Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care Kenneth J. Arrow The American Economic Review, Vol. 53, No. 5. (Dec., 1963), pp. 941-973. Stable URL: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0002-8282%28196312%2953%3A5%3C941%3AUATWEO%3E2.0.CO%3B2-C The American Economic Review is currently published by American Economic Association. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/about/terms.html. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/journals/aea.html. 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It is contended here, on the basis of comparison of obvious characteristics of the medical-care industry with the norms of welfare economics, that the special economic problems of medical care can be explained as adaptations to the existence of uncertainty in the incidence of disease and in the efficacy of treatment. It should be noted that the subject is the medical-care industry, not health. The causal factors in health are many, and the provision of medical care is only one. Particularly at low levels of income, other commodities such as nutrition, shelter, clothing, and sanitation may be much more significant. It is the complex of services that center about the physician, private and group practice, hospitals, and public health, which I propose to discuss. The focus of discussion will be on the way the operation of the medical-care industry and the efficacy with which it satisfies the needs of society differ from a norm, if at all. The "norm" that the economist usually uses for the purposes of such comparisons is the operation of a competitive model, that is, the flows of services that would be *The author is professor of economics at Stanford University. I-Ie wishes to express his thanks for useful comments to F. Eatoi, R. Dorfman, V. Fuchs, Dr. S. Gilson, R. Kessel, S. Mushkin, and C. R. Rorem. This paper was prepared under the sponsorship of the Ford Foundation as part of a series of papers on the economics of health, education, and welfare. 942 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW offered and purchased and the prices that would be paid for them if each individual in the marliet offered or purchased services at the going prices as if his decisions had no influence over them, and the going prices were szch that the amounts of services which were available equalled the total amounts which other individuals were willing to purchase, with no imposed restrictions on supply or demand. The interest in the competitive model stems partly from its presumed descriptive power and partly from its implications for econoinic efficiency. In pzrticular, we can state the following well-known proposition (First Optimality Theorem). If a conipztitive equilibrium exists at all, and if all commodities relevant to costs or utilities are in fact priced in the market, then the equilibrium is necessarily optimal in the folloxx-;vingprecise sense (due to V. Pareto): There is no other a1lo:atian of resources to services which will inake all participants in the ~ilarketbetter off. Both the co:~ditionsof this optimality theorem and the definition of optimality call for comment. A definition is just a definition. but when the dcfiniendunz is a word already in common use with highly favorable connotations, it is clear that me are really trying to be pcrsvasive; we are implicitly reconlmending the achievement of optimal states.' I t is reasoilable enough to assert that a change in allocation which makes all participants better off is one that certajnly should be nade; this is a value judgment, not a descriptive proposition, but it is a very weak one. From thjs it follows that it is not desirable to put up with a nonoptimal allocation. But it does not folloxv that if vx are at an ailocation which is optimal in the Pareto sense, we should not change to any other. We cacnot indeed make a change that does not hurt someone; but we can still desire to change to another allocation if the change makes enough participants better off and by so much that xT;e feel that the injury to others is not enough to offset the benefits. Such interpersonal comparisons are, of course, value judgments. The change, however, by the previous argument ought to be an optimal state; of course there are many possible states, each of which is optinlal in the sense here used. However, a value judgment on the desirability of each possible new distribution of benefits and costs corresponding to each possible reallocation of resources is not. in general, necessary. Judgments about the distribution can be made separately, in one sense, from those about allocation if certain conditions are fulfilled. Eefore stating the relevant proposition, it is necessary to remark that the competitive equilibrium achieved depends in good measure on the initial distribution of purchasing power, which consists of ownership of assets and skills that 'This point has been stressed by I. M. D. Little [19, pp. 71-74]. For the concept of a "persuasive definition," see C. L. Stevenson [27, pp. 210-171. 