Econometrics 2 - Lecture 5 Multi-equation Models Contents nSystems of Regression Equations nMultivariate Regression Models nSUR Model: Estimation nSimultaneous Equation Models nSimultaneous Equation Models: Identification nIdentification: Criteria nSingle Equation Estimation Methods nSystem Estimation Methods n n n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 2 Multiple Dependent Variables April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 3 In general, economic processes involve a multiple set of variables which show a simultaneous and interrelated development Examples: nHouseholds consume a set of commodities (food, durables, etc.); the demanded quantities depend on the prices of commodities, the household income, the number of persons living in the household, etc. A consumption model includes a set of dependent variables and a common set of explanatory variables. nThe market of a product is characterized by (a) the demanded and supplied quantity and (b) the price of the product; a model for the market consists of equations representing the development and interdependencies of these variables. nAn economy consists of markets for commodities, labor, finances, etc. A model for a sector or the full economy contains descriptions of the development of the relevant variables and their interactions. Systems of Regression Equations April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 4 Economic processes involve the simultaneous developments as well as interrelations of a set of dependent variables nFor modeling an economic process a system of relations, typically in the form of regression equations: multi-equation model Example: Two dependent variables yt1 and yt2 are modeled as yt1 = x‘t1β1 + εt1 yt2 = x‘t2β2 + εt2 with V{εti} = σi2 for i = 1, 2, Cov{εt1, εt2} = σ12 ≠ 0 Typical situations: 1.The set of regressors xt1 and xt2 coincide 2.The set of regressors xt1 and xt2 differ, may overlap 3.Regressors contain one or both dependent variables 4.Regressors contain lagged variables Types of Multi-equation Models April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 5 Multivariate regression or multivariate multi-equation model nA set of regression equations, each explaining one of the dependent variables qPossibly common explanatory variables qSeemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model: each equation is a valid specification of a linear regression, related to other equations only by the error terms qSee cases 1 and 2 of “typical situations” (slide 4) Simultaneous equation models nDescribe the relations within the system of economic variables qin form of model equations qSee cases 3 and 4 of “typical situations” (slide 4) Error terms: dependence structure is specified by means of second moments or as joint probability distribution Capital Asset Pricing Model April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 6 Capital asset pricing (CAP) model: describes the return Ri of asset i Ri - Rf = βi(E{Rm} – Rf) + εi with qRf: return of a risk-free asset qRm: return of the market portfolio nβi: indicates how strong fluctuations of the returns of asset i are determined by fluctuations of the market as a whole nKnowledge of the return difference Ri - Rf will give information on the return difference Rj - Rf of asset j , at least for some assets nAnalysis of a set of assets i = 1, …, s qThe error terms εi, i = 1, …, s, represent common factors, have a common dependence structure qEfficient use of information: simultaneous analysis A Model for Investment nGrunfeld investment data [Greene, (2003), Chpt.13; Grunfeld & Griliches (1960)]: Panel data set on gross investments Iit of firms over 20 years and related data nInvestment decisions are assumed to be determined by n Iit = βi1 + βi2Fit + βi3Cit + εit n with qFit: market value of firm at the end of year t-1 qCit: value of stock of plant and equipment at the end of year t-1 nSimultaneous analysis of equations for the various firms: efficient use of information qError terms for the firms include common factors such as economic climate qCoefficients may be the same for the firms April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 7 The Hog Market April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 8 Model equations: Qd = α1 + α2P + α3Y + ε1 (demand equation) Qs = β1 + β2P + β3Z + ε2 (supply equation) Qd = Qs (equilibrium condition) with Qd: demanded