Angličtina I/4 BPJ_JI4A Seminar groups 01, 10, 17 Wednesday, 6 April 2011 Unit 21 – Takeovers Exercise based on Reading, page 105 dosáhnout synergie rozprodáním dceřinných společností = tržní kapitalizace převyšující hodnotu celkových aktiv = podléhat nabídce k převzetí = útok (na ceny akcií) vedoucí k získání rozhodujícího podílu = získat částečné vlastnictví pro dosažení úspor v nákladech = získat větší podíl na trhu převzetím konkurenta = velké konglomeráty maskující protichůdné jevy = spustit nepřátelské převzetí místo přátelského = finančníci zaměřující se na podhodnocené a nevýkonné firmy = diverzifikovat své služby a vstoupit na nový trh = snížit konkurenci na trhu fúzí = útočníci (finanční) vydělávající peníze na rozprodávání aktiv = Exercise based on Listening 1, page 107 Listen to the talk by Rory Taylor about the Competition Commission in London and answer the following questions: 1. What is the American term used for a competition investigation office? _____________________________________ 2. How does he describe the role of the institution? It oversees _________________ having a potential impact of ______________________________ in a _______________________, or it generally oversees markets and checks whether _______________ is working _________________ and _________________ the _________________. 3. What general economic policy does the country pursue? They have a _________________________________________. 4. What does he say about ‘good’ companies? Good and _________________ companies have _________________ to _________________ from the _______________________________________. 5. What feedback do they have from companies? The companies come to tell them that ________________ is ________________ to ______________ their business _________________ and _________________. 6. What does he say about the competition regime in developed countries? As he says, there is a general _________________ that it’s a necessary _________________________ unless it’s ___________________________________. Angličtina I/4 BPJ_JI4A Seminar groups 01, 10, 17 Wednesday, 6 April 2011 Exercise based on Listening 3, page 108 Listen to the talk by Rory Taylor about ways of breaking competition law and answer the following questions: 1. What does he say about markets not working competitively? There could be a _______________ of _______________ causing it; companies are just ___________ _________________ and reacting to whatever _________________ they are facing. 2. What examples of breaking the law does he give, and who supervises it? He mentions _________________ and _________________ of the law; the supervisor is the _________________________________. 3. Which two types of offences does he talk about? The first one is _________________ of a ______________________________ while the other one is _________________ or ___________________________, which is currently being looked into by the _________________________________. 4. What penalties are involved in these cases? A company can be _________________ as much as _________________ of its _________________ _________________ if it is ________________________________ of this offence.