ANOTACE/ ABSTRAKT STATI ČI PROJEKTU Shrnutí (souhrn, zestručněná verze) článku, referátu, projektu, soustředěné na jeho základní přínos. Neopakujte (nerozepisujte) to, co je obecně známo, soustřeďte se na informaci o jeho (nových) podstatných zjištěních a závěrech z něho plynoucích. V anotaci/abstraktu nesmí být nic, co by nebylo obsaženo ve vlastním anotovaném textu. V případě projektu jde o shrnutí základních informací o designu výzkumu:  Předmět výzkumu (např. dlouhodobá nezaměstnanost), problém (např. strategie dlouhodobě nezaměstnaných jako jeden z problémů s tímto předmětech spojených).  Základní 2-3 výzkumné otázky (na níž hodlá výzkum jakožto realizace projektu odpovědět: „co se chcete dozvědět“).  Strategie výzkumu: informace o tom, zda půjde o komparaci či longitudinální výzkum.  Zdroj dat a jejich povaha - určení výzkumného souboru, výzkumných jednotek, popřípadě i způsob jejích výběru.  Zvolená metodologie (pozor, nejde o popisování zvolených metod!). Pokyny pro psaní anotace/abstraktu: (a) Popište stručně a věcně výsledky (v případě projektu cíl výzkumu). Pište úsporně: je třeba vážit každé slovo. Necitujte. (b) Délka bývá ne méně než 150 a ne více než 250 slov (cca 1200–1500 znaků), čím je abstrakt kratší a věcnější, tím lépe, vyhýbejte se proto zbytečným podrobnostem. (c) Vedlejší věty jsou nahrazeny jmennými výrazy, infinitivní nebo přechodníkovou konstrukcí, užívání složitějších podřadných souvětí zkracování slov je nežádoucí. (upraveno podle: Šesták, 2000) Význam abstraktu je v rychlé orientaci, kterou poskytuje svým čtenářům o anotované stati/projektu. Anotace/abstrakty se publikují i samostatně a tak se řada osob rozhoduje o tom, zda si anotovanou stať/projekt zajistí a přečte právě na základě toho, jak je tato anotace/ abstrakt zaujme. Nekonkrétní a nezajímavé anotace tak mohou autora připravit i o případné citace do jeho citačního indexu! Pokyny pro psaní abstraktů: Textový editor: MS Word Okraje: všechny 2,5 cm; Řádkování: 1; Font: times new roman; Jazyk: český, slovenský, anglický; Rozsah: max. 15 řádků Struktura: NÁZEV (16 bodů, tučně, zarovnat na střed) volný řádek (12 bodů) Jméno a příjmení autora (bez titulů, 14 bodů, tučně, zarovnat na střed) název instituce (12 bodů, zarovnat na střed) adresa – ulice, město, PSČ (12 bodů, zarovnat na střed) e-mail (12 bodů, zarovnat na střed) volný řádek (12 bodů) Klíčová slova: ( 3-5 slov, 12 bodů, zarovnat do bloku) volný řádek (12 bodů) Abstrakt: (text abstraktu, max. 10 řádků, 12 bodů, zarovnat do bloku) Vzor: NÁZEV Jméno a příjmení název instituce ulice, město, PSČ e-mail Klíčová slova: (uvést 3 – 5) Text: Sociologický časopis – požadavky na abstrakty Abstrakty musí mít rozsah 1200–1500 znaků v češtině nebo angličtině. Měly by jasně představit teoretickou nebo výzkumnou otázku a její řešení, použitá data a metodologii (v závislosti na povaze článku). Vágní a příliš obecné abstrakty snižují šanci článku na úspěch v recenzním řízení a před případným otištěním v Sociologickém časopise budou redakcí vráceny k přepracování. Protože se abstrakty často používají samostatně, nesmí obsahovat odkazy na seznam literatury. Je také nutné se vyhnout používání indexikálních výrazů, které ztrácejí srozumitelnost pro vnější čtenáře (náš tým, náš výzkum, v naší zemi…). Abstrakt by rovněž neměl obsahovat údaje o grantové podpoře. ASA – American Sociological Association Writing an Informative Abstract Please write an informative abstract. Be orderly, succinct, and concrete. Use active verbs such as report", "propose," and "analyze" rather than static verbs such as "is", "are" and "appears to be." Do not hedge or equivocate. Abstracts should be less than 200 words. Use the following outline and example as a guide. The example describes "The Effects of Power, Knowledge and Trust on Income Disclosure in Surveys," by Catherine E. Ross and John R. Reynolds (1996. Social Science Quarterly 77:899-911). Objective State the core issue, research question, or objective of the research. EXAMPLE: Why do some social groups report income less often than others? We propose that powerlessness in the household and in society decrease the likelihood of reporting income because they decrease knowledge and trust. Knowledge of household finances affects the ability to report household income. Trust affects the willingness to report it. Methods Briefly describe the methods, including the population, sampling method, sample size, study design (e.g., survey), and the date of the data collection. EXAMPLE: We analyze the reporting of exact or approximate income in a national U.S. probability sample of 2,031 respondents interviewed by telephone in 1990. Results Describe the results. EXAMPLE: Mistrust reduces the probability of reporting income, whether exactly or approximately. Homemakers and those with little household power report income as