quantity, Qs: supplied quantity, P: price, Y: income, and Z: costs of production, or Q = α1 + α2P + α3Y + ε1 (demand equation) Q = β1 + β2P + β3Z + ε2 (supply equation) nModel describes the equilibrium transaction quantity and price nModel determines simultaneously Q and P, given Y and Z nError terms qMay be correlated: Cov{ε1, ε2} ≠ 0 nSimultaneous analysis necessary for efficient use of information Klein‘s Model I April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 9 1.Ct = α1 + α2Pt + α3Pt-1 + α4(Wtp+ Wtg) + εt1 (consumption) 2.It = β1 + β2Pt + β3Pt-1 + β4Kt-1 + εt2 (investment) 3.Wtp = γ1 + γ2Xt + γ3Xt-1 + γ4t + εt3 (wages) 4.Xt = Ct + It + Gt 5.Kt = It + Kt-1 6.Pt = Xt – Wtp – Tt with C (consumption), P (profits), Wp (private wages), Wg (governmental wages), I (investment), K-1 (capital stock), X (national product), G (governmental demand), T (taxes) and t [time (year-1936)] nModel determines simultaneously C, I, Wp, X, K, and P nSimultaneous analysis necessary in order to take dependence structure of error terms into account: efficient use of information n Examples of Multi-equation Models April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 10 Multivariate regression models nCapital asset pricing (CAP) model: for all assets, return Ri is a function of E{Rm} – Rf; dependence structure of the error terms caused by common variables nModel for investment: firm-specific regressors, dependence structure of the error terms like in CAP model nSeemingly unrelated regression (SUR) models Simultaneous equation models nHog market model: endogenous regressors, dependence structure of error terms nKlein’s model I: endogenous regressors, dynamic model, dependence of error terms from different equations and possibly over time Single- vs. Multi-equation Models April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 11 Complications for estimation of parameters of multi-equation models: nDependence structure of error terms nViolation of exogeneity of regressors Example: Hog market model, demand equation Q = α1 + α2P + α3Y + ε1 nP is not exogenous: Cov{P, ε1} = (σ12 - σ12)/(β2 - α2) ≠ 0 nCovariance matrix of ε = (ε1, ε2)’ n Statistical analysis of multi-equation models requires methods adapted to these features Analysis of Multi-equation Models April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 12 Issues of interest: nEstimation of parameters nInterpretation of model characteristics, prediction, etc. Estimation procedures nMultivariate regression models qGLS , FGLS, ML nSimultaneous equation models qSingle equation methods: indirect least squares (ILS), two stage least squares (TSLS), limited information ML (LIML) qSystem methods of estimation: three stage least squares (3SLS), full information ML (FIML) qDynamic models: estimation methods for vector autoregressive (VAR) and vector error correction (VEC) models n Contents nSystems of Regression Equations nMultivariate Regression Models nSUR Model: Estimation nSimultaneous Equation Models nSimultaneous Equation Models: Identification nIdentification: Criteria nSingle Equation Estimation Methods nSystem Estimation Methods n n n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 13 The SUR Model April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 14 Seemingly unrelated regression model Multivariate regression model: the general case, m equations yt1 = x‘t1β1 + εt1 … ytm = x‘tmβm + εtm with V{εti} = σi2 for i = 1,…,m; Cov{εti, εtj} = σij ≠ 0 for i ≠ j , i,j = 1,…,m, and t = 1,…,T, i.e., contemporaneously correlated error terms Regressors nCan be specific for each equation nMultivariate regression with common regressors xti = xt for i = 1,…,m e.g., the CAP model n Example: Investment Model nInvestment model based on the Grunfeld data set [Greene, (2003), Chpt.13; Grunfeld & Griliches (1960)] n Iit = bi1 + bi2Fit + bi3Cit + εit n with qIit: gross investment Iit of firm i qFit: market value of firm at the end of year t-1 qCit: value of stock of plant and equipment at the end of year t-1 nExplanatory variables observed for firm i may affect other firms due to the dependence structure of the error terms nEstimation methods qEach equation separately using OLS qGeneralized least squares estimation may take dependence structure of the error terms into account April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 15 The SUR Model: Notation April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 