943ARROW: UNCERTAINTY AND MEDICAL CARE command a price on the market. A transfer of assets among individuals will, in general, change the final supplies of goods and services and the prices paid for them. Thus, a transfer of purchasing power from the well to the ill will increase the demand for medical services. This will manifest itself in the short run in an increase in the price of medical services and in the long run in an increase in the amount sup- plied. With this in mind, the following statement can be made (Second Optimality Theorem) : If there are no increasing returns in production, and if certain other minor conditions are satisfied, then every optimal state is a competitive equilibrium corresponding to some initial distribution of purchasing power. Operationally, the significance of this proposition is that if the conditions of the two optimality theorens are satisfied, and if the allocation mechanism in the real world satisfies the conditions for a competitive model, then social policy can confi~eitself to steps taken to alter the distribution of purchasing power. For any given distribution of purchasing power, the market will, under the assumptions made, achieve a competitive equilibrium which is necessarily optimal; and any optimal state is a competitive equilibrium corresponding to some distribution of purchasing power, so that any desired optimal state can be achieved. The redistribution of purchasing power among individuals most simply takes the form of money: taxes and subsidies. The implications of such a transfer for individual satisfactions are, in general, not known in advance. But we can assume that society can ex post judge the distribution of satisfactions and, if deemed unsatisfactory, take steps to correct it by subsequent transfers. Thus, by successive approximations, a most preferred social state can be achieved, with resource allocation being handled by the market and public policy confined to the redistribution of money income.' If, on the conti-ary, the actual market differs significantly from the competitive model, or if the assumptions of the two optimality theorems are not fulfilled, the separation of allocative and distributional procedures becomes, in most cases, impo~sible.~ The first step then in the analysis of the medical-care market is the a The srnaration between allocation and distribution even under the above assumptions has :,.los;:d os.er prob1e:n; in the e:;ecutior, of 3r1y desired redistribution policy; in przctice, it is virtually impossible to find a set of taxes and subsidies that will not have an adverse effect on the achievement of an optimal state. But this discussion would take us even further afield than we have already gone. 'The basic theorems of welfare economics alluded to so briefly above have been the subject of voluminous literature, but no thoroughly satisfactory statement covering both the theorems themselves and the significance of exceptions to them exists. The pcsitive assertions of welfare economics and their relation to the theory of competitive equilibrium are admirably covered in ICoopmans [IS]. The best summary of the various ways in which the theorems can fail to hold is probably Bator's [61. 9.44 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW comparison between the actual market and the competitive model. The methodology of this comparison has been a recurrent subject of controversy in economics for over a century. Recently, M. Friedman [IS] has vigorously argued that the competitive or ar,y other model should be tested solely by its ability to predict. In the context of competition, he comes close to arguing that prices and quantities are the only relevant data. This point of view is valuable in stressing that a certain amount of lack of realism in the acsumptions of a model is no argument against its value. But the price-quantity irnplicai-ions of the competitive model for pricing are not easy to derive without major--and, in many cases, impossible-econometric efiorts. In this paper, the institutional organization and the observable mores of the medical profession are included among the data to be used in awessing the coinpetitiveness of tlie medical-care market. I shall also examine the presence or absence of the preconditions for the equivalence of competitive equilibria and optimal states. The major competitive preconditions, in the sense used here, are three: the existence of competitive equilibrium, the ma~ketnhilityof all goods and services relevant to cocts and utilities, and noflincreasing ret;rn.ns. The first two, as we have seen, insure that competitive equilibrium is necessarily optimal; the third insures that every optimal state is the competitive equilibrium corresponding to some distribution of income.Yhe first and third conditions are interrelated; indeed, nonincreasing returns plus some additional conditions not restrictive in a modern economy imply the existence of a competitive equilibrium, i.e., imply that there will be some set of prices which will clear all markets." The concept of marketability is somewhat broader than the traditional divergence between private and social costs and benefits. The latter concept refers to cases in which the organization of the market does nct reqaire an individual to pay for coqts that he imposes on others as the result of his actions or does not permit him to receive compensation for benefits he confers. In the medical field, the obvious example is the spread of communicable diseases. An individual who fails to be immunized not only risks his own health, a disutility which presumably he has weighed against the utility of avoiding the procedure, but also that of others. In an ideal price system, there would be a price which he would have to pay to anyone whose health is endangered, a price sufficiently high so tllat the others would feel compensated; or, alternatively, there would be a price which would be paid to him by others to induce him to undergo the immunization procedure. *There are further minor conditions, for which see Koopmans [IS, pp. 50-551. For a more precise statement of the existence conditions, see Koopmans 118, pp. 56-60] or Debreu [12, Ch. 51. ARROW: UNCERTAINTY AND MEDICAL CARE 945 Either system would lead to ail optimal state, though the distributional implications would be different. It is, of course, not hard to see that such price systems could not, in fact, be practical; to approximate an optima! state it would