Business Projects (BPH_BPRO) SPRING 2013 Lecturer: Petr Smutný Contact: Department of Business Economics (6^th floor) Door No. 638 The aim of the course: Students are given a chance to apply their theoretical knowledge in writing case studies where they aim to solve business / managerial problem of their own choice. Students work in small teams. Requirements: - to present the results of your work; - to hand in a written paper. Syllabus of the course (beginning): Introduction to the course, introduction to project management Methods of project management I Methods of project management II MANDATORY CONSULTATION – presentation of your progress Realization of projects – earned value management MANDATORY CONSULTATION – presentation of your progress Presentation and written paper structure MANDATORY CONSULTATION – presentation of your progress The course will be completed by presentations of your projects at the end of semester. Final presentations – Group 1 Final presentations – Group 2 Besides the regular consultations, which are mandatory, individual facultative consultations can be arranged. In this case please don’t hesitate to contact me to arrange for the particular date and time of the meeting. To get the credits and successfully finish the course students have to: - successfully defend their project at presentation; - hand in the project in form of a written paper. You are able to contact other students from the course by email. The e-mail is in the following form: the numbers can be found at the list of students next to each student’s name. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION OR PROBLEME PLEASE DON’T HESITATE TO CONTACT ME!