Euro-Schwergewichte Anteile der nationalen Zentralbanken an der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) nach eingezahltem Kapital* I: i \ lis a 3s L Niederlande 5,7 230 Belgien 3y5 140 Griechenland 2?8 113 Österreich 2.8 112 - Portuga -Finnland Irland-lowakei - Slowenien Luxemburg cj Ol 2,5 101 1,8 72 1,6 64 1,0 40 0,5 19 - Zypern Malta 0?3 10 -'.-ohne Anteile der nicht 0 2 8 dem Euro-Währungsgebiet 0,1 4 I LUIU viuiiiuilb^-"'1-' angehörenden Länder Quelle: EZB üuropaische Union - Politik - FAZ.NET ^J^L^m;ß^^ "IT Aktue I IPolitikEuropäische Um cm Die größten Kettozaihler in der EU tozanier Schweden in Euro-je Einwohner 2008 Dänemark i"* Deutschland ös iljedeflande..........I Belgien Italien Frankreich Luxernbtirc Osgarreich ..Zffiern ©F.A.Z. F.A.Z. Electronic Media GmbH 2001 - 2009 Dies ist ein Ausdruck aus Tabulka 45: Finanční perspektiva pro období 2007-2013 MEUŘ. cenv roku 2004 Příděly na závazky 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 | 2013 2007-2013 | Hlava 1: Udržitelný růst 1 51 267 52 415 53 616 54 294 55 368 56 876 | 58 303 382 139 /aj Konkurenceschopnost pro hospadárslý titst c zaměstnanost | 3 404 9 097 9 754 70 434 7/ 295 12 153 72 967 ~4 098 \ Ib) Soudržnost pro hospodářský růst a zaměstnanost 42 863 43 318 43 862 43 860 44 073 44 ~7_" 45 542 I 30S 04 7 J Hlava 2: Ochrana přírodních zdrojů a hospodaření s nimi 54 985 54 322 53 666 53 035 52 400 51 775 51 161 371 344 z toho: výdaje související s trhem a přímé platby 43 12Q 42 697 42 279 41 864 41 453 41 04i7 \ 40 645 2P5 105 \ Hlava 3: Občanství, svoboda, bezpečnost a právo 1 199 1 258 1 380 1 503 \ 645 j 1 797 | 1 988 10 770 3a) Svoboda, bezpečnost a právo 600 690 790 970 7 050 1 / 200 / 590 6 650 5b) Občanství 599 568 590 593 595 59 7 598 4 140 -Uava 4: EU jako globální hráč 6 199 6 469 6 739 7 009 7 339 7 679 i 8 029 49 463 ilava 5: Správní náklady 6 633 6 818 6 973 7 111 7 255 7 400 "610 49 800 llava 6". [Náhrady 419 191 190 800 | 'viděly na závazky celkem 120 702 121 473 122 564 122 952 124 007 125 527 127 091 864 316 i 'ako % HKĎ j 7,70% 1,08% 7.07% 1.04% 7.03% 7.02% 7.07% LÚ4BH říděly na platby celkem |ll6 650 1 19 620 111 990 118 280 115 860 119 410 118 970 820 780 ako % Hh'D j 1.06% 1,06% 0.97% 7.00% 0.96% 0.97% 0.94% LQ0% ezerva - nepředvídané výdaje (.% HND) 1 0.18% 0,18% 0.27% 0.24% 0,28% 0.27% 0.30% 0.24% rop vlastních zdrojů (% HNP) f U4% 124% 1.24% 1,24% 1.24% 1.24% 1.24% 1.24% o< m D7 Ô m m 70 O "TJ m- —I m G) TU > O m Zdroj'.Evropská komise 12006a 1. WORLD TRADE REPORT 2010 Rank Exporters Value Share Annual percentage change Rank Importers Value Share Annual percentage change 1 ■ United States 470 14.2 -9 1 United States 331 10.6 _g 2 United Kingdom 240 7.2 -16 2 Germany 255 8.2 -10 3 Germany 215 6.5 -11 3 United Kingdom 160 5.1 -19 4 France 140 4.2 -14 4 China 158 5.1 0 5 China a 129 3.9 -12 5 Japan 146 4.7 -11 6 Japan 124 3.8 -15 6 France 124 4.0 -12 7 Spam 122 3.7 -14 7 Italy 114 3.6 -11 8 Italy 101 3.0 -15 . 