be necessary to have collective intervention in the form of subsidy or tax or compulsion. By the absence of marketability for an action which is identifiable, technologically possible, and capable of influencing some individuaľs welfare, for better or for worse, is meant here the failure of the existing market to provide a means whereby the services can be both offered and demanded upon payment of a price. Nonniarketability may be due to intrinsic techiiological characteristics of the product which prevent a suitable price from being enforced, as in the case of communicable diseases, or it may be due to social or historical controls, such as those prohibiting an individual from selling himself into slavery. This distinction is, in fact, difficult to make precise, though it is obviously of i~nportancefor policy; for the present purposes, it will be sufficient to identify non~narketabilitywith the observed absence of markets. The instance of nonmarketability with which x7e shall be most concerned is that of risk-bearing. The relevance of risk-bearing to medical care seems obvious; illness is to a considerable extent an unpredictable phenomenon. The ability to shift the risks of illness to others is worth a price which many are willing to pay. Because of pooling and of superior ?villingness and ability, others are willing to bear the risks. Nevertheless, as we shall see in greater detail, a great many risks are not covered, and indeed the markets for the services of risk-coverage are poorly developed or nonexistent. Why this should be so is explained in more detail in Section 1V.C below; briefly, it is impossible to draw up insurance policies which will sufficiently distinguish among risks, particularly since observation of the results will be incapable of distinguishing between avoidable and unavoidable risks, so that incentives to avoid losses are diluted. The optimality theorems discussed above are usually presented in the literature as referring only to conditions of certainty, but there is no difficulty in extending them to the case of risks, provided the additional services of risk-bearing are included with other c~niniodities.~ However, the variety of possible risks in the w ~ r l dis really staggering. The relevant commodities include, in effect, bets on all possible occurrences in the world which impinge upon utilities. In fact, many of these "commodities," i.e., desired protection against many risks, are 6 T l ~ etheory, in vxiant forms, seems to have teen first worked out by hllais 123, Arrow [ 5 ] , and BauCier [ I ] . For further generalization, see Debreu [ll] and [I.?, Ch. 71. 946 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEJV simply not available. Thus, a wide class of commodities is nonmarketable, and a basic competitive precondition is not sati~fied.~ There is a still more subtle consequence of the introduction of riskbearing considerations. When there is uncertainty, information or knowledge becomes a commodity. Like other commodities, it has a cost of production and a cost of transmission, and so it is naturally not spread out over the entire population but concentrated among those who can profit most from it. (These costs may be measured in time or disutility as well as money.) But the demand for information is difficult to discuss in the rational terms usually employed. The value of information is frequently not known in any meaningful sense to the buyer; if, indeed, he knew enough to measure the value of information, he would know the information itself. But information, in the form of skilled care, is precisely what is being bought from most physicians, and, indeed, from most professionals. The elusive character of information as a commodity suggests that it departs considerably from the usual marketability assumptions about commodities.' That risk and i~ncertaintyare, in fact, significant elements in medical care hardly needs argument. I will hold that virtually all the special features of this industry, in fact, stem from the prevalence of uncer- tainty. The nonexistence of markets for the bearing of some risks in the first instance reduces welfare for those who wish to transfer those risks to others for a certain price, as well as for those who would find it profitable to take on the risk at such prices. But it also reduces the desire to render or consume services which have risky consequences; in technical language, these commodities are complementary to risk-bearing. Conversely, the production and consumption of commodities and services with little risk attached act as substitutes for risk-bearing and are encouraged by market failure there with respect to risk-bearing. Thus the observed commodity pattern will be affected by the nonexistence of other markets. ' I t should also be remarked that in the presence of uncertainty, indivisibiiities that are sufficiently small to create little difficulty for the evistence and viability of competitive equilibrium may nevertheless give rise to a considerable range of increasing returns because of the operation of the law of large numbers. Since most objects of insurance (lives, fire hazards, etc.) hare some element of indivisibility, insurance companies have to be above a certain si7e. Gut it is not clezr that this effect is sufficiently great to create serious obstacles to the existence and viability of competitive equilibrium in practice. 'One form of production of information is research. Not only does the product have unconventionsl aspects as a commodity, but it is also subject to increasing returns in use, since new ideas, once developed, can be used over and over without being consumed, and to difiiculties of market control, since the cost of reproduction is usually much less than that of production. Hence, it is not surprising that a free enterprise economy will tend to underinvest in research; see Nelson [211 and Arrow [4]. 