ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Gas) 329 ANNEX A ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Gas) 330 Pipeline Technical capacity mcm / day Route Transit pipeline route SPP 315.9 E-W Velke Kapusany – Lanzhot & Baumgarten Transgas 180.5 E-W Lanzhot – Olbernhau & Waidhaus TAG 95.3 E-W Baumgarten – Tarvisio JAGAL 80.1 E-W Mallnow – Rückersdorf Ex Hilvarenbeek 67.7 N-S – JAMAL-Europa 67.2 E-W Kondratki – Mallnow MEGAL Nord 57.1 E-W Waidhaus – Medelsheim IUK FF 54.8 N-S Zeebrugge – Bacton En Taisniere 50.4 N-S – NETRA 1 50.4 N-S Dornum – Wardenburg En Dunkerque 49.1 N-S – NETG 44.5 N-S Zevenaar – Bergisch Gladbach Ex Bocholtz 43.9 N-S – TENP 40.5 N-S Bocholtz – Wallbach TROLL 40.5 N-S Zeebrugge – Taisnières METG 40.1 N-S Bergisch Gladbach – Lampertheim STEGAL West 36.0 E-W Rückersdorf – Reckrod VTN/RTR FF 30.2 N-S Eynatten – Zeebrugge / Zelzate Slochteren 27.5 N-S Hilvarenbeek – Blaregnies Ex 's Gravenvoeren 27.1 N-S – BEB OTR 1 20.0 N-S Emden – Wardenburg STEGAL East 20.0 E-W Olbernhau to Rückersdorf Ex Oltingue 19.7 N-S – BEB OTR 8 19.3 N-S Oude Statenzijl – Ganderkesee En OSZ RG 18.6 N-S – WAG 18.5 E-W Baumgarten – Oberkappel En Emden EPT 18.2 N-S – SEGEO 17.9 N-S 's Gravenvoeren – Blaregnies En Emden NPT 13.1 N-S – MEGAL Sud FF 11.1 E-W Oberkappel – Schwandorf RWE OTR 3 10.9 N-S Emsbüren – Hünxe BEB OTR 3 9.6 N-S Oude Statenzijl – Achim BEB OTR 5 6.9 N-S Quarnstedt – Heidenau BEB OTR 10 6.7 N-S Ganderkesee – Drohne DEUDAN 6.6 N-S Ellund – Quarnstedt RWE OTR 2 3.7 N-S Bunder Tief – Emsbüren BEB OTR 7 2.6 N-S Bunde – Emsbüren RWE OTR 1 1.6 N-S Emden – Bunder Tief Source: Energy Sector Inquiry 2005/2006. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 331 ANNEX B Geographic markets for electricity 1) As regards geographic markets for electricity, despite efforts by the Community to integrate further the different territorial markets in the EU, the Commission has usually found that the geographic market is most of the time national442 , but that it may sometimes be smaller443 or larger444 . Relevant elements which support the existence of a smaller or larger market include in particular system designs, the existence and frequency of congestion at points in the grid, the existence of prices correlation (see table g) and price differentials, and the differing nature of supply and demand on both sides of such congestion points (in particular the existence of an operator that is indispensable to meet demand445 ). This is a preliminary analysis of situations where it has been alleged that geographic markets are smaller or larger than national. A1. Cases of geographic markets smaller than national 2) Data provided by TSOs regarding congestion inside their networks indicates at this stage that only the networks of the Italian TSO and the Austrian TSO experience internal congestion points.. We are thus in a position to consider possible geographic markets smaller that Member States only in these cases and in cases where network and market designs already foresee it. This is at present the case in Italy and Nord Pool (Denmark and Norway). Thus, the most congested links in Italy and the Nord Pool area have been identified, as well as the most frequent “aggregations of zones” in both systems. Also, a correlation study has been performed of prices between zones and in the case of Nord Pool, the prices of the Contract for Differences (CfD) of the different zones have been studied446 . The data gathered over the period 2004-2005 indicated four smaller geographic markets in Italy (Macro-zone North447 , Macro zone Centre-South448 , Macro-Sicily449 , and Sardinia). It also suggests that, in the Nord Pool area, three (West Denmark, East Denmark and South Norway) areas can be considered as separate geographic markets. 3) More precisely, in the case of Italy450 , this segmentation corresponds to the links which are by far the most congested ones and aggregates the zones whose prices are almost perfectly correlated. The Macro zone Centre-South constitutes a special case in that respect. It does not occur on its own a large part of the time and is sometimes part of a wider aggregation of 442 See i.a. cases COMP/M.3440 EDP/ENI/GDP, COMP/M.3696 E.ON/MOL. 443 See case COMP/M.3729 Edf/AEM/Edison. 444 See cases COMP/M.3268 Sydkraft Graninge and COMP/M.2847 Verbund/Energie Allianz. 445 An operator is theoretically indispensable to meet demand if total demand (D) in the area is larger than the sum of the capacity (SC) of the other generators in the area and of the import capacity (IC) of the area. Given the little flexibility of demand and provided that the capacity of this operator is not much larger than (D-SC-IC), such an operator would be a hypothetical monopolist. Please consult the results of the chapter C.c.III in that respect. 446 fD in Nord Pool commit the seller of the CfD to pay the net difference between the price of the zone and the “average price of Nord Pool” at the time of “delivery” of those contracts: the price of those contracts reflect thus to a certain extent the average price difference between the zones expected by market participants. 447 This includes the Zone Nord as well as four smaller zones (Ene, Enw, Turbigo and Monfalcone)). 448 This includes the Zones Centro Nord, Piombino, Centro Sud, Sud, Rossano, Brindisi, and Calabria. 449 This includes the zones Sicilia, Priolo and Calabria. 450 This result is coherent with the approach taken by the Italian Energy Authority (Autorità per l’Energia Elettrica e il Gas, “AEEG”) and the Italian Competition Authority (Autorità Garante della Concorrenza nel Mercato, “AGCM”) in a Joint Report published on 9 February 2005 (the “Joint Report”). The Joint Report “Indagine consoscitiva sullo stato della liberalizzazione del settore dell’energia elettrica” is available on the website of AEEG as well as on the website of AGCM, ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 332 zones (often including the North zone). However, the Macro zone Centre-South is characterised by the existence of an operator who is indispensable to cover the demand most of the time451 : the analysis will thus be carried out on the level of that macro zone. The result would of course be subject to revisions if the changes in configuration (e.g. Sardinia becoming far less separated than it used to be) are confirmed in the future452 . a) Link NOR- TUR NOR- MON NOR-CN CN-PIO PIO-CS CS-SUD SUD- ROS ROS- BRN ROS-CAL CAL- PIO-SAR 2004 1% 1% 36% 13% 0% 0% 7% 12% 17% 41% 73% 2005 0% 0% 23% 1% 4% 0% 0% 1% 8% 50% 17% Whole period 1% 0% 30% 12% 2% 0% 4% 7% 12% 45% 46% Frequency of congestion of the main links in Italy Source: GME TUR=Turbigo, MON=Monfalcone, CN=CentroNord, CS=CentroSud, PIO=Piombino; ROS=Rossano, BRN=Brindisi, CAL=Calabria, SIC=Sicily, SAR=Sardinia. Note: All figures are rounded. Figures for 2005 correspond to the period January-August. All percentages are rounded. b) NOR-CN CN-PIO PIO-CS CS-SUD SUD-ROS ROS-BRN ROS-CAL CAL-SIC PIO-SAR Correlation of prices 0.93 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.85 .095 0.71 Correlation of prices of the main neighbouring zones in Italy Source: GME data and COMP calculations on the period January2004-August2005. 