Vocabulary Review Test PJI4A Unit 14, English for Business Studies II. Vocabulary: (max. 34 points) points A. Translate the following expressions into English: (2 points each) přečerpat účet a zaplatit vyšší úrokovou sazbu – schválit výši dividendy na výroční valné hromadě akcionářů – vybrat peníze z bankomatu – nesplácet hypotéku a pozastavit trvalý příkaz – pravděpodobný nárůst daně z přidané hodnoty vedoucí ke snížení schodku státního rozpočtu – vložit finanční aktiva do společného fondu a převést je na cenné papíry – neúspěšná snaha zachránit banky, z nichž mnohé musely odepsat spoustu peněz nebo dokonce zkrachovaly – poskytovat půjčky malým podnikatelům, aniž by půjčka byla jištěna zástavou – B. Write expressions the following definitions refer to: (2 points each) 1. removal or simplification of government rules and regulations that constrain the operation of market forces: 2. financial practice of pooling various types of contractual debt such as residential mortgages, commercial mortgages, auto loans or credit card debt obligations and selling that debt as bonds, pass-through securities: C. Complete the sentence with one of the following phrases; translate the selected phrase into Czech. (2 points each) CREDIT CRUNCH – QUANTITATIVE EASING – STOCKBROKING – COLLATERALIZED DEBT OBLIGATIONS – STATEMENT – HEDGE FUNDS 1. If you want them to understand your situation, send them your last bank _______________. In Czech: ____________________ 2. Most _______________ analysts believe that major changes are inevitable In Czech: ______________________ 3. _______________ is a derivative product based on mortgages which have been sold to many financial institutions In Czech: ____________________ D. Complete the sentences with correct forms of the following verbs; some verbs are not used: (1 point each) BID – RETAIL – GRANT – ISSUE – REPEAL – COMMIT - RESTORE 1. The company managed _______ its reputation and win customer loyalty back. 2. How much do these components __________ at? 3. The conglomerate __________ the highest price and increased its chances of success. 4. The law, which was passed a year ago, was __________ for failing to achieve the desired results. E. Complete each sentence with a word made from the word given in brackets. (1 point each) 1. Microfinance gurus claim that providing loans to the poor does not ___________ lead to default on the loan. (NECCESARY) 2. Banks were made to write off millions of dollars of _______________ securities. (WORTH) 3. I am afraid my account has been ____________ and I cannot take any more money out. (DRAW) 4. Islamic banks do not pay interest to ____________or charge borrowers. (DEPOSIT) 5. The deal is ______________ for us and we won’t sign it. (ACCEPT)