PRESENTATION – feedback form assessing a pair of presenters Criteria Assessment scale 0-5 (0 – the lowest mark, 5 = the highest mark) Student A (name:_______) Student B (name:_______) 1. Structure your presentation into introduction, body, conclusion and questions. 2. Make use of clear, powerful visual aids that do not overload your audience. 3. Use clear, simple language, avoiding jargon. 4. Use active verbs and concrete facts. 5. Explain the structure of your presentation at the beginning so that your listeners know what to expect. 6. Link each section of your presentation. 7. Signpost your presentation from beginning to end so that your listeners know where they are. 8. Overcome your nerves. 9. Establish audience rapport.(e.g. interaction, questions, contest, anecdote, real life story) 10. Be aware of your body language, maintain friendly face. 11. Maintain interest by varying the speed, volume and pitch of your voice. 12. Deal with listeners’ questions politely and show them you are knowledgeable. 13. Respond to your audience positively. 14. Give your objectives (purpose, aim). 15. Sequence your ideas. (from general to specific / from known to unknown / chronologically / cause-effect / in the logical order ,etc.) 16. Use linking ideas to make transitions. (“now let´s turn to …”) 17. Avoid making grammatical errors or spelling mistakes on the slide (they are in plain view all the time of your visual). Total: Student A ___________________/85 points Student B ___________________/85 points Personal comment (comment briefly on what you appreciate and/or should be improved): Student A _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Student B _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________