947ARROW: UNCERTAIYTY AND MEDICAI, CARE The failure of one or more of the competitive preconditions has as its most immediate and obvious consequence a reduction in welfare below that obtainable from existing resources and technology, in the sense of a failure to reach an optimal state in the sense of Pareto. But more can be said. I propose here the view that, when the market fails to achieve an optimal state, society will, to some extent at least, recognize the gap, and nonmarket social institutions will arise attempting to bridge it.Tertainly this process is not necessarily conscious; nor is it uniformly successful in approaching rnore closely to optinlality when the entire range of consequences is considered. It has a l ~ ~ a y sbeen a favorite activity of econonlists to point out that actions which on their face achieve a desirable goal may have less obvious consequences, particularly over time, which more than offset the original gains. But it is contended here that the special structural characteristics of the medical-care market are largely attempts to overcome the lack of optimality due to the nonmarketability of the bearing of suitable risks and the imperfect marketability of icforination. These compensatory institutional changes, with some reinforcement from usual profit motives, largely explain the observed noncompetitive behavior of the medical-care market, behavior ~vhich,in itself, interferes with optimality. The social adjustment towards optimality thus puts obstacles in its own path. The doctrine that society will seek to achieve optimality by nonmarket means if it cannot achieve them in the market is not novel. Certainly, the government, at least in its economic activities, is usually implicitly or explicitly held to function as the agency which substitutes for the markeťs failure.'' I am arguing here that in some circumstances other social institutions will step into the optimality gap, and that the medical-care industry, with its variety of special institutions, some ancient, some modern, exemplifies this tendency. It may be useful to remark here that a good part of the preference for redistribution expressed in government taxation and expenditure policies and private charity can be reinterpreted as desire for insurance. It is noteworthy that virtually nowhere is there a system of subsidies that has as its aim simply an equalization of income. The subsidies or other governmental help go to those who are disadvantaged in life by events the incidence of which is popularly regarded as unpre'An important current situation in which normal market relations have had to be greatly modified in the presence of great risks is the production and procurement of modern weapons; see Peck and Scherer [23, pp. 581-821 (I am indebted for this reference to V. Fuchs) and [I, pp. 71-75], 10 For an explicit statement of this view, see Baumol [81. But I bciieve this position is implicit in most discussions of the functions of government. 948 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW dictable: the blind, dependent children, the medically indigent. Thus, optimality, in a context which includes risk-bearing, includes much that appears to be motivated by distributional value judgments when looked at in a narrower context.'' This methodological background gives rise to the following plan for this paper. Section I1 is a catalogue of stylized generalizations about the medical-care market which differentiate it from the usual cornmodity markets. In Section I11 the behavior of the market is compared with that of the competitive model which disregards the fact of uncertainty. In Section IV, the medical-care market is compared, both as to behavior and as to preconditions, with the ideal competitive market that takes account of uncertainty; an attempt will be made to demonstrate that the characteristics outlined in Section I1 can be explained either as the result of deviations from the competitive preconditions or as attempts to compensate by other institutions for these failures. The discussion is not designed to be definitive, but provocative. In particular, I have been chary about drawing policy inferences; to a considerable extent, they depend on further research, for which the present paper is intended to provide a framework. 11. A Survey of the Special Characteristics of the Medical-Care Market12 This section will list selectively some characteristics of medical care which distinguish it from the usual commodity of economics textbooks. The list is not exhaustive, and it is not claimed that the characteristics listed are individually unique to this market. But, taken together, they do establish a special place for medical care in economic analysis. A. The Nature of Demand The most obvious distinguishing characteristics of an individuaľs demand for medical services is that it is not steady in origin as, for example, for food or clothing, but irregular and unpredictable. Medical services, apart from preventive services, afford satisfaction only in the event of illness, a departure from the normal state of affairs. It is hard, indeed, to think of another commodity of significance in the average budget of which this is true. A portion of legal services, devoted to defense in criminal trials or to lawsuits, might fall in this category but the incidence is surely very much lower (and, of course, there 11 Since writing the above, I find that Buchanan and Tullock [lo, Ch. 131 have argued that all redistribution can be interpreted as "income insurance." "For an illuminating survey to which I am much indebted, see S. Mushkin [201. 