/Vocabulary - Unit 16 (, max. 30points) _points A. Translate the following expressionsfrom C^ech into English: (2 pis per item; total: 14 pis) výhoda dluhového financování proti ekvitnímu financování —_ nevylučovat značné fluktuace cen —_ stávající dluhopisy ztrácející na hodnotě —_ spekulanti obviňovaní z prudce rostoucích cen kávy —_ odečíst ze zisku před zdaněním úroky z dluhopisů —_ investovat v souladu s principem rozložení rizika —_ investice slibující jak růst kapitálu, tak poměrně vysoký výnos —_ B. Complete the sentences with correctforms of the following verb: (1 pt per item; total: 5 pis) MATURE, DEDUCT, HEAD, DEFAULT, SECURITIZE GENERATE, OWE, PAY, SELL, OWN 1. Their shares_a relatively high yield of about 5.4 per cent. 2. UK manufacturing may be_for recession. 3. A large commercial office building in the City of London has been put onto the market after its owner _on loans last year. 4. We will make a decision two months before the debt_. 5. He estimates that the research has_benefits of US $19 million a year. C. Complete each sentence with a word made from the words given in brackets: (1 pt per item; total: 5 pts) 1. Basic rate tax payers need to earn 4.13% just to maintain the _ power of their savings. (PURCHASE) 2. Donations are tax_for US tax payers. (DEDUCT) 3. _ transparency can have adverse effects on market competition and price formation. (SUFFICE) 4. Russia possesses significant potential as a car market, partly due to its_population and relatively low level of car ownership. (SIZE) 5. The UK Chancellor's plans for the financial year ahead will be_in the House of Commons from 12.30 pm. (VEIL) D. Give the terms the following definitions refer to: (2 pts per item; total: 6 pts) 1. the rate of income an investor receives from a security 2. long-term bonds issued by the British government 3. due date of a debt at which time the principal must be repaid BPJJI4A Jazyk 1/4 - Angličtina, Petra Wachsmuthová