Seminární skupiny PJI2A/9, PJI2A/13, PJI2A/21, Jazyk I/2 - Lucie Fialová

24 February (homework specs)

1) bring again please: WORKSHEET of  "22 Feb 2011"

2) check out the KEY for SB 71/Practice 1+2 below:

EXERCISE 1: 2 exclusive, 3 iconic, 4elegant, 5 elaborate,  6 fabulously high quality, 7 extremely well, 8 really bumpy

 EXERCISE 2: 2 surprising, 3 clearly,4  dramatic, 5 particularly, 6 really cool, 7 successfully, 8 stylish, 9 increasingly well, 10 well-designed, 11 incredibly rapidly, 12 amazing, 13 crowded, 14 fast, 15 truly innovative

3) WB 32/1+2, 33/3

4) CB 70/Vocabulary 1+2+3 + Practice

5) study Unit 8 definitions: CB page150 + Intelligent vocabulary (glossary, Unit 8)

6) print off the worksheet below and complete the exercises

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