949ARROW: UNCERTAINTY AND MEDICAL CARE are, in fact, strong institutional similarities between the legal and medical-care markets.)13 In addition, the demand for medical services is associated, with a considerable probability, with an assault on personal integrity. There is some risk of death and a more considerable risk of impairment of full functioning. In particular, there is a major potential for loss or reduction of earning ability. The risks are not by themselves unique; food is also a necessity, but avoidance of deprivation of food can be guaranteed with sufficient income, where the same cannot be said of avoidance of illness. Illness is, thus, not only risky but a costly risk in itself, apart from the cost of medical care. B. Expected Behavior of the Physician I t is clear from everyday observation that the behavior expected of sellers of medical care is different from that of business men in general. These e:ipectations are relevant because medical care belongs to the category of commodities for which the product and the activity of production are identical. In all such cases, the customer cannot test the product before consuming it, and there is an element of trust in the relation.'" But the ethically understood restrictions on the activities of a physician are much more severe than on those of, say, a barber. His behavior is supposed to be governed by a concern for the customer's welfare which would not be expected of a salesman. In Talcott Parsons's terms, there is a "collectivity-orientation,') which distinguishes medicine and other professions from business, where self-interest on the part of participants is the accepted norm.15 A few illustrations will indicate the degree of difference between the behavior expected of physicians and that expected of the typical businessman.'' (1) Advertising and overt price competition are virtually eliminated among physicians. ( 2 ) Advice given by physicians as to further treatment by himself or others is supposed to be completely "In governmental demand, military power is an example of a service used only irregularly and unpredictably. Here too, special institutional and professional relations have emerged, though the precise social structure is different for reasons that are not hard t3 analyze. "Even with material commodities, testing is never so adequate that all elements of implicit trust can be eliminated. Of course, over the long run, experience with the quality of product of a given seller provides a check on the possibility of trust. See 122, p. 4631. The whole of 122, Ch. 101 is a most illuminating analysis of the social role of medical practice; though Parsons' interest lies in different areas from mine, I must acknowledge here my indebtedness to his work. "I am indebted to Herbert Klarman of Johns Hopkins University for some of the points discussed in this and the following paragraph. 95'0 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW divorced from self-interest. (3) It is at least claimed that treatment is dictated by the objective needs of the case and not limited by financial considerations." While the ethical compulsion is surely not as absolute in fact as it is in theory, we can hardly suppose that it has no influence over resource allocation in this area. Charity treatment in one form or another does exist because of this tradition about human rights to adequate medical care.ls (4) The physician is relied on as an expert in certifying to the existence of illnesses and injuries for various legal and other purposes. I t is socially expected that his concern for the correct conveying of information will, when appropriate, outweigh his desire to please his customers.'" Departure from the profit motive is strikingly manifested by the overwhelming predominance of nonprofit over proprietary hospitals.'O The hospital per se offers services not too different from those of a hotel, and it is certainly not obvious that the profit motive will not lead to a more efficient supply. The explanation may lie either on the supply side or on that of demand. The simplest explanation is that public and private subsidies decrease the cost to the patient in nonprofit hospitals. A second possibility is that the association of profit-making with the supply of medical services arouses suspicion and antagonism on the part of patients and referring physicians, so they do prefer nonprofit institutions. Either explanation implies a preference on the part of some group, whether donors or patients, against the profit motive in the supply of hospital services." "The belief that the ethics of medicine demands treatment independent of the patienťs ability to pay is strongly ingrained. Such a perceptive observer as RenC Dubos has made the remark that the high cost of anticoagulants restricts their use and may contradict classical medical ethics, as though this were an unprecedented phenomenon. See [13, p. 4191. "A time may come when medical ethics will have to be considered in the harsh light of economics" (emphasis added). Of course, this expectation amounts to ignoring the scarcity of medical resources; one has only to have heen poor to realize the error. We may confidently assume that price and income do have some consequences for medical expenditures. needed piece of research is a study of the exact nature of the variations of medical care received and medical care paid for as income rises. (The relevant income concept also needs study.) For this purpose, some disaggregation is needed; differences in hospital care which are essentially matters of comfort should, in the above view, be much more responsive to income than, e.g., drugs. I9 This role is enhanced in a socialist society, where the state itself is actively concerned with illness in relation to