16 For m = 2 nWith T-vectors yi, εi, and (TxK)-matrix Xi yi = Xi βi + εi, i = 1, 2 and V{εti} = σi2, Cov{εt1, εt2} = σ12 ≠ 0 for t = 1,…,T, nWith 2T-vectors n n n n and The Kronecker Product April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 17 Definition of the Kronecker product of matrices A (order nxm) and B (order pxq) The product matrix has the order npxmq Some rules: suitable A, B, C, D square A, B Contents nSystems of Regression Equations nMultivariate Regression Models nSUR Model: Estimation nSimultaneous Equation Models nSimultaneous Equation Models: Identification nIdentification: Criteria nSingle Equation Estimation Methods nSystem Estimation Methods n n n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 18 Parameter Estimation April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 19 For m = 2 OLS estimators for β1 and β2 on basis of yi = Xi βi + εi, i = 1, 2 nbi = (Xi‘Xi)-1 Xi‘yi, i = 1, 2 nOr nWith V{bi} = σi2(Xi‘Xi)-1 nIgnores Σ ≠ I, i.e., the contemporaneous correlation of error terms GLS estimators n nwith Analogous for any number m of equations n n n n and Investment Model nInvestment models n Iit = b1 + b2Fit + b3Cit + εit n for General Motors, Chrysler, and General Electric n n n n n n n n n n F: market value, C: value of stock April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 20 b1 b2 b3 R2 OLS GLS OLS GLS OLS GLS GM -149.8 -133.6 0.119 0.115 0.371 0.376 0.92 p-val. 0.175 0.178 0.0002 0.0001 1.5E-8 3.1E-9 Crysler -6.190 -3.266 0.078 0.073 0.316 0.320 0.91 p-val. 0.653 0.794 0.0011 0.0009 4.0E-9 8.6E-10 GE -9.96 -11.96 0.027 0.028 0.152 0.152 0.71 p-val. 0.755 0.680 0.106 0.067 1.7E-5 6.1E-6 The General SUR Model April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 21 SUR model with m equations nThe i-the equation: T-vectors yi, εi, and (TxKi)-matrix Xi yi = Xi βi + εi, i = 1, …, m V{εti} = σi2, Cov{εti, εtj} = σij ≠ 0 for i, j = 1, …, m, t = 1,…,T, nFull model n n n n with FGLS Estimator April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 22 2-step procedure: estimation of GLS estimators n requires knowledge of covariance matrix V of the error terms 1.OLS estimation of each of the m equations; calculation of the m-squared matrix S = E’E/T, estimator of Σ, using the Txm matrix E = (e1, …, em) of OLS residuals, with elements sij of S sij = (Σt etietj)/T for i,j = 1, …, m; suitable degree of freedom correction 2.GLS estimation using instead of V the estimated matrix i.e., V with sij substituted for σij for i, j = 1, …, m n n n n and GLS and OLS Estimators April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 23 GLS estimators n nMore efficient than OLS estimators nEfficiency gain increases qwith growing correlation of error terms qwith shrinking correlation of regressors nGLS estimator for βi coincides with OLS estimator bi if qmatrix Xi of regressors is the same for all equations: Xi = X qεti is uncorrelated with all εtj, j ≠ i nFGLS estimates are consistent, asymptotically efficient Goodness of Fit Measures April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 24 Definition of an R2-like measure: n n n with using the Txm matrix of FGLS residuals and analogously the mxm matrix Syy of sample covariances of the yti An alternative measure is SUR Model in GRETL April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 25 Model > simultaneous equation … nto be specified qthe simultaneous equations qoption for estimator: Seemingly Unrelated Regression (sur) nFGLS estimation Contents nSystems of Regression Equations nMultivariate Regression Models nSUR Model: Estimation nSimultaneous Equation Models nSimultaneous Equation Models: Identification nIdentification: Criteria nSingle Equation Estimation Methods nSystem Estimation Methods n n n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 26 Example: Two-equation Model April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 27 Dependent variables Y1, Y2; the model is Y1 = α1 + α2Y2 + α3X1 + ε1 (equation A) Y2 = β1 + β2Y1 + β3X2 + ε2 (equation B) 1.Violation of assumption A2 (exogeneity of regressors): a positive ε1 qresults in an increase of Y1 (see equation A) qConsequence of this (see equation B) is, given a positive β2, an increase of Y2 qi.e., ε1 and Y2 are correlated 2.Biased OLS estimators qLarge values of Y1 are observed – due to positive values of ε1 – together with large values of Y2 qOverestimated α2 Example: Market Model