Seminar Work
Choose a partner in your group. Write a business letter (enquiry, complaint, order/booking, etc.) to him/her and reply to a letter you receive from him/her (so each student writes 2 letters). Each letter should be between half a page and one page (i.e. between 900 and 1800 characters) long, so try to come up with details and give background information. In your replies, offer several possible solutions.
You can find sample business letters below. These show you the structure of business letters (you have to include the addresses, the correct opening/closing of the letter etc.) and give you some phrases you can use. Do not copy from the sample letters, only use them as inspiration for your own, original ideas.
Business correspondence is formal, so use polite language, use full forms instead of contractions (write „do not“ instead of „don’t“) and don’t use phrasal verbs.
The deadline for the business letters is 11 April (you can, of course, hand them in earlier), you will get further instructions from you teacher.