work; see Field [14, Ch. 91. mAbcut 3 per cent of beds were in proprietary hospitals in 1955, against 30 per cent in voluntary nonprofit, and the remainder in federal, state, and local hospitals; see [26, Chart 4-2, p. 601. "C. R. Rorem has pointed out to me some further factors in this analysis. (1) Given the social intention of helping all patients without regard to immediate ability to pay, economies of scale would dictate a predcminance of con~n~unity-sponsoredhospitals. (2) ARROW: UNCERTAINTY AND MEDICAL CARE 951 Conformity to collectivity-oriented behavior is especially important since it is a commonplace that the physician-patient relation affectsthe quality of the medical care product. A pure cash nexus would be inadequate; if nothing else, the patient expects that the same physician will normally treat him on successive occasions. This expectation is strong enough to persist even in the Soviet Union, where medical care is nominally removed from the market place [14, pp. 194-961. That purely psychic interactions between physician and patient have e2ects which are objectively indistinguishable in kind from the effects of medication is evidenced by the use of the placebo as a control in inedical experimentation; see Shapiro [2 51. C. P ~ ~ d l i ~ iUncertainty Uncertainty as to the quality of the product is perhaps more inten.:c here than in any other important commodity. Recovery from disease is as unpredictable as is its incidence. In most commodities, the possibility of learning from one's own experience or that of others is strong because there is an adequate number of trials. In the case of severe illness, that is, in general, not true; the uncertainty due to igexperience is added to the intrinsic difficulty of prediction. Further, the amount of uncertainty, measured in terms of utility variability, is certainly much greater for medical care in severe cases than for, say, houses or automobiles, even though these are also expenditures sufficiently infrequent so that there may be co~siderableresidual uncertainty. Further, there is a special quality to the uncertainty; it is very different on the two sides of the transaction. Because medical knowledge is so complicated, the information possessed by the physician as to the consequences and possibilities of treatment is necessarily very much greater than that of the patient, or at least so it is believed by both parties.22Further, both parties are aware of this informational icequality, and their relation is colored by this knowledge. To avoid misunderstanding, observe that the difference in information relevant here is a difference in information as to the consequence of a purchase of medical care. There is always an inequality of information as to prodxiion methods between the producer and the purchaser of any cornrnodity, but in most cases the customer may well Some proprietary hospitals will tend to control total costs to the patient more closely, ircluding the fees of physicians, who will therefore tend to prefer community-sponsored hospitals. 22iVithouttrying to assess the present situation, it is clear in retrospect that at some point in the past the actual differential knowledge possessed by p11ysic:ans m . y not have been much. But from the economic point of view, it is the subjective belief of both parties, as manifested in their market behavior, that is relevant. 952 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW have as good or nearly as good an understanding of the utility of the product as the producer. D. Supply Conditions In competitive theory, the supply of a commodity is governed by the net return from its production compared with the return derivable from the use of the same resources elsewhere. There are several significant departures from this theory in the case of medical care. Most obviously, entry to the profession is restricted by licensing. Licensing, of course, restricts supply and therefore increases the cost of medical care. It is defended as guaranteeing a minimum of quality. Restriction of entry by licensing occurs in most professions, including barbering and undertaking. A second feature is perhaps even more remarkable. The cost of medical education today is high and, according to the usual figures, is borne only to a minor extent by the student. Thus, the private benefits to the entering student considerably exceed the costs. (It is, however, possible that research costs, not properly chargeable to education, swell the apparent difference.) This subsidy should, in principle, cause a fall in the price of medical services, which, however, is offset by rationing through limited entry to schools and through elimination of students during the medical-school career. These restrictions basically render superfluous the licensing, except in regard to graduates of foreign schools. The special role of educational institutions in simultaneously subsidizing and rationing entry is common to all professions requiring advanced training.23It is a striking and insufficiently remarked phenomenon that such an important part of resource allocation should be performed by nonprofit-oriented agencies. Since this last phenomenon goes well beyond the purely medical aspect, we will not dwell on it longer here except to note that the anomaly is most striking in the medical field. Educational costs tend to be far higher there than in any other branch of professional training. While tuition is the same, or only slightly higher, so that the subsidy is much greater, at the same time the earnings of physicians rank highest among professional groups, so there would not at first blush seem to be any necessity for special inducements to enter the profession. Even if we grant that, for reasons unexamined here, there is a social interest in subsidized professional education, it is not clear why the rate of subsidization should differ among professions. One might ex23T11edegree of subsidy in different branches of professional education is worthy of a major research effort. 