April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 28 Describes the transactions in the market of a commodity, e.g., hogs Qd = α1 + α2P + α3Y + ε1 (demand equation) Qs = β1 + β2P + β3Z + ε2 (supply equation) Qd = Qs (equilibrium condition, market clearing assumption) with Qd: demanded quantity, Qs: supplied quantity, P: price, Y: income, and Z: costs of production, or Q = α1 + α2P + α3Y + ε1 (demand equation) Q = β1 + β2P + β3Z + ε2 (supply equation) nModel describes the equilibrium transaction quantity Q and price P nExogeneity assumption for variables Y, Z qModel determines simultaneously Q and P, given Y and Z qEndogenous variables: Q, P Market Model April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 29 Structural form of the model Q = α1 + α2P + α3Y + ε1 (demand equation) Q = β1 + β2P + β3Z + ε2 (supply equation) Corresponding reduced form Q = π11 + π12Y + π13Z + u1 P = π21 + π22Y + π23Z + u2 with π11 = (α1 β2–α2 β1)/(β2–α2), u1 = (β2 ε1–α2 ε2)/(β2–α2), etc. nGiven values for Y and Z, values for Q and P can be calculated nParameter estimation: qEstimates from structural form parameters are biased, inconsistent; see above qReduced form equations are a SUR model; FGLS estimates are consistent, asymptotically efficient Simultaneous Equation Models: Estimation April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 30 Issues: nEstimation problem: What methods can be applied to multi-equation model, what properties will the estimates have? nIdentification problem: Given estimates of reduced form parameters, can from them structural parameters be derived? Types of Variables April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 31 Endogenous variables nDetermined by the model Exogenous variables nDetermined from outside the model nTypes of exogenous variables qStrictly exogenous variables: uncorrelated with past, actual, and future error terms qPredetermined variables: uncorrelated with actual and future error terms, e.g., lagged endogenous variables Complete system of equations: number of equations equals the number of endogenous variables Structural and Reduced Form April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 32 Structural form: represents relations between endogenous variables and exogenous (and predetermined) variables according to economic theory Reduced form: describes the dependence of endogenous variables upon exogenous or predetermined variables Coefficients of nStructural form: Interpretation as structural parameters corresponding to economic theory nReduced form: Interpretation as impact multiplicator, indicating the effects of changes of the predetermined variables on endogenous variables Market Model: Structural Form April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 33 Structural form of the 2-equation model Qt = α1 + α2Pt + α3Yt + εt1 (demand equation) Qt = β1 + β2Pt + β3Zt + εt2 (supply equation) with εt = (εt1, εt2)‘: bivariate white noise with Structural form in matrix notation: Ayt = Γzt + εt with yt = (Qt, Pt)‘, zt = (1, Yt, Zt)‘ Market Model: Reduced Form April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 34 Reduced form in matrix notation yt = A-1 Γzt + A-1εt = Πzt + ut with and Ω = V{ut} = A-1 Σ(A-1)’ Reduced form equations: Qt = π11 + π12Yt + π13Zt + ut1 Pt = π21 + π22Yt + π23Zt + ut2 Multi-equation Model: General Structural Form April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 35 Model with m endogenous variables (and equations), K regressors Ayt = Γzt + εt with m-vectors yt and εt, K-vector zt, (mxm)-matrix A, (mxK)-matrix Γ, and (mxm)-matrix Σ = V{εt} Structure of the multi-equation model: (A, Γ, Σ) Structural parameters: Elements of A and Γ Normalized matrix A: αii = 1 for all i Complete multi-equation model: A is a square matrix with full rank, i.e., A is invertible Recursive multi-equation model: A is a lower triangular matrix, i.e., yti can be regressor in equations j with j > i only Contents nSystems of Regression Equations nMultivariate Regression Models nSUR Model: Estimation nSimultaneous Equation Models nSimultaneous Equation Models: Identification nIdentification: Criteria nSingle Equation Estimation Methods nSystem Estimation Methods n n n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 36 Example: A Simple Market Model nStructural form of the 2-equation model n Qt = α1 + α2Pt + εt1 (demand equation) n Qt = β1 + β2Pt + εt2 (supply equation) nObservations (Qt, Pt), t = 1, …, T, qA cloud of points in the scatter diagram qOLS estimation gives slope and intercept: not clear whether these parameters correspond to demand or supply equation qDemand and supply equations are “not identified” nReduced form equations n Qt = π11 + ut1, Pt = π21 + ut2 n with π11 = (α1β2 – α2β1)/(β2 – α2), π21 = (α1 – β1)/(β2 – α2) n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 37 A Simple Market Model, cont’d nGiven estimates for π11 and π21, the two equations n π11 = (α1β2 – α2β1)/(β2 – α2) n π21 = (α1 – β1)/(β2 – α2) n have no unique solution for four structural parameters α1, α2, β1, and β2 n“Identifying” the demand or supply equation from the data is linked to a unique solution for the structural parameters nBoth the demand and supply equations are not identified or unidentified n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 38 A Modified Market Model n Qt = α1 + α2Pt + α3Yt + εt1 (demand equation) n Qt = β1 + β2Pt + εt2 (supply equation) nCoefficients of the reduced form n π11 = (α1β2 – α2β1)/(β2 – α2), π12 = α3β2/(β2 – α2) n π21 = (α1 – β1)/(β2 – α2), π22 = α3/(β2 – α2) n with OLS estimates pij, i, j =1, 2, j=1, 2 nSupply equation: estimates for β1, β2 are uniquely determined n b2 = p12/p22, b1 = p11 – p21b2 nDemand equation: only two equations for α1, …, α3 n a1 = p11 – p21a2, a3 = p22(b2 – a2) n No unique solutions nThe supply equation is identified, the demand equation is unidentified n n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 39 One more Market Model n Qt = α1 + α2Pt + α3Yt + εt1 (demand equation) n Qt = β1 + β2Pt + β3Zt + εt2 (supply equation) nOLS estimates for reduced form parameters pij, i=1, 2, j=1, ..., 3, give estimates n a2 = p13/p23, b2 = p12/p22 nThe parameters of the demand equation are uniquely determined: n a3 = p22(b2 – a2), a1 = p11 – p21a2 nThe supply equation parameters are uniquely determined: n b3 = – p23(b2 – a2), b1 = p11 – p21b2 nBoth the supply equation and the demand equation are identified n n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 40 Contents nSystems of Regression Equations nMultivariate Regression Models nSUR Model: Estimation nSimultaneous Equation Models nSimultaneous Equation Models: Identification nIdentification: Criteria nSingle Equation Estimation Methods nSystem Estimation Methods n n n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 41 Counting the Parameters nNumber of structural parameters: qA: mxm non-singular matrix, i.e., m2 parameters qΓ: mxK matrix, i.e., mK parameters qΣ: mxm symmetric, positive definite matrix, i.e., m(m+1)/2 parameters nNumber of reduced form parameters: qΠ: mxK matrix, i.e., mK parameters qΩ: mxm symmetric, positive definite matrix , i.e., m(m+1)/2 parameters nNumber of structural parameters exceeds that of reduced form parameters by m2 nIdentification requires further information such as restrictions for parameters n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 42 Identification: Parameter Restrictions nRestrictions on structural parameters: reduce the number of parameters to be estimated, so that equations are identified nNormalization: in each structural equation, one coefficient is a “1” nExclusion: the omission of a regressor in an equation results in a zero in A or Γ, i.e., reduces the number of structural parameters nIdentities, like equations 4 through 6 in Klein’s I model, reduce the number of structural parameters to be estimated nLinear – or non-linear – restrictions on structural parameters, restrictions on the elements of Σ also, reduce the number of structural parameters to be estimated nCheck of identification nOrder condition nRank condition n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 43 Order Condition nModel with m endogenous variables (and equations), K regressors n Ayt = Γzt + εt nEquation j: qmj: number of explanatory endogenous variables qmj*: number of excluded endogenous variables (mj* = m – mj – 1) qKj*: number of excluded exogenous variables (Kj* = K – Kj) nOrder Condition: Equation j is identified if n Kj* ≥ mj n i.e., the number of exogenous variables excluded from equation j is at least as large as the number of explanatory endogenous variables included in the equation nThe order condition is a necessary but not sufficient condition for identification n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 44 Market Model nModel: n Qt = α1 + α2Pt + α3Yt + εt1 (demand equation) n Qt = β1 + β2Pt + εt2 (supply equation) n m = 2 (Q, P), K = 2 (1 for the intercept, Y) nSupply equation (j = 2): n m2* = 0, m2 = 1, K2* = 1, K2 = 1 n Order condition is fulfilled: K2* = 1 = m2 = 1; the supply equation is identified nDemand equation (j = 1): n m1* = 0, m1 = 1, K1* = 0, K1 = 2 n Order condition is not fulfilled: K1* = 0 < m1 = 1; the demand equation is not identified April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 45 Rank Condition nModel with m endogenous variables (and equations), K regressors n Ayt = Γzt + εt nEquation j: qA*: obtained by deleting from A the j-th row and all column with a non-zero element in the j-th row qΓ*: obtained by deleting from Γ the j-th row and all column with a non-zero element in the j-th row nRank Condition: Equation j is identified if n r(A*| Γ*) ≥ m – 1 n i.e., the rank of the matrix (A*| Γ*) is at least as large as the number of endogenous variables minus 1 nThe order condition is a sufficient condition for identification of equation j n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 46 IS-LM Model n Ct = g11 – a14Yt + εt1 n It = g21 – a23Rt + εt2 n Rt = – a34Yt + g32Mt + εt3 n Yt = Ct + It + Zt nEquation 1: qOrder condition: K1* = 2 ≥ m1 = 1 qRank condition: r(A*| Γ*) = 3 ≥ m – 1 = 3 n n n n n Both conditions are fulfilled, equation 1 is identified April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 47 C: consumption, I: investments, R: interest rate, Y: production/income, M: money, Z: autonomous expendi-tures endo.: C,I,R,Y (m=4); exo.: 1,M,Z (K=3) n Identification Checking: The Practice 1.A multi-equation model is identified if each equation is identified 2.Most equations which fulfill the order condition also fulfill the rank condition 3.Identification checking for small models is usually easy; equations of large models usually are identified (large models contain large numbers of predetermined variables) 4.Addition of an equation to an identified model: the resulting model is identified if the new equation contains at least one additional variable 5. April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 48 Identification: More Notation nEquation j is 1.Exactly identified: Kj* = mj and rank condition is met 2.Overidentified: Kj* > mj and rank condition is met 3.Underidentified: Kj* < mj or rank condition fails n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 49 Contents nSystems of Regression Equations nMultivariate Regression Models nSUR Model: Estimation nSimultaneous Equation Models nSimultaneous Equation Models: Identification nIdentification: Criteria nSingle Equation Estimation Methods nSystem Estimation Methods n n n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 50 Simultaneous Equation Models: Estimation Methods 1.Single equation methods, also limited information methods qIndirect least squares estimation (ILS) qTwo stage least squares estimation (2SLS or TSLS) qLimited information ML estimation (LIML) 2.(Complete) system methods, also full information methods qThree stage least squares estimation (3SLS ) qFull information ML estimation (FIML) n n n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 51 The Modified Market Model nEstimator for β2 from n Qt = α2Pt + α3Yt + εt1 (demand equation) n Qt = β2Pt + εt2 (supply equation) n with contemporaneously correlated error terms n T-vectors p and q; nOLS estimate for β2 from the supply equation: b2 = (p‘p)-1p‘q; is biased nIV estimate for β2 with instrumental variable Y: b2IV = (y‘p)-1y‘q; is consistent nILS estimate: b2ILS = p2/p1 = (y‘p)-1y‘q n with OLS estimates p1 and p2 for π1 and π2 from the reduced form n P = π1Y + u1 n Q = π2Y + u2 n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 52 Modified Market Model, cont’d 4.2SLS estimate for β2 of the supply equation qStep 1: Regression of the explanatory variable P on the instrumental variable Y, calculation of fitted values q = [(y‘y)-1y‘p] y qStep 2: OLS estimation of β2 from Qt = β2 + vt q April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 53 OLS Estimation nOLS estimators of structural parameters: in general qbiased qnot consistent nBut often a feasible alternative qOLS estimator is efficient, i.e., has minimal variance; may be a good estimator in spite of unbiasedness qTends to be robust against not fulfilled assumptions qMay be advantageous for small or moderate sample sizes; not depending upon asymptotics