logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 1 Agenda * * Credits: Product factory * * Key components of Basel II -> impact on business, what is the role of Credits, methods used * * Examples: risk / capital ratios of a bank • logo Ekonomika a řízení bank – ESF MU CREDITS Marek Loula, Executive Director Credits ČSOB logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 3 What does Credits manage? * Traditionally (and still in many banks), Credits = decision taking * However, CSOB Credits act as full scope embeded product provider (without its own shadow P/L !). What does it mean to be “end-to-end” product factory? * Distribution Credits Distr. logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 4 Scope of Credits in CSOB Group lending Amounts in CZK bln 31/12/2009 31/12/2010 Role of Credits Group lending 407.9 413.7 Retail/SME segment - Mortgages 135.6 144.9 Models, process - Building savings loans 65.8 71.9 - Consumer finance 17.4 18.2 Applications, some models - SME loans 66.9 62.9 End-to-end - Leasing 29.2 23.3 Decision taking, newly models Corporate segment - Corporate loans 84.2 76.5 End-to-end - Factoring 3.7 3.6 Decision taking Head office 0.5 0.5 Other (a.o. Banks) 4.5 11.8 End-to-end In the last 5 years, CSOB has grown from mainly a Corporate bank to predominantly RET/SME bank. logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 5 Credits: Balancing act * • What type of costs/risk Credits manage or have to watch? logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 6 Nature of units within Credits Split within Credits between CORP and RET/ SME Shared across Credits logo l 7 How are Credits organized in CSOB? Bartel Puelinckx (CFO, Country Team Member) Credits (Marek Loula) Corporate and Bank Credits (Ivan Vertenten) RET/SME Credits (Jiří Feix) Transactional Modelling (Tomáš Magyar) Advice and Underwriting Corporates (Jiří Suchánek) Advice and Underwriting Banks (Milan Procházka) Corporate Products & Processes (Václav Pecka) Corporate Credit Administration Unit (Jana Majerová) Advice and Underwriting RET/SME (Jiří Střižík) Credit Review (Karel Havlíček) Business Architect Credits (Gerry Gallen) Corporate Bad Debts (Tomáš Korbas) State Assets Administration (Antonín Peterský) SME Credit Architecture (Tomáš Přibyla) SME Credit Administration Unit (Anna Šafářová) SME Bad Debts (Jiří Feix) RET Credit Architecture (Petra Novotná) Application Management (Michal Platil) PURE (part Credits) Projects delivery ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 8 Difference beween Corporate and SME lending? Speed Generally medium importance, but ad-hoc ultra speed required Important for small SME (use of score cards) EXAMPLE Risk / Return Crucial, also at the level of each client. Sensitive on change of models EXAMPLE (PD, LGD => RAROC) Relevant on product groups / level of sub segments Automated workflow Nice to have. Only some elements have to be automated. Critical success factor (expectations, costs, follow up of risk) EXAMPLE Need for (high) delegations to business Important element in KBC / ČSOB environment (front line responsibility for the risk, reaction time) Very similar to Corp Corporate lending SME lending logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 9 Example: Risk / Return Key elements of Basel II, Impact on business –Concept of Basel II – * Applied as of 2008, replacing previous Basel I (valid mostly as of 1993) * In the Czech Republic: Regulation of CNB No. 123/2007 * The idea is to protect bank clients and the bank itself from unexpected events and potential losses * Basel II enables the shift of the responsibility from the local regulators towards the commercial banks after fulfillment of certain predefined criteria – –Impact on Business – * Counterparty risk assessment and measurement of key risk parameters * Enables to steer business based on risk drivers * Infuences approval process and delegation levels * Enables precise definition of business strategies and “cherry-picking” * * * * logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 10 Concept of Expected & Unexpected loss Expected loss (EL) – average loss expected to be realized on the credit portfolio. In theory, it should be close to credit provisions and covered by pricing (margin). Unexpected loss (UL) – estimated deviation from expected losses. Should be covered by available capital with high enough certainty (99,9%) EL = PD x LGD x EAD UL = f (PD,Maturity,Size) x LGD x EAD logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 11 Counterparty Risk: Probability of Default (PD) * The counterparty risk is the risk that a customer will default. The PD is a result of a statistical measurement in which the past history of the portfolio of an institution is translated into the probability that clients out of the healthy portfolio will default in the coming year. * * The counterparty risk is determined by: * The financial status of a counterpart * Repayment capacity/ Cash flow * Wealth/ Balance sheet strength * Indebtedness/ leverage * Etc.. * The non financial status of a counterpart * Retail: marital status, education level, number of phones, fixed address, color of the car, anything… * Non retail: market position, management quality, succession arrangements, etc… * * It is important to understand that the PD methodology has some drawbacks: * the PD’s used are so-called “point in time” (PIT). In other words, it describes the probability of default based on past behavior, not taking into account current or future changes in the external or internal environment. Within the group, the need for “forward looking PIT PD’s” and “Through the cycle PD’s” are being investigated. It is likely that we will have more PD’s in the future, used for different purposes. * the PD’s are based on “outdated” input. In the retail segment, this input is still relatively recent, as PD’s are calculated on a monthly basis, based on behavioral characteristics. However, in COR and SME, the input data (mainly financial) are between 1 and 2 years old. * In principle, the PD’s should in an ex-post exercise, resemble