3 May Unit 13 – vocabulary Creative task: Use all words below to draft a meaningful short article or “story”. You may add any other “banking” words, you may not leave any of the ones given below. PRINCIPAL INTEREST ON THE LOANS MICROENTREPRENEURS DISADVANTAGED CUSTOMERS to RATE THE CREDITWORTHINESS to ENHANCE to INVOLVE SAVINGS ACCOUNT to CHARGE to OBTAIN FUNDS to DEPOSIT MONEY to PAY OFF to SECURE one´s LOANS RATES AS HIGH AS … % ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ WB – text p.55 Fill in the missing words 1) Their A__________________ will be taken over in no time. (přidružené splečnosti) 2) The C_______________D_______ had a negative impact on both banks´ share prices. (zahraniční dohoda) 3) The investors T___________________ their noses at the merger proposal. (ohrnout nos) 4) The takeover by UniCredit of HVB Group was A________________ on June 12. (ohlásit, oznámit) 5) The German share price S______________ while the Italian one´s held steady. (vyletět, prudce stoupnout) 6) The share prices of both banks P__________________. (zřítit se, prudce spadnout) 7) After the takeover, some employees will be dismissed because of ________________. (překrývání funkcí) 8) He is going to become the C_______________. (předseda) 9) The biggest W_________________ of the bank is its thin capitalization: a tier one capital ratio of only 5% (tier one is the bank´s core capital includes the *equity capital + disclosed reserves). (slabá stránka) *kmenové akcie a volné rezervy CB – p.118 Translate přiznat odškodné ve výši 10 milionů – jejich nároky nejsou odůvodněný/opodstatněné – způsobit pokles jejich akcií – chovat se záměrně nespravedlivě – střet zájmů – degradované / snížené úvěrové hodnocení – mít optimistický/pozitivní názor na – přesnost podaných informací – Review questions Circle the best answer: 1) Which of the following institutions lends to private individuals? a) central banks b) investment banks c) commercial banks 2) What is collateral? a) accrued interest on a loan b) security put up against a loan c) a company’s assets 3) This bank is not prepared to make allowances ________ late repayments on a loan. a) of b) to c) for 4) Which of the following is an example of coercion? a) It’s in our best interests to ... b) Looking at it from all sides ... c) If you aren’t prepared to ... 5) We had to pay a large ________ to secure the purchase. a) deposit b) capital c) transaction 6) Which department in an investment bank is responsible for stock reports? a) capital and debt b) private asset management c) portfolio management 7) We had just arranged finance when the other company ________ the deal. a) pulled from b) pulled out of c) withheld from