nOLS estimators for parameters of recursive simultaneous equation models: asymptotically unbiased nOLS technique: important procedure in all estimation methods for simultaneous equation models n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 54 Indirect Least Squares (ILS) Estimation nModel with m endogenous variables (and equations), K regressors nStructural form n Ayt = Γzt + εt, V{εt} = Σ nReduced form n yt = A-1 Γzt + A-1εt = Πzt + ut , V{ut} = Ω nEstimation of the structural parameters of equation j: qStep 1: OLS estimation of reduced form parameters qStep 2: Calculation of estimates for structural parameters, solving AΠ = Γ for the structural parameters of equation j nEstimation of structural parameters of equation j: equation j needs to be identified April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 55 Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS) Estimation nEstimation of structural parameters of equation j n yj = Xjβj + εj = Yjαi + Zjγj + εj n with Xj: [Tx(mj-1+Kj)]-matrix of explanatory variables, Yj: [Tx(mj-1)]-matrix of explanatory endogenous variables, Zj: (TxKj)-matrix of exogenous variables n2SLS (or TSLS) estimation in two steps: qStep 1: OLS estimation of reduced form parameters Π, calculation of predictions Ŷj qStep 2: OLS estimation of structural parameters βj, using q yj = βj + vj n with = (Ŷj Zj) n2SLS (or TSLS) estimation of structural parameters of equation j requires the equation to be identified April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 56 Example: Hog Market nUS hog market 1922-1941 (Merill & Fox, 1971): P: retail price for hog (US cents, Q: hog-consumption p.c., Y: income p.c. (USD), Z: exogenous production factor n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 57 Hog Market: The Model nModel with endogenous variables Q, P, exogenous variables Y, Z n Qt = α1 + α2Pt + α3Yt + εt1 (demand equation) n Qt = β1 + β2Pt + β3Zt + εt2 (supply equation) n both equations are exactly identified nCoefficients of demand and supply equation estimated by three single equation methods nSeparate OLS estimation of both equations nILS estimation n2SLS estimation April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 58 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 59 Example: Hog Market nComparison of three single equation estimation methods nStrong coincidence of ILS and 2SLS estimates nOLS estimates of demand equation deviates substantially from ILS and 2SLS estimates n n n n n n n April 29, 2011 Demand Supply const P Y const P Z OLS coeff 56.962 -1.410 0.080 15.355 -0.030 0.744 p-val 8.7e-9 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.701 1.4e-10 2SLS coeff 60.885 -3.088 0.149 8.318 0.177 0.770 p-val 4.2e-9 0.001 0.000 0.241 0.222 2.9e-24 ILS coeff 60.885 -3.088 0.149 8.318 0.177 0.770 2SLS Estimator: Properties n2SLS (or TSLS) estimation of structural parameters of equation j requires the equation to be identified nOrder condition Kj* ≥ mj: number of excluded exogenous variables (Kj*) is at least the number of explanatory endogenous variables (mj) ni.e., the number of potential instrumental variables is at least the number of variables to be substituted by predictions nProperties: 2SLS estimators are nConsistent nAsymptotically normally distributed April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 60 LIML Estimator nLimited information ML (LIML) estimation: nMaximization of the likelihood function derived from the system of qone structural equation qreduced form equations for the remaining endogenous variables qAssumes normally distributed error terms nApplication: nAsymptotic distribution of LIML estimator equivalent to that of the 2SLS estimator nWrt computational effort, 2SLS estimation is much easier to use nIn practical applications, LIML estimation is hardly used April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 61 Contents nSystems of Regression Equations nMultivariate Regression Models nSUR Model: Estimation nSimultaneous Equation Models nSimultaneous Equation Models: Identification nIdentification: Criteria nSingle Equation Estimation Methods nSystem Estimation Methods n n n n n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 62 Why System Estimation Methods? nSingle equation (limited information) estimation methods ignore the contemporaneous correlation of error terms nSystem (full information, complete system) estimation methods take