Angličtina I/4 BPJ_JI4A Seminar groups 01, 10, 17 Wednesday, 2 March 2011 Unit 15 – Venture capital Exercise based on Vocabulary 1, page 79 rysy služeb a jejich užitky pro zákazníky = zaplnit mezeru v sortimentu výrobků = jmenovat poradce na základě jeho obchodních zkušeností = zahrnout cenovou strategii do finančního plánu = nastínit únikovou strategii = tržby požadované k dosažení bodu zvratu = předpokládané finanční výkazy a předpovědi tržeb = ocenit udržitelnou konkurenční výhodu = předvídat silné stránky a překonávat slabé stránky = životopis umístěný v příloze = Listening 2, page 76: Listen to the talk and answer the following questions: 1. What is typical for investing by venture capitalists? They don’t _____________________________ but _____________________________; it means that they must also _____________________________ from ____________________________. 2. What is the general source of investing capital for venture capitalists? It’s the _______________________, i.e. _____________________ and ____________________. 3. How much of their money do these capital-providers spend on investing? It is _______________________ of their _______________________. 4. How is this capital for investing acquired and subsequently managed? The money comes from _______________________ and the institutions raise it ______________ ___________ and they _______________________ within _______________________; in other words, they spend the first half by _______________________ and the second half by _______________________. 5. What usually happens if it is not possible to get the invested money back within the given period? Most of such investments is just _______________________ in the _______________________ and assisting them to get to a state where they could ________________ or _______________ on _________________________, so you may _______________ the invested capital.