4) In the case of Nord Pool, it is likely that West Denmark represents a separate market: it is separated from other markets half of the time and its price is not correlated at all with the prices of other zones453 . As regards East Denmark, it is usually not separate from other zones but the correlation of its price with prices of other zones remains lower than the correlation between the prices of other zones. Further, the price of the CfDs for that zone is significantly different from the price of the CfD for other zones. Last but not least, there is an operator which is indispensable to meet demand in that zone. Thus there are good reasons to consider this zone as a separate market. South Norway could also be considered as a separate market for similar reasons. 451 See the Joint Report in that respect. 452 Some comments made in the public consultation indeed note that the configurations may have been changing since August 2005 (notably the frequency of a single price area for the whole of Italy has increased). That being said, some other factors have not changed: in particular the existence of an operator which is indispensable to meet demand in the different macro-zones. See the Joint Report in that respect. 453 West Denmark also cannot be considered as in the same market as Germany as the interconenctor between them is congested most of the time. In any event, there is one main operator in West Denmark which is indispensable to meet demand in that zone. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 333 c) Link WDK-SWE WDK-SNO EDK-SWE SWE-SNO SWE-NNO SNO-NNO SWE-FIN 2004 41% 41% 6% 35% 27% 44% 24% 2005 52% 52% 11% 22% 10% 28% 8% Whole period 45% 45% 8% 30% 20% 37% 18% Frequency of congestion of the links in Nord Pool Source: Nord Pool. WDK= West Denmark, EDK= East Denmark, SWE=Sweden, SNO= South Norway, NNO=North Norway. Note: All percentages are rounded. d) WDK-EDK WDK-SWE WDK-SNO EDK-SWE SWE-SNO SWE-FIN SWE-NNO SNO-NNO Correlation of prices 0.42 0.45 0.36 0.74 0.74 0.87 0.86 0.83 Correlation of prices of neighbouring zones in Nord Pool Source: Nord Pool data and COMP calculations on the period January2004-August2005. e) Prices of summer season 2005 CfD for the Different Norpool zones -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 3/01/200510/01/200517/01/200524/01/200531/01/20057/02/200514/02/200521/02/200528/02/20057/03/200514/03/200521/03/200528/03/20054/04/200511/04/200518/04/200525/04/2005 NKr/MW Denmark West Denmark East Finland South Norway Sweden Source: Energy Sector Inquiry 2005/2006. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 334 f) Prices of winter season 2005 CfD for the Different Norpool zones -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 3/01/2005 17/01/2005 31/01/2005 14/02/2005 28/02/2005 14/03/2005 28/03/2005 11/04/2005 25/04/2005 9/05/2005 23/05/2005 6/06/2005 20/06/2005 4/07/2005 18/07/2005 1/08/2005 15/08/2005 29/08/2005 12/09/2005 NKr/MW Denmark West Denmark East Finland South Norway Sweden Source: Energy Sector Inquiry 2005/2006. A.2. Cases of geographic markets larger than national 5) The first case where a market is larger than national could be considered is Nord Pool because of the existence of its integrated market design. According to the analysis above, one could consider at most Sweden, North Norway and Finland to be part of the same geographic market. First the correlation of prices is fairly high. Second the prices of the Contract for Differences between the different zones in the forward markets indicate that operators consider that there is not much risk of trading forward between the remaining zones (except to a certain extent for North Norway). On the other hand, North Norway is separated from Sweden for one third of the time and Finland can be separated from Sweden during substantial amount of hours (especially during certain months separation can reach 40%). It is difficult to conclude without making a detailed calculation of residual demand in each of the zones, which at this stage has not yet been assessed. In line with previous Commission practice454 , the issue will be left open. 6) Some market participants have also argued that the increasing correlation of the prices of the different markets on the continent has already led to the creation of a continental market involving at least France, Belgium Germany, the Netherlands and Austria. First of all, it is important to note that this correlation remains fairly low in most cases as seen below. Second, price level differentials between spot markets and forward market products remain substantial. Further, the chapter on market integration demonstrates that congestion remains high on the borders between these MS and is in some cases even increasing. The same chapter demonstrates also that the procedures to trade between MS contain important administrative procedures that players experience as difficult (e.g. transaction costs) and risky. Further, France and Belgium continue to have a main operator which provides most 454 See case COMP/M.3867 Vattenfall/Elsam and Energi E2. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 335 of the generation in the market and is thus indispensable to meet demand. Thus, at this stage it is not possible to conclude that a continental market has emerged. g) Exchanges ES-FR FR-IT FR-IT (Nord) FR-DE DE-NL FR-NL DE-AT Correlation 2004 0.66 0.63 0.60 0.91 0.55 0.07 0.93 Correlation 2005 0.71 0.58 0.60 0.83 0.69 0.16 0.85 Correlation of spot prices between continental exchanges Source: data from the exchanges and COMP calculations. Note: The figures for 2005 correspond to the period January-September. For Italy, the first column corresponds to the whole system price (PUN), the second column to the North Zone. 7) That being said, the data about congestion of interconnectors provided in the chapter B.b.II.3 indicates that some borders (DE-AT, DE-CH, CZ-SK) are never or almost never congested in both directions. This could lead to three possible cases where a geographic market could be larger than national. First, for the case Germany-Austria, it must be noted that while the price of the EXAA is rather well correlated to that of EEX, this correlation is decreasing (see table A1). Further there are some congestion points inside the Austrian grid and more importantly, the main operator in Austria generates roughly half of the generation needed to cover consumption, so it is indispensable to meet demand. For that reason, it is difficult to conclude that the market comprises both Member states. The size of the incumbent operator leads to the same conclusion in the case of the Czech and Slovak republics. As regards the possible integration of Switzerland and Germany in the same geographic market, it is first important to note that congestion has started to occur on the border and that an auction mechanism was put in place in early January 2006. In any event, the absence of liberalisation and corresponding regulation of networks in Switzerland455 make the two national markets too different to be considered as part of the same relevant market. 8) Finally, reference is made to the analysis made in chapter C.c.III, in particular as regards residual demand and the existence of an operator that is indispensable to meet demand456 in several Member States. 455 This means in particular that there is no regulation of networks which would allow non-discriminatory access, a prerequisite for a true wholesale market to emerge. 456 An operator is theoretically indispensable to meet demand if total demand (D) in the area is larger than the sum of the capacity (SC) of the other generators in the area and of the import capacity (IC) of the area. Given the little flexibility of demand and provided that the capacity of this operator is not much larger than (D-SC-IC), such an operator would be a hypothetical monopolist. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 336 ANNEX C Shares in available installed capacity and effective generation for a selection of countries, 2004 Austria Available installed capacity 43,2% 27,1% 2,8% 2,6% 13% 3% 8,5% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Other undertakings Austria 2004 Effective generation 24,2% 4,8% 2,3% 46% 15% 4,8% 2,9% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Other undertakings Belgium Available installed capacity 17% 83% Undertaking A Other undertakings Belgium 2004 Effective generation 82,3% 17,7% Undertaking A Other undertakings Denmark East Available installed capacity 85% 15% Undertaking A Other undertakings Denmark East 2004 Effective generation 76,3% 23,7% Undertaking A Other undertakings Denmark West Available installed capacity 54% 46% Undertaking A Other undertakings Denmark West 2004 Effective generation 60,6% 39,4% Undertaking A Other undertakings ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 337 France Available installed capacity 86,7% 2,5% 8,2%0,5% 2,2% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Other undertakings France 2004 Effective generation 75,4% 1,5% 7,9% 7,8% 7,4% Undertaking A Undertaking B VPP Undertakings owning drawing rights in plants of undertaking A Other undertakings Finland Available installed capacity 37,4% 16,9% 16% 29,8% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Other undertakings Finland 2004 Effective generation 33,7% 18,3% 21,6% 26,5% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Other undertakings Germany Available installed capacity 22,6% 21,5% 5,4% 24,4% 14,5% 11,6% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Other undertakings Germany 2004 Effective generation 28,4% 24,9% 5,2% 14,6% 14,5% 12,4% Undertaking B Undertaking A Undertaking D Undertaking C Undertaking E Other generators Italy Available installed capacity 51,4% 11,9% 3,5% 3,2% 11,1% 2,1% 1,5% 1,5% 1% 1% 7,8% 4% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Undertaking J Undertaking K Other undertakings Italy 2004 Effective generation 43,9% 16,7% 3,3% 2,1% 1,9% 1,3% 0,9% 0,9% 16,1% 1% 7,3% 4,7% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking J Undertaking I Undertaking K Other undertakings ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 338 Poland Available installed capacity 25,4% 15,9% 6,2% 5,7% 5,5% 25,7% 6,4% 9,1% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Other undertakings Poland 2004 Effective generation 33,8% 13,9% 6,8% 5,5% 23% 9,8% 7,1% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking D Undertaking C Undertaking F Undertaking E Other undertakings Spain Available installed capacity 35,6% 32,7% 3,4% 6,5% 3% 14,7% 4,1% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Other undertakings Spain 2004 Effective generation 48,3% 2,6% 2,4% 2,2% 28% 10,4% 6,1% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Other undertakings Sweden Available installed capacity 42,8% 14,3% 22% 18,6% 2,4% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Other undertakings Sweden 2004 Effective generation 47,1% 22,2% 10,7% 17,4% 2,5% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Other undertakings The Netherlands Available installed capacity 22,8% 20,9% 28,3% 19,1% 8,9% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Other undertakings The Netherlands 2004 Effective generation 26,6% 20,7% 22,9% 18,9% 10,8% Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking A Undertaking D Other undertakings ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 339 UK Available installed capacity 14,9% 12,4% 6,5% 4,9% 4,7% 4,7% 15,5% 8% 5% 12,2% 11,2% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Undertaking J Other undertakings UK 2004 Effective generation 19,7% 11,2% 7,6% 7,3% 6,6% 4,8% 3,4% 2,7% 17,2% 9,8% 9,7% Undertaking A Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking B Undertaking G Undertaking F Undertaking E Undertaking J Undertaking H Undertaking I Other undertakings Source: Energy Sector Inquiry 2005/2006. The figures on capacity (graphs on the left) are based on capacity installed and owned within the Member State concerned: they do not include capacity owned by the same undertaking in another Member State and do not include capacity which could be used through the use of drawing rights in plants owned by another undertaking. The use of drawing rights is reflected in figures about effective production (graphs on the right) only the extent that these drawing rights and the corresponding output were identified by market participants. Some comments made in the public consultation argued that the graph of effective production for Spain was not consistent with publicly available figures. The figures have been checked again and the chart remains the same. The graph is based on the data provided by the operators for their own production and for total production on publicly available figures. The discrepancy may result thus from the fact that publicly reported generation for individual generators is not equal to individual generation reported to DG COMP. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 340 ANNEX D Sales and purchases shares in existing forward markets, 2004 Note: the graphs represent sellers on the left side and buyers on the right side. The same pattern/color is not meant to represent the same operator in both graphs. The pattern represents in each Figure the category “other undertakings”, i.e. the aggregation of all undertakings which have not been represented individually in the Figures. Belgium 2004 Shares of the main SELLERS of yearly foward products 46% 16% 13% 8% 5% 4% 3% 1%2%2% Belgium 2004 Shares of the main BUYERS of yearly foward products 33% 30% 25% 3%1% 3% 1% 1% 1%2% France 2004 Shares of the main SELLERS of yearly foward products 13% 12% 12% 10% 7% 6% 5% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 7% 3% 3% 1% 1% 1% 1%2% 2% France 2004 Shares of the main BUYERS of yearly foward products 14% 12% 10% 10% 7% 7% 6% 6% 4% 3% 3% 2% 6% 1%1% 1%1% 1%1% 2% 2% Germany 2004 Shares of the main SELLERS of yearly foward products 12% 10% 7% 7% 6% 5%5%3% 3%3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 24% Germany 2004 Shares of the main BUYERS of yearly foward products 8% 8% 7% 7% 6% 6% 5% 4%3%3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 29% ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 341 Nord pool 2004 Shares of the main SELLERS of yearly foward products 15% 9% 7% 5% 5% 5% 4%4% 4% 3% 21% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Nord pool 2004 Shares of the main BUYERS of yearly foward products 15% 6% 6% 5% 5% 5% 5% 4%4% 3% 30% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% The Netherlands 2004 Shares of the main SELLERS of yearly foward products 19% 19% 15%7% 5% 5% 5% 3% 3% 2% 9% 2% 0,3% 1%1% 2% 2% The Netherlands 2004 Shares of the main BUYERS of yearly foward products 19% 18% 11% 8% 6% 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 9% 2% 1% 1% 2% 2% UK April-September 2004 Shares of the main SELLERS of season foward products 13% 9% 7% 7% 6% 6%6% 5% 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 4% 3% 11% UK April-September 2004 Shares of the main BUYERS of season foward products 15% 8% 8% 7% 7% 6%6% 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 3% 6% Source: Energy Sector Inquiry 2005/2006 ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 342 ANNEX E Evolution of sales and purchases shares in existing forward markets, 2004 Note: the graphs represent successively sellers and buyers for each market. The same pattern/colour is not meant to represent the same operator in both graphs, but for very few exceptions. The pattern represents in each Figure the category “other undertakings”, i.e. the aggregation of all undertakings which have not been represented individually in the Figures. The charts for Belgium cannot be shown given the very few operators actively trading: these charts would reveal the strategy of those operators. France - monthly sales of the main SELLERS of yearly forward contracts 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 GWh France -monthly purchases of the main BUYERS of yearly forward products 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 GWh ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 343 Germany - monthly sales of the main SELLERS of yearly forward products 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 GWh Germany - monthly purchases of the main BUYERS of yearly forward contracts 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 GWh ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 344 Nord pool - monthly sales of the main SELLERS of yearly forward products 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 GWh Nord pool - monthly purchases of the main BUYERS of yearly forward products 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 GWh ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 345 The Netherlands - monthly sales of the main SELLERS of yearly forward products 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 GWh The Netherlands -monthly sales of the main BUYERS of yearly forward products 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 GWh ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 346 UK - monthly sales of the main SELLERS of seasons forward products 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 GWh UK - monthly purchases of the main BUYERS of the season forward products 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 Jan-04 Feb-04 Mar-04 Apr-04 May-04 Jun-04 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 Oct-04 Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Feb-05 Mar-05 Apr-05 May-05 GWh Source: Energy Sector Inquiry 2005/2006. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 347 ANNEX F Shares of spot sales in the different power exchanges in 2004 and 2005. Note: the same pattern/colour represents the same undertaking in both pies for a given market. APX - Shares of spot sales in 2004 17% 13% 12% 8%8% 6% 6% 5% 25% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Other operators APX - Shares of spot sales in January-July 2005 20% 12% 9% 7% 7% 7% 4% 30% 4% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Other operators EEX - Shares of spot sales in 2004 31% 9% 7% 4%4% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 30% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Undertaking J Undertaking K Undertaking L Other undertakings EEX - Shares of spot sales in January-July 2005 15% 6% 21% 3% 8%1% 3% 6% 3% 28% 1% 1% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Undertaking J Undertaking K Undertaking L Other undertakings GME North - Shares of spot sales in 2004 26% 12% 9% 8% 23% 22% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Imports from abroad Other undertakings GME North - Shares of spot sales in January-August 2005 21% 10% 8% 10% 25% 26% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Imports from abroad Other undertakings ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 348 GME Sardinia - Shares of spot sales in 2004 34% 27% 23% 7% 7% 0,4% 2% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Imports form other zones Other undertakings GME Sardinia - Shares of spot sales in January-August 2005 34% 27% 23% 2% 7% 7% 0,4% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Imports form other zones Other undertakings GME Sicily - Shares of spot sales in 2004 46% 27% 10% 7% 4% 4% 1% 1% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Imports from other zones Other undertakings GME Sicily - Shares of spot sales in January-August 2005 45% 21% 8% 14% 3% 3% 3% 2% 1% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Imports from other zones Other undertakings GME Others - Shares of spot sales in 2004 38% 19% 17% 19% 1% 2% 2% 2% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Imports from abroad Imports from other zones Other undertakings GME Others - Shares of spot sales in January-August 2005 34% 19%2% 1% 17% 20% 5% 2% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Imports from abroad Imports from other zones Other undertakings ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 349 Nord Pool East Denmark - Shares of spot sales in 2004 87% 6% 1% 6% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Other undertakings Nord Pool East Denmark - Shares of spot salesin Jan-Aug 2005 64% 3% 27% 6% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Other undertakings Nord pool West Denmark - Shares of spot sales in 2004 58% 14% 6% 5% 17% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Other undertakings Nord Pool West Denmark -Shares of spot sales in Jan-Aug 2005 28% 46% 1% 21% 4% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Other undertakings Nord Pool Finland - Shares of spot sales in 2004 68% 7% 6% 19% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Other undertakings Nord Pool Finland - Shares of spot sales in January-August 2005 66% 6% 6% 22% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Other undertakings Nord Pool South Norway - Shares of spot sales in 2004 18% 16% 9% 8%8% 7% 5% 24% 5% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Other undertakings Nord Pool South Norway Shares of spot sales in Jan-Aug 2005 6% 40% 5%5% 3% 7% 6% 6% 17% 5% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Other undertakings Nord Pool Sweden - Shares of spot sales in 2004 41% 36% 16% 7% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Other undertakings Nord Pool Sweden - Shares of spot sales in January-August 2005 42% 34% 16% 8% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Other undertakings ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 350 Omel - Shares of spot sales in 2004 41% 28% 9% 6% 2% 13% 1% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Other undertakings Omel - Shares of spot sales in January-August 2005 34% 26% 10% 6% 2% 3% 19% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Other undertakings Powernext - Shares of spot sales in 2004 9% 8% 7% 6% 6% 5% 5% 4%4% 4% 3% 32% 3% 2% 2% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Undertaking J Undertaking K Undertaking L Undertaking M Undertaking N Other undertakings Powernext - Shares of spot sales in January-May 2005 9% 14% 6% 4% 13% 2%7% 5% 2% 27% 2% 4% 2% 2% 1% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Undertaking J Undertaking K Undertaking L Undertaking M Undertaking N Other undertakings ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 351 ANNEX G First elements of analysis of balancing markets Figure a) show the concentration in the German balancing market segment aggregated for the whole of Germany. The shares (in percentages) represent the volumes supplied (MWh) by generators aggregating secondary and tertiary reserves that have been supplied during 2003 until May 2005. To be clear, though Germany has four so-called control areas it is reasonable to aggregate the volumes for reserves across these areas since supplying reserve power across control areas is possible. The figure reveal that four actors are mainly supplying reserves. a) Germany balancing markets volumes supplied for increasing production 2003-2005 May 34,0% 19,7% 20% 26% 0,1% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Other undertakings Germany balancing markets volumes supplied for decreasing production 2003-2005 May 28,9% 16,7% 20% 34% 0,4% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Other undertakings The figure b) shows the share of income that operators received from the French TSO for balancing services (only tertiary reserves). All main actors in the balancing markets are either owners of generation assets or have drawing rights in generation capacity of third parties. b) France balancing markets income for increasing production 2004 59,5% 14,5% 7,1% 6,8% 3,9% 1% 3,3% 3,9% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Other undertakings France balancing markets income for decreasing production 2004 91,1% 0,8% 0,9%1,5% 1,6% 2,2% 1,1% 0,8% Undertaking A Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking D Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking H Other undertakings ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 352 ANNEX H Importance of transparency on 49 individual issues, according to market participants Note: These figures are discussed in section B.b.II.4.3 Issues Inform ation indispensable, important or useful Inform ation not useful Location of congestion 95,4% 4,6% Frequency of congestion 93,2% 6,8% Causes of congestion 92,6% 7,4% Grid investments: impact on frequency and location of congestion 95,2% 4,8% Planned line maintenance Location 96,1% 3,9% Planned line maintenance Duration 96,1% 3,9% Planned line maintenance Capacity loss (MW ) 96,1% 3,9% Unplanned