contemporaneous correlation of error terms into account nEstimation of equation parameters is more efficient: estimation of coefficients of equation j makes use information contained in other equations nEstimation methods q3SLS estimation qIterative 3SLS estimation qFull information ML (FIML) estimation April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 63 3SLS Estimator nThe m equations of the full model in matrix notation n n n n n n with n n3SLS estimation: FGLS estimation based on n2SLS residuals for each of the m equations nestimate for Σ obtained from these residuals April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 64 3SLS Estimator: Three Steps nThe steps of the 3SLS estimation are 1.Based on the reduced form equations, calculation of predicted values for all explanatory endogenous variables; cf. the first stage of 2SLS estimation 2.For the j-th equation, j = 1, …, m, qCalculation of 2SLS estimators bj and q2SLS residuals ej = yj – Xjbj n Estimation of elements σij = Cov{εti, εtj} of Σ: sij = (ej‘ej)/T 3.Calculation of the 3SLS estimator n n with the projection matrix Pz = Z(Z‘Z)-1Z‘, S the estimated matrix Σ n April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 65 3SLS Estimator: Properties n3SLS estimation requires all equations of the system to be identified nProperties: 3SLS estimators are nConsistent nAsymptotically normally distributed n3SLS estimates coincide with 2SLS estimates if nAll equations are exactly identified nThe error terms are contemporaneously uncorrelated, i.e., Σ is diagonal April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 66 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 67 Example: Hog Market nComparison of 2SLS and 3SLS estimation nStrong coincidence of 3SLS and 2SLS estimates nSmaller p-values of most 3SLS estimate indicate higher efficiency n n n n n n n April 29, 2011 Demand Supply const P Y const P Z 3SLS coeff 60.885 -3.088 0.149 8.318 0.177 0.770 p-val 1.8e-10 0.002 6.9e-5 0.204 0.186 2.9e-28 2SLS coeff 60.885 -3.088 0.149 8.318 0.177 0.770 p-val 4.2e-9 0.001 0.000 0.241 0.222 2.9e-24 More System Estimators nIterative 3SLS estimator n3SLS estimates b3SLS of structural parameters (or A3SLS and Γ3SLS) give qrevised reduced form parameters (A-1Γ = Π) and qpredictions of the explanatory endogenous variables; nIterative 3SLS estimator: starting with an initial 3SLS estimator, the following iterations are repeatedly executed until convergence is reached qOuter iteration: step 1 of 3SLS estimation resulting in improved predictions of the predetermined variables, qInner iteration: step 2 of 3SLS estimation, resulting in improved 2SLS residuals and estimate S for Σ, and step 3, resulting in improved 3SLS estimators b3SLS qThe inner iteration can be repeated using 3SLS residuals for estimate S April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 68 More System Estimators, cont’d nFull information ML (FIML) estimator: nAssumes normally distributed error terms nMaximizes likelihood function with respect to structural parameters April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 69 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 4 70 Simultaneous Equation Models in GRETL nModel > Simultaneous Equations … nchoice of estimator qSUR q2SLS qLIML q3SLS qFIML nSpecification of equations, instrumental variables, endogenous variables, and identities April 1, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 71 Your Homework nKlein’s model I consists of the following equations (see the GRETL data file “klein”): §Ct = α1 + α2Pt + α3Pt-1 + α4Wt + εt1 (consumption) §It = β1 + β2Pt + β3Pt-1 + β4Kt-1 + εt2 (investment) §Wtp = γ1 + γ2Xt + γ3Xt-1 + γ4t + εt3 (wages) §Wt =Wtp+ Wtg §Xt = Ct + It + Gt §Kt = It + Kt-1 §Pt = Xt – Wtp – Tt n Endogenous variables are: C I Wp X W K P 1.Which of the equations are identified? Use (a) order and (b) rank conditions in answering the question. 2.Estimate the structural parameters using (a) OLS, (b) SUR, (c) 2SLS, (d) 3SLS, and (e) FIML; compare the results and explain pros and cons of the methods. April 29, 2011 Hackl, Econometrics 2, Lecture 5 72 Your Homework, cont’d 3.The goodness of fit measure 4. 4. 4. n makes use of n n with the Txm matrix of FGLS residuals and analogously the mxm matrix Syy of sample covariances of the yti. Show for T = m = 2 that the two numerators in the definition of RI2, Sg(.) and tr(.), coincide. n April 29, 2011