the provisions (did what we predict come true?). Besides the above mentioned elements, granularity is an additional problem for COR and larger SME’s. * * Despite the drawbacks of the methodology, PD’s are still the best available tool for distinguishing the credit quality of a portfolio in terms of default. – * logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 12 Counterparty Credit risk measurements Counterparty credit risk measurement – competitive advantage through sophisticated rating systems (illustrative example) = =100% = 0% logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 13 Product risk: Exposure at default (EAD) * Not all products are drawn to the full extent at the moment of default => some are less risky than others * * Product Categories: * Cash out: ST loans, LT loans * Off Balance sheet: Guarantees, Promises * PRF limits: FX, IR instruments (Forwards, swaps, options,…) * * Product nature * Drawn/ undrawn * Committed and uncommitted * * All these elements lead to a different “weighing” of the nominal volume of a product. The nominal multiplied with the weighted factor equals the exposure at default. This is a measure of the risk inherent in the product sold. The issue dealt with here is to what amount will a loan be drawn at the moment of default. This depends not only on the behavior of the customer, but also on the behavior of the lender. E.g.: a ST loan limit might be frozen at the level of the outstanding in case of a breach of covenants. * * The exposure at default thus reduces the amount of risk by applying a Credit Conversion Factor (ccf) to the nominal amount. In other words, the EAD is usually smaller than the nominal amount of the loan. For LT investment loans, the CCF will be closed to 1, but for ST loans or guarantees, they are closer to 0.7-05. * * The EAD is prescribed by the regulator under foundation, but dependant on the modeling results (i.e. the historical behavior) under Advanced logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 14 Collateral Value: Loss given default (LGD) * The loss in case of a default (or LGD) is the difference between the exposure at default and the collateral value. It is the inverse ratio of a recovery rate. * LGD can be calculated based on recovery rates of a specific collateral only or a combination of these recovery rates and other factors. KBC works in general with a “segmentation” approach, i.e. an LGD linked to the traits of the specific collateral only. * Next to recovery value, also the cost of recovery plays a role. * In Basel II Foundation and Standard, these values are prescribed by the Regulator. In Advanced, they are the result of historical recovery rates. * 2 types of LGD are generally calculated: * LGD unsecured: this is the LGD in case an exposure is unsecured. Under Basel II Foundation, this is fixed at 45%. * LGD secured: this is the LGD that is linked to a particular type of security, and thus differs. * In order to apply an LGD percentage, a collateral must first be declared “eligible” by the local regulator. If the collateral is deemed to be not eligible, the exposure needs to be treated as unsecured. * * logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 15 Implications towards pricing * Credit Pricing * Definition of minimal required profitability (RAROC) – transactional as well as relationship * Composition of RAROC: ü * * * * What influences RAROC: * Margin, Fees – the higher the better the transactional RAROC will be * Ancillary business (other than credit related income – FX, fees from payments etc.) – influences relationship RAROC * PD of the borrower – the better the PD, the lower the EL and RCap, the better the RAROC * Collateral – the more collateral provided, the lower the EL, the better the RAROC * Type of product – the less committed nature of the specific product čím méně závazný produkt, the lower the EL, the better the RAROC * Maturity – the shorter the deal, the smaller the unexpected loss (= capital function), the better the RAROC * YORE – income from reinvested capital (ALM) RAROC = (Income – OP.costs – EL) * (1-tax%) + YORE Regulatory capital (RCap) logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 16 Implications towards pricing Impact of PD on regulatory capital PD 5 PD 6 •Relative difference (increase) in Rcap due to one notch downgrade (all other elements being equal) = cca 26% •Relative difference (increase) in EL due to one notch downgrade (all other elements being equal) = cca 90% •RCap is highly sensitive on PD changes in the range of KBC masterscale. On contrary, in the range of very high PD the sensitivity diminishes since the Unexpected loss become to be “expected” (high probabilities) logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 17 Implications towards pricing Impact of LGD on regulatory capital LGD 45% unsecured •Relative difference (decrease) in Rcap due to 10% decrese in LGD (all other elements being equal) = 10% •Relative difference (decrease) in EL due to 10% decrease in LGD (all other elements being equal) = cca 10% •RCap is highly sensitive on LGD changes. X % relative change in the underlying LGD percentages has a linear impact on the Rcap at the amount of X%. LGD 35% secured (real estate collateral) logo ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 18 Implications towards pricing Impact of maturity on regulatory capital Maturity 1 year • An increase in the maturity of the deal immediately implies an increase in the required regulatory Capital. The maturity effect is visible up to 5 years. The maturity adjustment increases the angular coefficient of the capital function thus leads to higher capital charges while all other parameters remain stable. Maturity 5 years Below & Above 20% due to maturity changes logo • •Thank you • • • •Marek Loula •Executive Director •Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka, a. s. •Credits •Radlicka 333/150 •150 57 Praha 5 •Phone: +420 224 116 856 •Mobile: +420 737 201 869 •E-mail: mloula@csob.cz •http://www.csob.cz/ • ESF MU: Ekonomika a řízení bank, CSOB Credits, 8/4/2011 l 19