39748906GlobalForum_50_150dpi International Management MPH_AIMA Global Human Resources Management •Prediction: 75000 business leaders will be needed in China in the next ten years • • • • • • •In a recent survey, 600 CEOs of multinational companies with businesses across Asia said a shortage of qualified staff ranked as their biggest concern in China and South-East Asia. •The Economist manag4 manag4 manag4 manag4 •Reasons for the shortage of upper-level managers vary by country –Brain drain –A result of a planned economy – •Not only to recruit, but to retain managers –Growing your own –Tailoring employment packages Organizační diagram Subsidiary performance HRM Micro-environment Macro-environment Papyrus •Micro-environment •Internal labour markets •Availability of managerial competence in the region •Regional wage level in comparable companies (vs. remuneration policy in the MNC) •Teamwork in the MNC (vs. practices of competing firms) •… • Papyrus •Macro-environment •Legal regulations •Degree of bureaucracy in society •Minimum wage policies •Availability of services •Pressure to recruit locals •Public educational policy •… See Gooderham & Nordhaugh ch. 3 (p.87 – 101) and case 3 (p. 103-129) Staffing for global operations •Trends toward more flexible assignment policies • •Staffing modes –ethnocentric –polycentric –global –regiocentric ANd9GcQuJZmB8yd69zN2JyD9ovcWkD5tfLFZAqvUD-96pyjyD366tzgsjzag3vO3 Ethnocentric staffing approach •PCNs •advantages •disadvantages •associated with higher incidence of IHRM problems • • • P&G – routinely appointed managers from its headquarters for foreign assignments. After several unfortunate experiences in Japan, they realized that such a practice was insensitive to local cultures and underutilized its pool of high-potential managers Polycentric staffing approach •HCNs •more likely to be effective when implementing multinational strategy •advantages •disadvantages Global staffing approach •TCNs •advantages •disadvantages ANd9GcS3LFjcs--ZOopsQ8pSYdpgQgGFu16hT3MUC5mQ-QpjFjf_cEgFXg ANd9GcS4GynhxrjWAzSRzy59GwAYmohMV-DWKJuzQCFU_tX8GZQ6z7oq Regiocentric staffing approach What factors influence the staffing policy? •Strategy •Organizational structure •Duration of particular foreign operation •Types of technology used •Host country factors •Availability of qualified managers •Pressure from local governments to hire locals •Cost of staffing •Home-country culture influence • •The choice of staffing policy has a considerable influence on organizational variables in the subsidiary! Managing expats •Employees who assign to positions in other countries • •Underestimation of the importance of expats management • •Factors that cause expats failure • •Expats selection criteria •Kerry Smith (England, moved to Vienna, Austria) • •What advice would you give to anyone following in your footsteps? • •Learn German. Learn German. Learn German. I have read some opinions that knowledge of the German language is not required to live here but I would tend to disagree. Obviously we have got by with little German over the past 10 months but I believe we will continue to be treated and feel like tourists whilst we speak English. Understandably it appears many Austrians are of the opinion that if you are to live in their country then you should speak their language. •It is important to have a clear idea about your future employment plans. From experience it is not easy to gain employment here unless you have a niche skill or can speak German. •Make use of the expat communities and websites out there and gather as much information as possible. •Be prepared for the ups and downs of acclimatizing to a unfamiliar country but most of all, enjoy it! • http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSSKPW-kMrzktgv4B-x2z1aDwElLRiXYIbArYjqdYyRvs-Je-61uA http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSNr28FJDuORwyS8VqWmhIfhFgRI8CCNOflKoQd79fBVjDO_8BivNo5IiU3 http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcST-XTIUkXGJ0FZFFHUeZfTPSc4P7HOxrsKC0zkFGr8Bq02MD8l http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8YzJLz5WuPmusx3HJIsNLfGj5n7Er5CZOHkhZpb_lvBX6rLd5fiL3Hc1P 9A http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS8YzJLz5WuPmusx3HJIsNLfGj5n7Er5CZOHkhZpb_lvBX6rLd5fiL3Hc1P 9A http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSSKPW-kMrzktgv4B-x2z1aDwElLRiXYIbArYjqdYyRvs-Je-61uA http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSNr28FJDuORwyS8VqWmhIfhFgRI8CCNOflKoQd79fBVjDO_8BivNo5IiU3 http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcST-XTIUkXGJ0FZFFHUeZfTPSc4P7HOxrsKC0zkFGr8Bq02MD8l •Most challenging countries for assignments : 1.China 2.Brazil 3.India 4.Indonesia 5.Japan 6.Russia 7.Mexico 8.Saudi Arabia 9.South Corea 10.France 11. •Culture shock •http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/quiz/cross-cultural-japan.php •HW – read Expat to Japan • •Subculture shock •Expats Training techniques • C:\Users\Sylavuska\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\2ZXCR1S5\sylva2 (2).jpg http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRxSmMsVf0D5a57yyWsFriBEuACULNMr2VY_13Cbus0AZ8MXpsQX4tGF36f C:\Users\Sylavuska\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\2ZXCR1S5\sylva2 (2).jpg http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRxSmMsVf0D5a57yyWsFriBEuACULNMr2VY_13Cbus0AZ8MXpsQX4tGF36f In class exercise • • Make a list of the reasons you would want to accept a foreign assignment and a list of the reasons you would want to reject it. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRgBreS-pkpfgCGRneAYzugf63GhHKujXiAKJF_G77X_5SCMDVM2viUByw8 GQ •Compensating expats –salary, –taxes –allowances –benefits – •The balance sheet approach • •Expat centres • Starbucks •When we first started, people didn´t know who we were and it was rough finding sites. Now landlords are coming to us. •David Sun, President of Beijing Mei Da Coffee company (former Stabuck´s partner), 2001 • •Starbucks global presence as of March 2009 : •US stores 50 states •over 7000 company operated stores •over 4000 licensed stores •international stores 43 countries •almost 2000 company operated stores •licensed and JV almost 3000 • •Lack of managers – chinese managers trained in the US • http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRxSmMsVf0D5a57yyWsFriBEuACULNMr2VY_13Cbus0AZ8MXpsQX4tGF36f http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSq6QDzUTxK_YmTqsruneMINBu55VfBa-0CQaMj__FR3u3gytyH4g Starbucks změnil logo Global management teams •collections of managers from several countries who must rely upon group collaboration if each member is to experience the optimum of success and goal achievement • •“GLOCAL” structure • •VIRTUAL TRANSNATIONAL TEAMS • •Building and Managing Global Teams • •advantages of synergy • •disadvantages of international teams • •HW: Read Susan´s case Motivating •Are effective motivational and leadership techniques universal or culturally based? •Based on Hofstede’s work on motivation, we can make some generalized assumptions about cross-cultural motivation • –HIGH UNCERTAINTY AVOIDANCE - suggests the need for job security –HIGH POWER DISTANCE - suggests motivators in the relationship between subordinates and their boss –HIGH INDIVIDUALISM - suggests people would be motivated by opportunities for individual advancement and autonomy –HIGH MASCULINITY - suggests that most people would be more comfortable with the traditional division of work and roles •http://www.geert-hofstede.com/ • • No matter what their nationality or cultural background, people are driven to fulfill needs and to achieve goals. • • Homework •For the seminar, please, read through two cases (Expat, Teamwork) •The cases are in the Information system IS http://himym.euweb.cz/kniha.gif •Thank you for attention! http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTh1PX5kzuDUgs5jXrt6etxg0xzHvOAsAov72esVZ3aOjSFvZIXN4swylK_