The files credit contain 921 observations for 2005 for US firms' credit ratings, including a set of firm characteristics. The data are taken from Compustat. The following variables are available: booklev: ratio of book value of debt / assets marklev: ratio of market value of debt / assets ebit: earnings before interest and taxes / total assets invgrade: dummy, 1 if investment grade, 0 if speculative grade logsales: log firm sales rating: credit rating, from 1 (low) to 7 (high) reta: retained earnings / total assets wka: working capital / total assets Note: marklev is not used in Section 7.2.3. Descriptive statistics: Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- booklev | 921 .2931868 .1735339 0 .9992067 ebit | 921 .0938921 .0843643 -.3841692 .6515085 invgrade | 921 .4723127 .4995041 0 1 logsales | 921 7.995754 1.497413 1.100278 12.70142 marklev | 921 .2547287 .1879701 0 .9648595 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- rating | 921 3.499457 1.134561 1 7 reta | 921 .1569942 .300684 -.9958922 .9799219 wka | 921 .1404142 .1503398 -.4120839 .7480223