often as others if allowed to report approximate rather than exact amounts. The same applies to African Americans, the poorly educated, the unmarried, and people who feel powerless. Older persons and those in larger households report income less often than others and tend to give approximate amounts. Conclusions Interpret the results as supporting or not supporting the theory or hypotheses. Draw conclusions and state implications. EXAMPLE: The results confirm that knowledge and trust affect the reporting of income in surveys. Příklady abstraktů Who Is Poor in the Czech Republic? The Changing Structure and Faces of Poverty after 1989 JIŘÍ VEČERNÍK Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague Abstract: The article provides a summary of evidence on the development of poverty in the Czech Republic since 1989. First, the new sources of poverty after 1989 and the new measures introduced to prevent or combat it are described. Second, the relative ease with which it is possible to leave the labour force and the impact of departures on household income is considered. Third, a variety of measurements that reveal different faces of poverty, comparing so-called objective and subjective indicators, are presented. Fourth, the working poor are examined and compared with the non-working poor. As a comparison of Microcensus data demonstrates, more change occurred in the composition than in the amount of poverty. Before 1989, poverty was caused mainly by demographic factors. In contrast, unemployment became the strongest factor of poverty under the market economy. This largely manifested itself after 1997, when there was a rapid increase in unemployment in the Czech Republic and the numbers for long-term unemployed grew even faster. Simultaneously, the problem of ‘the working poor’ appeared, but it is far less acute in the Czech Republic than in other EU countries. In conclusion, drawing sociology more into poverty research is stressed as a necessity. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 2004, Vol. 40, No. 6: 807–833 Segmenty zaměstnaných a nezaměstnaných v České republice v letech 1998 až 2004 TOMAŠ KATRŇAK, PETR MAREŠ Fakulta sociálních studii Masarykovy univerzity, Brno The Employed and the Unemployed in the Czech Labour Market between 1998 and 2004 Abstract: The article focuses on the development of the labour market in the Czech Republic from the perspective of employment and unemployment between 1998 and 2004. Using data from the Czech Statistical Office, and within a reference framework of EU countries, the authors discuss and analyse the factors that determine unemployment and employment in Czech society. The authors use latent logistic regression to verify the assumption that the odds of unemployment are not evenly distributed across the entire Czech population and to identify three segments of the labour market in the Czech Republic. In each of these three segments the employment and unemployment odds differ, and the factors that determine these odds function differently in each segment. Keywords: employment, unemployment, job market, latent analysis, latent classes, Czech Republic. Sociologicky časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 2: 281–303 Legitimita, angažovanost a tvorba sociálního kapitálu - české pracoviště v době transformace BEN PASSMORE University System of Maryland, USA Legitimacy, Engagement and the Creation of Social Capital in the Transition Czech Workplace Abstract: Previous research indicates that Czechs harbor considerable doubt about the honesty of their political and economic system. One response to this perceived dishonesty has been disengagement, to the extent possible, from their work and public life. Disengagement was, both before and after 1989, the potent weapon used by Czechs in their workplaces to covertly make their wishes known on the factory floor. This behavior has proven problematic for the managers of the „new“ private enterprises in the country. The tension between management and workers has resulted in the creation of complex interactions which can begin to be understood through an analysis of transactions in social capital. To accomplish this, this paper will examine two relative successful companies in the Southern Moravian city of Brno during the period preceding E.U. accession. Through field notes, interview and survey data gathered during more than a year of ethnographic fieldwork, this paper will accomplish three objectives. It will analyze the interplay in those companies of discourses of honesty with the twin goals of managerial legitimacy and worker engagement. It will document the process of negotiation which has resulted in the development of a new moral economy on the work floor and the growth of powerful worker networks within the enterprise. Finally, it will present a theoretical framework to capture the process of social capital creation and expenditure which is the product of these processes. Keywords transition, organizational culture, social capital, engagement, legitimacy. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 1: 49–68 Bytová situace a přístupy mladých lidí k získání bytu na lokální úrovni JAROSLAV DUPAL ÚRS PRAHA, a.s. The Housing Situation of Young People and Their Attitudes to Acquiring a Flat at the Local Level Abstract: The article looks at the use of sociological tools to address the issue of young people's housing in general and at the local level. One such tool has been the use of polls on the housing situation, which are conducted in 267 towns in the Czech Republic and which have provided the first opportunity to document the problem of housing among individual types of families and households at the town level. Young families and newly established households were assessed as the biggest risk group in terms of being able to obtain independent housing. On the basis of these findings, in 1998 a Young Couples' Housing Register was set up. It contains information from completed questionnaires submitted by participating towns. These questionnaires and the registered data are evaluated annually to develop an outline of the housing situation in towns and the attitudes of young couples toward it. The housing situation of young households and others interested in obtaining a flat is examined for a period of 3-4 years using standardised questions on respondents' attitudes and ideas about the housing policy in the given town. This information is then used in the formation of the towns' housing policy and housing development plans. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 2005, Vol. 41, No. 2: 317–325 Výber produkčnej funkcie pri odhade potenciálneho produktu Pavol OCHOTNICKÝ production function, substitution, potential product, production gap JEL Classification: C13, C23, C51, D21, D24, E32, H37, E60 The paper surveys and compares the main substitution production function types as one of the key components used by the estimations of potential output or output gap. Based on the theoretical classification of the production functions, Fuss-McFadden-Mundlak opinion and some empirical tests of the production functions in the Slovak Republic, EU countries and USA, the paper: (a) compares the possibility of using different substitution production functions by the potential output or output gap measurement/estimation, (b) evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of using three different basic production function models/groups. In addition, the paper encourages enhancement of the empirical research of production function use with the variable characteristics. Ekonomický časopis/Journal of Economics. Volume 56, 2008, No. 8: 800-815. Ekonomická výkonnosť a systémy sociálnej ochrany Iveta DUDOVÁ, Silvia OŠKOVÁ, Vojtech STANEK welfare state, workfare, welfare, flexicurity, social protection systems, reform of social protection JEL Classification: I30, I31, I39 Experience of most OECD countries reflect that conflict between social solidarity and economy efficiency has been reduced to they should be compatible nay complementary. Social expenditures can at the same time to reduce poverty and prefer labour productivity and technical-technologic changes. Our Slovak system of social protection will be vigorous when two conditions are achieved: first condition gives volatility against stability of rules, which refer redistribution. Compatibility of system of social protection with existence regulation and regime of economic growth is the second condition. Ekonomický časopis/Journal of Economics. Volume 56, 2008, No. 4: 403-421. Analýza vývoje finanční výkonnosti podniků v České republice Jaroslav SEDLÁČEK Keywords: financial efficiency of enterprises, return on assets, return on equity, factors of growth, macroeconomic policy JEL Classification: D21, L50 The financial efficiency of the Czech companies in the period 1996 – 2005, measured by return on capital and revenues did not develop very favourably, until the year 2000, when things changed to favourable development. This article examines the factors that influenced this development and indicates the ways pointing to improvement. The analyses showed that substantial share on a creation of economic value added in the average Czech industrial company has macro-economic policy, launched in the areas of the price of loan capital and of legal entity income tax. The accelerator of the growth of financial efficiency of the enterprises will be internal factors disregarded in this analysis, that include the new products and technologies, which are conductive to decrease the share of costs on revenues. Ekonomický časopis/Journal of Economics. Volume 55, 2007, No. 1: 3-18.