Key Greetings and introduction (G&I) Preview (P) Body (B) Review (R) Closing (C) Ordering (O) Moving on (MO) Visuals (V) Good News (GN) Bad News (BN) to c o c CD to o 1 I would like to welcome you all to our new premises this morning. (G&I) 2 For those who don't know me, my name is Fiona Henry and I am from Dowell, Inc. (G&I) 3 I'm going to start off by showing you the latest figures. (P) 4 Today you are going to hear about our sales targets. (P) 5 The first part of my presentation will deal with new marketing strategies. (P,0) 6 After that I am going to go over / through some new procedures. (P,0) 7 Leaving this topic for the moment, I would like you to turn your attention to these sales results. (B, MO) 8 Now I would like to move on to the next topic. (B, MO) 9 This brings me to my next point. (B, MO) 10 If you would just take a look at this chart, you'll see what I mean. (B,V) 11 I am going to hand out / round some information for you to look at. (B,V) 12 We are extremely optimistic about our new product range. (B, GN) 13 We are very proud of the new product line. (B, GN) 14 We are sure that we are on the way to recovery. (B, GN) 15 In the last two years, our sales figures have fallen by five per cent. (B, BN) 16 It is clear to all of us that certain steps have to be taken to keep more problems from arising. (B, BN) 17 I would like to recap on what I have just said. (R) 18 I would just like to point out the main issues we covered today. (R) 19 And to sum up, we have complete confidence in the new products. (R,C) 20 In conclusion, I feel it is necessary to mention that we will have to rethink some of our sales strategies. (R, C) 21 I hope this presentation has brought you up-to-date with the latest developments. (C) 22 Thank you all for taking the time to come here today. (C) In Business © Cambridge University Press 2005 Photocopiable