line outages Location 95,9% 4,1% Unplanned line outages Duration 95,9% 4,1% Unplanned line outages Capacity loss (MW ) 95,9% 4,1% Thermal capacity 80,3% 19,7% Net Transfer Capacity (NTC) 93,8% 6,2% Impact of planned works on the network on NTC 92,8% 7,2% Capacity reserved for legacy contracts 92,2% 7,8% Capacity reserved for reserve power 92,8% 7,2% Available Transfer Capacity (ATC) 96,1% 3,9% Capacity requested by market actors 90,2% 9,8% Capacity given out by TSO 92,4% 7,6% Price per time slot 95,1% 4,9% Total nominated capacity 93,9% 6,1% Actual physical flows over interconnector 90,6% 9,4% Day-ahead aggregated scheduled load 93,8% 6,2% W eek-ahead forecasted load 95,1% 4,9% Year-ahead forecosted load 95,8% 4,2% Actual system load in MW /h 95,4% 4,6% Operation margins at consumption peaks 92,3% 7,7% Demand for balancing power 95,8% 4,2% System balancing status (long or short) 94,7% 5,3% Actual use of primary reserve power 85,2% 14,8% Actual use of secondary reserve power 89,3% 10,7% Actual use of tertiary reserve power 88,5% 11,5% Hourly generation (KW h) by fuel type 88,1% 11,9% Day-ahead projected hourly injections (KW h) of wind power 89,3% 10,7% Actual hourly injections of wind power 84,6% 15,4% Actual injections (KW h) of wind power 82,7% 17,3% Day-ahead aggregated scheduled generation capacity by fuel type 88,0% 12,0% W eek-ahead scheduled available generation capacity by fuel type 88,9% 11,1% Year-ahead scheduled available generation capacity by fuel type 88,8% 11,2% Projected new-built of generation capacity Location 94,9% 5,1% Projected new-built of generation capacity Capacity (MW ) 98,0% 2,0% Installed generation capacity Location 95,9% 4,1% Installed generation capacity Capacity (MW ) 98,7% 1,3% Projected mothballing of generation capacity 93,6% 6,4% Projected dismantling of generation capacity 95,0% 5,0% Projected maintenance Duration 96,6% 3,4% Projected maintenance Capacity loss (MW ) 97,3% 2,7% W ater levels in hydro reservoirs 94,2% 5,8% Unplanned loss of generation capacity Duration 93,8% 6,3% Unplanned loss of generation capacity Capacity loss (MW ) 93,7% 6,3% Source: Energy Sector Inquiry 2005/2006. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (First phase - Electricity) 353 ANNEX I Load factors of power plants of the main generators in Germany Calculation on all hours of the year Load factors 2000 on all hours in the year - Plants of four main operators in Germany 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1288 12336 17411 20184 30890 40469 46459 51485 56025 62936 66646 71505 Cumulated capacity (MW) Loadfactor 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Marginalcost(€/MWh) Load factor 2000 on all hours Marginal cost 2000 Load factors 2004 on all hours in the year- Plants of four main operators in Germany 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1284 12960 18198 20051 33759 43285 49703 56081 60101 65032 69810 72610 Cumulated capacity (MW) Loadfactor 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Marginalcost(€/MWh) Load factor 2004 on all hours Marginal cost 2004 Load factors 2005 on all hours in the year- Plants of four main operators in Germany 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 52 12960 18198 20051 32417 41959 49064 54134 60778 64708 69855 72820 Cumulated capacity (MW) Loadfactor 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Marginalcost(€/MWh) Load factor 2005 on all hours Marginal cost 2005 Source: Energy Sector Inquiry 2005/2006. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (Second phase – Public consultation) 354 ANNEX J Statistics on the results of the public consultation (Electricity) Respondents representing the views related to the position of: Incumbents Non- incumbents Consumers National authorities Power exchanges Independent traders TSOs and DSOs Others Total number of comments Number of all respondents in each category 14 6 4 7 3 4 6 1 45 Comments on: Regulatory framework 9 3 2 1 1 3 1 0 20 Functioning of wholesale markets 7 2 4 3 1 2 1 0 20 Concentration in generation 7 4 3 4 0 0 1 0 19 Concentration in trade 6 2 1 3 0 1 0 0 13 Price setting 6 2 3 3 1 1 0 0 16 Withdrawals of capacity 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 6 Other issues relating to concentration 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 6 Vertical integration between generation and retail activities 7 5 2 2 0 3 0 0 19 Vertical integration between supply and network activities 8 3 3 3 0 2 1 0 20 Current institutional setting and market design 8 2 2 2 0 3 3 1 21 Investments in new cross-border infrastructure 10 2 3 2 1 2 2 0 22 Allocation of existing cross-border capacity 8 2 3 2 3 2 3 0 23 Transparency 13 5 2 3 2 3 4 0 32 External factors possibly explaining price increases 5 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 14 Regulated supply tariffs and special support schemes 9 4 1 2 1 1 1 0 19 Competition law remedies 1 2 4 3 0 0 1 0 11 Regulatory remedies 6 2 3 2 2 2 2 0 19 Structural remedies 5 2 4 4 0 1 1 0 17 Source: Energy Sector Inquiry 2005/2006. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (Second phase – Gas) 355 ANNEX K Destination Country Country of origin Belgium Algeria SNTM-Hyproc Sonatrach Suez LNG 126 1980 26 Messigaz Sonatrach Gaz de France 50 1971 42 SNTM-Hyproc Sonatrach Gaz de France 126 1981 32 Dreyfus/Gaz de France Sonatrach Gaz de France 129 1977 36 Messigaz Sonatrach Gaz de France 40 1974 39 ENI Sonatrach Gaz de France 41 1970 43 Nigeria Bonny Gas Transport Nigeria LNG Gaz de France 137 2002 17 Oman Oman Gas/MOL Oman Gas 137 2001 21 Total capacity by destination country=661 Greece Algeria BW Gas Sonatrach DEPA 30 1974 36 ENI Sonatrach ENI 41 1969 48 ENI Sonatrach ENI 65 1996 21 ENI Sonatrach ENI 65 2005 23 Peninsular LNG RasGas II 138 2004 25 A. P. Moller RasGas II 138 2004 25 Peninsular LNG Qatar RasGas II 138 2005 25 Peninsular LNG Qatar RasGas II 145 2005 26 Peninsular LNG Qatar RasGas II 145 2005 26 A. P. Moller Qatar RasGas II 145 2006 25 Total capacity by destination country=1020 Distrigas Sonatrach Suez LNG 131 1978 37 Auxiliar Maritima Sonatrach Enagas 40 1970 37 Elcano Sonatrach Enagas 138 2003 4 BG International Sonatrach Enagas 72 1969 52 Knutsen/Marpetrol Engas Union Fenosa 139 2004 26 Teekay LNG Partners Engas Repsol/YPF 138 2005 30 Teekay LNG Partners Engas Union Fenosa 141 2004 30 Chemikalien Seetransport Sirte Oil