COURSE REQUIREMENTS for seminar groups 9, 13, 21 Lucie Fialová, Dept. of Languages ESF,, Telephone number: 549494121 1) General information related to the course is available at:;obdobi=5003;kod=BPJ_JI2A;qurl=%2Fel%2F1456%2 Fjaro2011%2FBPJ_JI2A%2Findex.qwarp; Bkod%3DBPJ_JI2A%3Bfurl%3D%252Fauth%252Fel%252F1456%252Fjaro2011%252FBPJ_JI2A%252F;zpet_text=Zp%C4%9 Bt%20do%20Spr%C3%A1vce%20soubor%C5%AF 2) Students are required to meet the following requirements: 1) Minimum attendance: 80% (= 4 courses) without a formal excuse submitted to the Dept. of Studies 2) Active participation /homework, thorough preparation/ 3) Powerpoint presentation in pairs /you will sign up via the IS – Přihlašování se k tématům/variantám z balíků témat. 1 topic = 2 students. There will generally be 3 pairs per 1 course. You will be given details in the first course of the spring semester./ 3) Repeat students´ requirements: Students who attended the course in spring 2010 are not required to attend the course. If, however, repeat students decide to attend the course, they have to be well prepared (homework preparation). They are required to deliver a presentation. 4) SPRING 2011 – COURSE UNITS: 8-15 PRESENTATIONS - useful tips available at STUDIJNÍ MATERIÁLY "Seminar groups Lucie Fialová" - section "Presentation - relevant information“;obdobi=5003;kod=BPJ_JI2A;furl=%2Fel%2F1456%2Fjaro 2011%2FBPJ_JI2A%2F7297680%2F11649769%2F;info=