Seminar groups - Eva Punčochářová
Unit 11
Homework for 29 March
- CB p.93/Keynotes
- CB p.95/Article + Questions in Handout Unit 11
- Print Stocks and shares (below) and do the first part (Stocks and shares 1)
- Grammar - print Future forms, study the first theory page and do the exercises on the following page (Practice 7)
- News: group 8,30 - Selecká Kristína (Volník Michal), group 10,15 - Indra Luděk (Kovařík Jaroslav), group 12,00 - Brázdilová Kamila (Poláková Tereza)
Homework for 31 March
- from last lesson - Stocks and shares 1
- Unit 11 - vocabulary from the article + p.96/Reading 3,4
- CB p.97/Vocabulary + Practice
- WB unit 11/Vocabulary
- News: group 8,30 - Volník Michal (Janatová Andrea), group 10,15 - Kovařík Jaroslav (Líčeník David), group 12,00 - Poláková Tereza (Mańas Jan)
Homework for 5 April
- from last lesson - WB unit 11/Vocabulary
- Stocks and shares 2
- CB p.100/Dilemma/Brief
- WB p.47/Reading
- Grammar - study the second theory page + do the exercises on the following page
- Handout unit 11 - ex. 2-5
- News: group 8,30 - Volník Michal + Janatová Andrea (Novák Tomáš), group 10,15 - Líčeník David (Láncoš Vojtěch), group 12,00 - Maňas Jan (Klement Vojtěch)