Enagas 36 1975 29 Chemikalien Seetransport Sirte Oil Enagas 36 1975 29 Taiwan Marine Sirte Oil Enagas 26 1965 39 Nigeria Bonny Gas Transport Nigeria LNG Enagas 137 2002 17 Oman Gas/MOL Oman Gas Shell 149 2004 3 Oman Gas/MOL Oman Gas Qalhat LNG 147 2005 21 Shell Shipping Oman Gas Iberdrola 127 1978 29 J4 Consortium QatarGas 135 2004 20 Golar LNG QatarGas British Gas 126 1977 42 Golar LNG Atlantic LNG British Gas 138 2003 31 Hoegh LNG Atlantic LNG Enagas 88 1973 47 Teekay LNG Partners Atlantic LNG Enagas 138 2003 21 Knutsen/Marpetrol Atlantic LNG Repsol/YPF 138 2004 20 BG International Atlantic LNG Enagas 72 1969 52 n.a. BP Shipping Engas 138 2002 BP Shipping Engas 138 2003 Total capacity by destination country=2565 Bonny Gas Transport Nigeria LNG Enagas/GdF/BOTAS 122 1976 43 Bonny Gas Transport Nigeria LNG Enagas/GdF/BOTAS 122 1977 42 Bonny Gas Transport Nigeria LNG Enagas/GdF/BOTAS 133 1981 38 Bonny Gas Transport Nigeria LNG Enagas/GdF/BOTAS 133 1984 35 Bonny Gas Transport Nigeria LNG Enagas/GdF/BOTAS 127 1980 39 Bonny Gas Transport Nigeria LNG Enagas/GdF/BOTAS 127 1980 39 Bonny Gas Transport Nigeria LNG Enagas/GdF/BOTAS 127 1978 45 Total capacity by destination country=890 Bonny Gas Transport Nigeria LNG 141 2004 Bonny Gas Transport Nigeria LNG 141 2005 Bonny Gas Transport Nigeria LNG 141 2005 Bonny Gas Transport Nigeria LNG 141 2006 Kristen Navigation Qatar Ras Gas II 145 2005 25 Kristen Navigation Qatar Ras Gas II 145 2005 25 BW Gas Nigeria LNG Various 146 2004 22 BW Gas Nigeria LNG Various 145 2005 21 BW Gas Nigeria LNG Various 141 2005 21 Bonny Gas Transport Nigeria LNG 138 2003 16 BW Gas Nigeria LNG Various 146 2006 21 Egypt Mitsui OSK Line Idku BP 138 2005 3 Algeria Nippon Gas Sonatrach Various 145 2004 26 BW Gas Sonatrach 138 2004 26 SNTM-Hyproc Sonatrach 41 1971 42 Total Capacity= 7322 LNG tankers currently serving the EU market (by destination country) Qatar Shipowner Exporter Algeria Qatar Algeria Egypt Libya Charterer Oman Delivery Contract length Primary Trade Route Capacity (cu.m. x1000) France Italy Spain Algeria Europe (various countries) Trinidad Nigeria Nigeria Algeria Spain/France /Turkey Source: Ernst & Young's elaboration of Maritime Business Strategies' data. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (Second phase – Gas) 356 Destination Country Country of origin Gaz de France Engas Gaz de France 154 31-Oct-06 19 GdF/NYK Line Engas Gaz de France 154 2007 20 Total capacity by destination country=307 Gaz de France Sonatrach Gaz de France 74 31-Dec-06 7 Knutsen OAS Repsol 138 30-Jun-08 Oman Oman Gas/MOL Oman Gas Qalhat LNG 147 31-Jul-06 20 Total capacity by destination country=359 ProNav Ship Mgmt. Qatar Qatargas II 210 31-Oct-07 25 ProNav Ship Mgmt. Qatar Qatargas II 210 31-Oct-07 25 ProNav Ship Mgmt. Qatar Qatargas II 210 31-Jan-08 25 ProNav Ship Mgmt. Qatar Qatargas II 210 31-Jan-08 25 Overseas Shipholding Qatar Qatargas II 216 31-Oct-07 25 Overseas Shipholding Qatar Qatargas II 216 31-Jan-08 24 Overseas Shipholding Qatar Qatargas II 216 31-Aug-07 25 Overseas Shipholding Qatar Qatargas II 216 31-Jan-08 24 Total capacity by destination country=1705 Med. LNG Tpt. Corp. Sonatrach 76 30-Jun-07 25 Med. LNG Tpt. Corp. Sonatrach 76 30-Jun-09 24 Total capacity by destination country=151 Maran Gas Maritime Qatar Ras Gas II 146 31-Jul-06 24 Teekay LNG Qatar Ras Gas II 152 31-Oct-06 25 Teekay LNG Qatar Ras Gas II 152 31-Jan-07 25 Teekay LNG Qatar Ras Gas II 152 Apr-07 25 Maran Gas Maritime Qatar Ras Gas II 146 31-May-07 23 BW Gas Nigeria LNG Various 148 Feb-07 20 BW Gas Nigeria LNG Various 148 Mar-07 20 BW Gas Nigeria LNG Various 148 Mar-08 19 BW Gas Nigeria LNG Various 148 15-Jun-08 20 BP Shipping Available 155 31-Aug-08 Total capacity by destination country=1494 Total ship capacity= 4017 LNG tankers planned to serve the EU market (by destination country) Europe Qatar Nigeria UK Mediterranean Countries Algeria Qatar Primary Trade Route Egypt France Spain Algeria Contract length DeliveryShipowner Exporter Importer Capacity (cu.m. x1000) Source: Ernst & Young's elaboration of Maritime Business Strategies' data. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (Second phase – Gas) 357 ANNEX L Cost of a spot unloading of 1 TWh with an emission on the transmission network of 30 days Italy Per unit (MWh) 1 TWh Charge per unload 17.477,79 € 17.477,79 € Unit Commodity charge (1) 0,1315 € 128.870,00 € (2) 0,0159 € 15.582,00 € Unit Capacity charge (3) 0,29 € 290.000,00 € Gas Consumption (reference : 20 €/MWh) 2,0% 400.000,00 € Total 851.929,79 € (1) : 0,036556 €/GJ ; 1 GJ = 0,278 MWh (2) : 0,004424 €/GJ ; 1GJ = 0,278 MWh (3) : 1,97 €/liquid m3 ; 1 liquid m3 equivalent to 600 gas m3 ; 1 gas m3 = 11,3 kWh Belgium (new tariff) 1 TWh Charge per unload included in slot included in slot Charge per slot 750.443,00 € 750.443,00 € Unit charge per additional emission / kWh/h/year 1,95 € 2.706.600,00 € Gas Consumption (reference: 20 €/MWh) 1,3% 260.000,00 € Total 3.717.043,00 € A slot includes unloading, storage and regasification capacity for 10,35 days We suppose that the emission is constant during 30 days, i.e. 1388 MWh/h France Per unit (MWh) 1 TWh Charge per unload 30.000,00 € 30.000,00 € Unit Commodity charge 0,57 € 570.000,00 € Charge for reception service 0,03 € 30.000,00 € Gas Consumption (reference: 20 €/MWh) 0,5% 100.000,00 € Total 730.000,00 € Source: Commission elaboration of IEFE and national regulators data. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (Second phase – Gas) 358 Cost of a spot unloading of 1 TWh with an emission on the transmission network of 8 or 10 days Italy Per unit (MWh) 1 TWh Charge per unload 17.477,79 € 17.477,79 € Unit Commodity charge (1) 0,1315 € 128.870,00 € (2) 0,0159 € 15.582,00 € Unit Capacity charge (3) 0,29 € 290.000,00 € Gas Consumption (reference : 20 €/MWh) 2,0% 400.000,00 € Total 851.929,79 € Guarantee 33% of the value of the volume of gas 6.666.666,67 € (1) : 0,036556 €/GJ ; 1 GJ = 0,278 MWh (2) : 0,004424 €/GJ ; 1GJ = 0,278 MWh (3) : 1,97 €/liquid m3 ; 1 liquid m3 equivalent to 600 gas m3 ; 1 gas m3 = 11,3 kWh Belgium (new tariff) 1 TWh Charge per slot 750.443,00 € 750.443,00 € Gas Consumption (reference: 20 €/MWh) 1,3% 260.000,00 € Total 1.010.443,00 € Guarantee 100 % of the average monthly invoice 1.010.443,00 € A slot includes unloading, storage and regasification capacity for 10 days ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (Second phase – Gas) 359 A slot includes unloading of cargoes, 5 days of free storage, regasification rights and loading of LNG trucks (1) : 0,086873 €/m3/day (2): It is recovered one year later. It is lost in case of infrautilization of the capacity. There is no need for bail in case the TPA contract duration < 1 year. In consequence, cargo Source: Commission elaboration of IEFE and national regulators data. For France, the calculation is not possible for less than 30 days, since GdF proposes only a constant emission during 30 days for a spot cargo. Nevertheless, it is technically possible to decrease the number of days of emission by using the secondary market on the point of exchange of LNG. