IB, UNIT 10 REVIEW TEST - KEY II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each) odhady zmenšujících se zásob ropy – __estimates of depleting oil reserves_________ průkazné provozní náklady jaderné elektrárny – proven running costs of a nuclear power plant nedokonalý scénář udržitelného rozvoje – imperfect scenario of sustainable development odkázaný na spotřebu neobnovitelných zdrojů – reliant on consumption of non-renewable resources zastaralé nešetrné (agresivní) těžební techniky – obsolete, invasive drilling techniques přejít na hojnou solární a příbojovou energii – to switch to abundant solar and wave energies poptávka předstihující nabídku – demand outpacing supply snížit emise skleníkových plynů – to lower the emission of greenhouse gases B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each) 1. a large-scale disruption in electric power supply, loss of light, power, or communications: blackout 2. goods, services and practices considered to inflict little harm on the environment: environment(ally) friendly C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase: (2 points each) ENVIRONMENT, TIDAL ENERGY, LEGACY, RENTAL RETURNS, DEPLETION, TRANSMISSION 1. The depletion of oil resources will bring our civilization close to a disaster. In Czech or Slovak: _____________________________________ 2. Boosting property values will result in higher rental returns. In Czech or Slovak: _____________________________________ 3.One day we’ll be able to use methods such as satellite power transmission to the Earth. In Czech or Slovak: _____________________________________ D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each) ABANDON – SHRINK – SOAR – USE UP SURMISE – AFFECT – CEASE – INTERRUPT 1. John was directly ___affected_ by the construction of the new factory. 2. The EU has decided _to abandon__ the policy of penalizing member states. 3.Unfortunately, supplies of electricity were often interrupted by power cuts. 4. Scientists in general __surmise that the planet will become warmer soon. E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each) 1. The judge was _impartial when deciding the complicated case and the verdict was fair. (PART) 2. This website offers digital calipers, micrometers, indicators and other __precision_ tools.(PRECISE) 3.When prices of new products are _prohibitively_ high, people can’t buy them. (PROHIBIT) 4. The increasing petroleum consumption is very noticeable_ worldwide. (NOTICE) III. Grammar: (max. 30 points) points A. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition or adverbial, if necessary: (1 point each) 1. All the study results were taken ___for_____ granted by everybody. 2.NASA will conduct a research ____on/into____ the possibility of flying to Mars. 3.Oil reserves will probably be used ____up____ in 20 to 30 years. 4.A steep rise ____in____ the price of oil could be devastating. 5. Let’s get Mary ___onto___ the energy consumption research, she’ll do it. 6. They gave him $10,000 to compensate him ___for___ his troubles. B. Rewrite the sentences with the given words so that they mean the same as the original ones: (3 points each) 1. I didn’t accept the job last year and therefore I can’t go for a business trip to Alaska now. If I __had accepted the job last year__, I _could go for a business trip to Alaska_ now. 2. The machine won’t keep making the noise if you turn it off. The machine _will keep making the noise_ unless _you turn it off_. 3. Jane didn’t marry Paul in the past because she is always so indecisive. Jane _would have married Paul_ if she _wasn't so indecisive_. C. Put the VERBS and other words in brackets into their correct forms, add prepositions, particles or auxiliary verbs if necessary. You may need to use the passive forms of the verbs: (1 point each) The problem of increasing energy consumption _can't be solved by_ (CAN, not, SOLVE) countries individually. Citizens of these countries _should make governments think about___ (SHOULD, MAKE, governments, THINK) it and try to find a solution. Austria, for example, _has avoided considering running (AVOID, CONSIDER, RUN) a nuclear power station for many years but the shortage of electricity will soon force them to start_ (soon, FORCE, they, START) a public debate about this option. Especially when countries like Russia are likely to threaten to use_ (BE likely, THREATEN, USE) their energetic potential as a way of influencing Europe’s policy. It _is no use waiting for_ (BE no use, WAIT) a miracle here, we have to act quickly. It is true that if Norway _had decided to join_ (DECIDE, JOIN) the EU in 1995, Europe _could risk having_ (CAN, RISK, HAVE) a much stricter policy towards Russia now. So these countries will surely make every effort _to postpone being dependent on_ (POSTPONE, BE, dependent) energy from abroad. D. Choose suitable words or phrases that can complete each sentence. The number of correct answers is 0 – 4. (2 points each) 1. Veronica would definitely tell us the answer if she ____a,b,c__. A: were here B: was here C: had studied for the exam D: can speak 2. If I _____________ you, I _____________ the unknown food. a,b,c,d A: was ... would never eat B: were ... would have never eaten C: were ... would never have eaten D: were ... would never eat 3. ____________ oil had never been discovered. a,b A: If only B: I wish C: Only if D: Provided that IV. Translation: (max. 16 points) points Translate the following sentences into English: Zastánci využívání fosilních paliv nadsazují údaje o odhadech světových zásob ropy a plynu a nepřipouštějí, že se tyto zásoby ztenčují; propagují také jadernou energii a vůbec se nezaměřují na záležitost uložení jaderného odpadu. Podporují rozvoj nealternativních zdrojů a tvrdí, že větrná, vodní, solární ani přílivová energie nebudou schopny pokrýt (vyrovnávat) naše vzrůstající požadavky, což povede k situaci, kdy většina zboží bude cenově nedostupná a neekonomická. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ The proponents of fossil fuel consumption inflate/exaggerate the data on the estimates of world/global oil and gas reserves, and deny the fact that those reserves are depleting. They also promote nuclear energy, without considering the issue of nuclear waste dumps. They support the development of non-renewable resources and claim that wind, water, solar and tidal energies will not be sufficient to meet our growing demand, which will lead to a situation where the majority of goods/products will become unaffordable and uneconomic.