29 March
1) view this video related to "Energy Conservation" and note down as many relevant facts as possible. /Use the "29 March" worksheet to take notes)
2) see the KEY for CB 89/Practice: 2 available 3 sustainable 4 competitive 5 renewable energy 6 nuclear power 7 economic/afforadble 8 energy policies 10 power cuts
3) CB 90/conditionals - Practice 1+2
4) self-check: CB 91/Career skills ( KEY: 1c 2a 3d 4f 5b 6e)
5) CB - 92/Dilemma - study the Brief to be familiar with the context (you will be assigned your role (A, B, or C) for Tasks 1, 2 in class)
6) self-check: WB pages 40-43
7) print off + complete the tasks: 29 March worksheet /below/
OPTIONAL: CONDITIONALS - further practice - access: Seminar Groups - Lucie Fialová ---------> PRACTICE ---------> GRAMMAR ---------> CONDITIONALS