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (Second phase – Electricity) 360 ANNEX M This annex shows additional charts on market shares in balancing markets. France: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for increasing production 2003 - 2005 May 5,6% 1,7% 2,9% 4,2% 74,0% 1% 8,0%2,8% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Undertaking J Undertaking K Undertaking L Undertaking M Undertaking N Undertaking O Undertaking P Undertaking Q Undertaking RMarket shares less then 0.01 % are not indicated. France: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for decreasing production 2003 - 2005 May 1,2% 0,7% 0,4% 92,5% 0,6% 1,1% 0,5% 2,9% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Undertaking J Undertaking K Undertaking L Undertaking M Undertaking N Undertaking O Undertaking P Undertaking Q Undertaking RMarket shares less then 0.01 % are not indicated. Germany: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for increasing production 2003 - 2005 May 25,9% 34,0% 20,2% 19,7% 0,1% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Other undertakings Germany: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for decreasing production 2003 - 2005 May 0,4% 16,6% 19,9% 28,8% 33,9% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Other undertakings Finland: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for increasing production 2003 - 2005 May (exl. secondary) 84,0% 0,5% 0,01% 13,5% 0,4% 1,6% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Finland: balancing marketsvolumes supplied for decreasing production 2003 - 2005 May (exl. secondary) 0,2% 50,0% 1,2%0,1% 0,2% 35,7% 1,9% 10,6% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Italy: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for increasing production 2003 - 2005 May(exl. secondary) 0,00% 1,2% 0,06% 4,2% 0,11% 88,8% 0,3% 0,02% 5,0% 0,3% 0,01% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Undertaking J Market shares smaller than 0.01 % are not indicated. Italy: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for decreasing production 2003 - 2005 May(exl. secondary) 0,03% 1,3% 0,01% 7,9% 0,04% 81,9% 0,8% 0,01% 6,6% 0,9% 0,03% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Undertaking J Market shares smaller than 0.01 % are not indicated. Netherlands: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for increasing production 2003 - 2005 May 1,1% 0,1% 93,3% 1,4% 2,1% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Netherlands: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for decreasing production 2003 - 2005 May 15,4% 29,4% 20,7% 34,3% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (Second phase – Electricity) 361 Poland: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for increasing production 2003 - 2005 May 13,2% 4,0% 1,1% 19,3% 4,8% 12,6% 6,3% 12,3% 19,0% 0,1% 6,3% 1,0% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Undertaking J Undertaking K Undertaking L Poland: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for decreasing production 2003 - 2005 May 9,6% 21,2% 4,0% 6,2% 1,1% 1,8% 28,9% 2,3% 7,0% 6,6% 0,4% 11,0% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Undertaking J Undertaking K Undertaking L Spain: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for increasing production 2003 - 2005 May 3,3% 32,0% 0,4% 0,1% 6,2% 0,6% 1,0% 1,0% 0,9% 35,1% 0,0% 0,2% 0,1% 13,1% 6,0% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Undertaking J Undertaking K Undertaking L Undertaking M Undertaking N Undertaking O Spain: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for decreasing production 2003 - 2005 May 3,3% 5,4% 10,3% 0,1%2,0% 0,1% 28,1% 3,6% 0,5% 4,7% 0,4% 6,1% 0,2% 1,7% 33,6% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Undertaking H Undertaking I Undertaking J Undertaking K Undertaking L Undertaking M Undertaking N Undertaking O Sweden: balancing marketsvolumes supplied for increasing production 2003 - 2005 May 3,3%2,5% 24,0% 44,9% 25,2% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Sweden: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for decreasing production 2003 - 2005 May 3,2%1,3% 23,0% 54,2% 18,4% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Slovenia: balancing markets volumes supplied for increasing production 2003 - 2005 May 13,3% 77,6% 6,3% 2,2%0,7% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Slovenia: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for decreasing production 2003 - 2005 May 18,8% 76,0% 5,2% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Slovakia: balancing marketsvolumes supplied for increasing production 2003 - 2005 May 2,7% 2,1% 0,6% 2,4% 88,4% 3,7% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G Slovakia: balancing marketsvolumessupplied for decreasing production 2003 - 2005 May 22,5% 1,2% 3,8% 69,4% 3,1% Undertaking A Undertaking B Undertaking C Undertaking D Undertaking E Undertaking F Undertaking G yy Source: Energy Sector Inquiry 2005/2006 Note: though Germany has four so-called control areas it is reasonable to aggregate the volumes for reserves across these areas since supplying reserve power across control areas id possible. The figure reveals that four actors are mainly supplying reserves. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (Second phase – Electricity) 362 ANNEX N This annex shows the merit curves in different markets. Source: Energy Sector Inquiry 2005/2006. Note: For these two graphs, since there is one operator representing most of the curve, figures on the vertical axis are rounded. ENERGY SECTOR INQUIRY – ANNEXES (Second phase – Electricity) 363 Source: Energy Sector Inquiry 2005/2006.