EBS, UNIT 19: ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I. Translate into English Účetní položka Výkaz o finanční situaci (2 phrases) Výkaz o pohybu hotovosti Vlastní jmění akciové společnosti Závazky z obchodního styku Br.E./Am. E. Valná hromada Aktiva/Pasiva II. Find words or phrases that correspond with the definitions below Calculating all the expenses involved in producing something, including materials, labour, and all other expenses. Anything owned by a business – cash, buildings, machines, equipment, etc. All the money that a business spends on goods or services during a given period. Inspecting and reporting on accounts and financial records. Assets whose value can only be turns into cash with difficulty (e.g.: reputation, patents, trade marks ). Capital that shareholders have contributed to the company above the nominal value of the stock. Money owed by customers for goods and services purchased on credit. Reduction in the value of the assets. III. Complete the sentences with appropriate words from the ones listed below Deferred, inventory, cost price, incur, invoice, proceeds, net tangible assets, goodwill 1. We received a(n)______________ for $2,500 for their services. 2. You may _______________ bank charges if you exceed your overdraft limit. 3. Channel 4 has acquired considerable_______________ for its excellent coverage of racing. 4. In many jurisdictions, income taxes may be________________ to future periods by a number of means. IV. Complete the sentences below with an appropriate preposition if necessary 1. The new drug is derived ______ fish oil. 2. The committee comprises ______ representatives from both the public and private sectors. 3. The country owes billions of dollars _____ foreign creditors. 4. There are plans to increase expenditure _____ health.