8 Ireland 104 3.3 -5 9 Ireland 95 2.9 -7 9 Netherlands 87 2.8 -5 10 Netherlands 92 2.8 -11 10 Spain 87 2.8 -17 11 Hong Kong, China 86 2.6 -6 11 Canada 77 2.5 -11 12 India 86 2.6 12 India 74 2.4 13 Belgium 75 2.3 -11 13 Korea, Republic of 74 2.4 -19 14 Singapore 74 2.2 -11 14 Singapore 74 2.4 -6 15 Switzerland 68 2.1 -11 15 Belgium 72 2.3 -12 16 Sweden 60 1.8 -16 16 Russian Federation 60 1.9 -19 17 Luxembourg 60 1.8 -16 17 Denmark 51 1.6 -19 18 Canada 57 1.7 -12 18 Sweden 47 1.5 -14 19 Korea. Republic oi 56 1.7 -25 19 Flong Kong, China 44 1.4 -6 20 Denmark 55 1.7 -25 20 Brazil 44 1.4 -1 21 Austria 53 1.6 -13 21 Saudi Arabia b 43 1.4 22 Russian Federation 42 1.3 -17 22 Australia 41 1.3 -13 23 Australia 41 1.3 -7 23 Thailand 38 1.2 -18 24 Norway 38 1,1 -17 24 Austria 38 1.2 -12 25 Greece 38 1.1 -25 25 Norway 37 1.2 -16 26 Turkey 33 1.0 -6 26 Luxembourg 36 1.2 -13 27 Taipei, Chinese 31 0.9 -10 27 United Arab Emirates b 36 1.1 28 Thailand 31 0.9 -9 28 Switzerland 34 1.1 -6 29 Poland 29 0.9 -19 29 Taipe;, Chinese 29 0.9 -15 30 Malaysia 28 0.8 -8 30 Malaysia 27 0.8 -12 Total ot above 2765 83.5 31 Total of above 2540 81.6 - World 3310 100.0 -13 32 World 3115 100.0 -12 a Preliminary estimate, b Secretariat estimate. Nole: While provisional full year data were available in early March for 50 countries accounting for more than two-thirds of world commercial services 1rade; estimates for most other countries are based on data for the first three quarters. Source. WTO Secretariat. I - THE TRADE SITUATION IN 2009-10 Rank Exporters Value Share Annual per cent change Rank Importers Value Share Annual per cent change I Extra-EU (27) exports 1525 16.2 -21 1 Extra-EU (27) imports 1672 17.4 -27 2 China 1202 12.8 -16 2 United States 1604 16.7 -26 3 United States 1Q57 11.2 -18 3 China 1006 10.5 -11 4 Japan 581 6.2 -26 4 Japan 551 5.7 -28 5 Korea, Republic of 364 3.9 -14 5 Hong Kong, China 353 3.7 -10 - retained imports 2 91 0.9 -8 6 Hong Kong, China 330 3.5 -11 6 Canada 330 3.4 -21 - domestic exports a 15 02 -9 . - re-exports a 314 3.3 -11 7 Canada 316 3.4 -31 7 Korea, Republic of 323 3.4 -26 8 Russian Federation 304 3.2 -36 8 Singapore 246 2.6 -23 - retained imports b 114 1.2 -28 9 Singapore 270 2.9 -20 9 India 244 2.5 -24 - domestic exports 138 1.5 -21 - re-exports 132 1.4 -19 10 Mexico 230 2.4 -21 10 Mexico 242 2.5 -24 11 Taipei, Chinese 204 2.2 -20 11 Russian Federation c 192 2.0 -34 12 Saudi Arabia a 189 2.0 -40 12 Taipei, Chinese 175 1.8 -27 13 United Arab Emirates a 175 1.9 -27 13 Australia 165 1.7 -17 14 Switzerland 173 1.8 -14 14 Switzerland 156 1.6 -15 15 Malaysia 157 1,7 -21 15 Turkey 141 1.5 -30 16 India 155 1.6 -20 16 United Arab Emirates a 140 1.5 -21 17 Australia 154 1.6 -18 17 Thailand 134 1.4 -25 18 Brazil 153 1.6 -23 18 Brazil 134 1.4 -27 19 Thailand 152 1.6 -14 19 Malaysia 124 1.3 -21 20 Norway 121 1.3 -30 20 Saudi Arabia a 92 1.0 -20 21 Indonesia 120 1.3 -14 21 Indonesia 92 1.0 -28 22 Turkey 102 1.1 -23 22 South Africa s 72 0.7 -28 23 Iran. Islamic Rep. of a 78 0.8 -31 23 Viet Nam 69 0.7 -15 24 South Africa 63 0.7 -22 24 Norway 69 0.7 -23 25 Bolivarian Rep. of Venezuela 58 0.6 -39 25 Iran, Islamic Rep. ofa 51 0.5 -10 26 Kuwait a 57 0.6 -35 26 Israel ?- 49 0.5 -27 27 Viet Nam 57 0.6 -10 27 Philippines 46 0.5 -24 28 Argentina 56 0.6 -20 28 Ukraine 45 0.5 -47 29 Chile 53 0.6 -20 29 Egypt 45 0.5 -7 30 Nigeria " 53 0.6 -36 30 Chile 42 0.4 -32 Total of above d 8504 90.3 _ Total of above d 8602 89.6 - World A (excl. intra-EU (27)) 9419 100.0 -22 World " (excl. intra-EU (27)) 9605 100.0 -23 a Secretariat estimates. b Singapore's retained imports are defined as imports less re-exports, c Imports are valued f.o.b. d Includes significant re-exports or imports for re-export. Source: WTO Secretariat.