Angličtina I/4 BPJ_JI4A Seminar groups 01, 10, 17 Wednesday, 30 March 2011 Unit 19 – Accounting & financial statements Exercise based on Vocabulary, page 95, and Reading 1, page 97 vedení účetních knih s položkami Má dáti a Dal = odložená platba splatná věřiteli = výnos z hmotných i nehmotných aktiv = nastalý, ale nevyfakturovaný závazek = nerozdělený zisk vyplývající z akruálního účetnictví = běžná (krátkodobá) pasiva odečtená od oběžných aktiv = závazky a pohledávky = emisní ážio z kmenových akcií = dlouhodobá investice do dobrého jména firmy = dlouhodobý hmotný majetek zakoupený na úvěr = zdaněná čistá aktiva po odpisech = Exercise based on Listening, page 98 Listen to the talk by Richard Barker about valuing assets and answer the following questions: 1. What financial statement provides information on the value of a company? _________________________________________ 2. Which assets are easy to value? _____________ in _______________________ or _______________ in a ____________________ 3. How does a company measure its profit? They measure a ___________________ in their ____________________. 4. What does the difference between what a company is worth at the beginning of a year and at its end refer to? It refers to the ___________________ or ___________________ the company has made. 5. How is the value of an airport determined? Determining the value of an airport is quite a _______________________ to ___________________. 6. How can a company realize a reduction in the value of a runway? Every year a company takes the _______________________ on the _______________________ and ___________________ it ___________________________. 7. Which two factors are included in accounting? It includes a lot of ___________________ and ___________________. 8. What does the value of an asset depend on? It depends on ___________________ that cannot be ___________________ very ______________.