Unit 9: The Future Complete the following conversations with the appropriate future form of the verbs in brackets. 1 A: Hannah Rottman, our German agent, called earlier. She wants to know when she ^1 ___________ (receive) confirmation of the delivery date for her latest order. B: She should know that we ^2 _________________________ (get) it to her on time, after all we have never missed a delivery so far! A: Yeah. Well, in any case, she ^3 ______________________ (call) back at three. ^4 __________________ (speak) to her? B: No. I'm afraid I ^5 _________________________(not be able to) as I ^6 _________________________ (visit) the warehouse this afternoon. But tell her that I ^7 ___________________ (call) her tomorrow morning. 2 S: Hi Janet it's Sylvia. I'm calling about the conference in Geneva. Remember? ^8 __________________ (you come)? J: No, I'm afraid I can't. Mike Johnson ^9 ________________________ (represent) us with two other people from the Swiss office. S: That's a shame. In that case, I ^10 _________________________ (not see) you until the meeting in Birmingham next month. Oh by the way, could you ask Mike to bring me a copy of the Indonesian survey that he's been working on? I ^11 ____________________ (visit) Jakarta in July. J: Ok. I ^12 ___________________________ (ask) him when I see him tomorrow. I'm sure he ^13 ______________________________ (want) to give you a call himself. REVISION UNITS 7-9 In each of the following sentences, four words or expressions are underlined. Identify the one underlined word or expression in each sentence that should be corrected or rewritten. 1 The raise in the price of coffee is due to bad weather conditions. 2 Despite an increase in costs, we are still the most profitable society in our sector. 3 We are offering our regular clients a range of goods that have been certified as environmental friendly. 4 In spite the concern over the impact of certain materials, most companies have no policy to minimise the damage that their products may do. 5 Can you tell us how long it is going to take if we hire a car at the airport and then drive to the conference? 6 If I waited until the merger was announced before selling my shares, they would have been worth much more. 7 If you don't have time to finish the report today, I am going to do it tomorrow as the meeting I was going to attend has been cancelled. 8 During the meeting the chairman pointed up that the company's shares had increased in value by more than 25% over the year. 9 We are actively in a number of business sectors such as the transportation and disposal of hazardous waste. 10 Our organisation will be representing at the conference by our environmental officer who will be making the opening speech. 11 Although new import restrictions may cause problems in the future, our exports have increased steady over the last six months. 12 The new investment funds let investors to choose between a variety of attractive portfolios depending on the level of risk that they want to accept. 13 It is expecting that many investors will sell some of their holdings in the major pharmaceutical companies following the spectacular rises of the last week. 14 If the products are delivered by the end of this week, the stores would be able to put them on sale before the start of the holiday. 15 Judging from what have happened over the last two years, the demand for this type of product will continue to grow.