY. 'I've read your book about this eco-efficiency project.' she said. .......... She said SHE'd read MY book about THAT eco-efficiency project. See the list to learn the shifts: people: I he / she you me my his / her your my places: here there times: now then, at that time today that day, (on Monday) yesterday the day before, the previous day tomorrow the next day, the following day, (on Monday) this afternoon that afternoon last week the week before, the previous week next week the week after, the following week a few days ago a few days before, a few days earlier current then things: this (report) that (report) Exercise 1 - Rewrite the following sentences transforming them into indirect speech: 1. 'I saw your business associate two days ago.' he said. He said ___________________business associate ___________________. 2. 'The salesman working here is reluctant.' she said. She said the salesman working ___________________ reluctant. 3. 'This complainant wishes us to take action now.' they said. They said ______________________________________to take action___________________. 4. 'They are expecting a foreign visit tomorrow.' he said. He said they ___________________a foreign visit ___________________. Exercise 2 -Fill in the words used in either direct (D) or reported (R) speech. 1. (D) this --> (R) ______________ 2. (R) there --> (D) ______________ 3. (D) next month --> (R) ______________ 4. (D) the day before yesterday --> (R) ______________ 5. (R) then --> (D) ______________ 6. (R) that day --> (D) ______________ 7. (R) the previous week --> (D) ______________ 8. (D) current --> (R) ______________ 9. (R) before --> (D) ______________ 10. (D) a few days ago --> (R) ______________ 11. (D) your --> (R) ______________ 12. (D) I --> (R) ______________ 13. (R) the next day --> (D) ______________ 14. (D) this afternoon --> (R) ______________ 15. (D) last year --> (R) ______________ 16. (D) the day after tomorrow --> (R) ______________ 17. (D) yesterday --> (R) ______________ 18. (R) his / her --> (D) ______________ 19. (R) me --> (D) ______________ 20. (R) the following day --> (D) ______________ UNIT 15 – definitions Are the following definitions correct? Find mistakes if necessary and use the correct terms. 1) to get money illegally from a person or an organization by tricking them: FRAUD 2) the process of arranging for sb outside a company to produce goods or provide services for that company: OUTSOURCE 3) to reduce the number of people who work in a company, business, etc. in order to reduce costs: DOWNSHIFTING 4) the shares of listed companies, which are considered to be a high-risk and high-yield investment: BLUE CHIP 5) the work of keeping an accurate record of day-to-day the accounts of a business: ACCOUNTING 6) An organization that makes products under contract for other companies. It caters to the OEM market and typically owns the intellectual property (IP) or design for the product itself: The ODM 7) a report written by an independent specialist for the members of a company after examining a company’s financial records: AUDIT U 15 – CB p.132 – Listening 1 (do not complete before the course is held) Translate while listening: podíl na trhu klesá v průběhu posledních pěti let – je to z části moje vina – nepodařilo se mi přizpůsobit cenovou politiku – udělat/provést průzkum/mapování spokojenosti zákazníků – příjemné zjištění/objev – ukazuje se, že …– zvažujeme buďto rozprodávat (zboží) hypermarketu … nebo jim konkurovat – prosazovat se/ vydělávat (peníze) – poradit ohledně nejlepšího postupu – zdražit – obrátit naruby – vyplatit se –