953ARROW: UNCERTAINTY AND MEDICAL CARE pect that the tuition of medical students would be higher than that of other students. The high cost of medical education in the United States is itself a reflection of the quality standards imposed by the American Medical Association since the Flexner Report, and it is, I believe, only since then that the subsidy element in medical education has become significant. Previcusly, mal:y medical schools paid their way or even yielded a profit. Xncther interesting feature of limitatioil on entry to subsidized education is the extent of individual preferences concerning the social welfare, as manifested by contributions to private universities. But whether support is public or private, the important point is that both the quality and the quantity of the supply of medical care are being strongly influenced by social nonmarket One striking consequence of the control of quality is the restriction on the range offered. If many qualities oi a commodity are possible, it ivould usually happen in a competitive market that many qualities will be offered on the market, at suitably varying prices, to appeal to dif:@renttastes and incomes. Both the licensing laws and the standards of xedical-school training have limited the possibilities of alternative qualities of medical care. The declining ratio of physicians to total employees ill the medical-care industry shows that substitution of less trained personnel, technicians, and the like, is not prevented completely, but the central role of the highly trained physician is not affected at all.26 E. Pricing Practices The unusual pricing practices and attitudes of the n~edicalprofession are well known: extensive price discrimination by income (with an extreme of zero prices for sufficiently indigent patients) and, formerly, a strong insistence on fee for services as against such alternatives as prepayment. *A Strictly speaking, there are four vari:rbles in the market for physicians: price, quality of entering students, quality of education, and quantity. The basic market forces, demand for medical services and supply of entering students, determine two relations among the four variables. Hence, if the nonmarket forces determine the last two, market forces will determine price ar.d quality of entrants. "The sapply of Ph.D.'s is similarly governed, hut there are other conditions in the market which are much difiereot, especially on the dernand side. 28 Today oi~lythe Soviet Union offers an alternntive lower level of medical personnel, the feldshers, who practice primarily in the rural districts (the institution dates back to the 18th century). According to Fie!d [11, pp. 98-100, 132-331, there is clear evidence of strain in the relations between physicians and feldshers, but it is not certain that the feldihers will gradually disappear as physicians grow in numbers. 954 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW The opposition to prepayment is closely related to an even stronger opposition to closed-panel practice (contractual arrangements which bind the patient to a particular group of physicians). Again these attitudes seem to differentiate professions from business. Prepayment and closed-panel plans are virtually nonexistent in the legal profession. In ordinary business, on the other hand, there exists a wide variety of exclusive service contracts involving sharing of risks; it is assumed that competition will select those which satisfy needs best." The problems of implicit and explicit price-fixing should also be mentioned. Price competition is frowned on. Arrangements of this type are not uncommon in service industries, and they have not been subjected to antitrust action. How important this is is hard to assess. I t has been pointed out many times that the apparent rigidity of so-called admiiiistered prices considerably understates the actual flexibility. Here, too, if physicians find themselves with unoccupied time, rates are likely to go down, openly or covertly; if there is insufiicient time for the demand, rates will surely rise. The "ethics" of price competition may decrease the flexibility of price responses, but probably that is all. 111. Comparisons with the Competitive Model under Certainty As already noted, the diffusion of conlmunicable diseases provides an obvious example of nonmarket interactions. But from a thearetical viewpoint, the issues are well understood, and there is little point in expanding on this theme. (This should not be interpreted as minirnizing the contribution of public health to welfare; there is every reason to suppose that it is considerably more important than all other aspects of medical care.) Beyond this special area there is a more general interdepe~~dence.the concern of individuals for the health of others. The economic manifestations of this taste are to be found in individual donations to hospitals and to medical education, as well as in the widely accepted responsibilities of government in this area. The taste for improving the health of others appears to be stronger than for improving other aspects of their elf are.'^ I11 interdependencies generated by concern for the welfare of others there is always a theoretical case for collective action if each participant derives satisfaction from the contributions of all. nThe law does impose some limits on risk-shifting in contracts, for example, its general refusal to honor e~culpatoryclauses. =There may be an identification problem in this observation. If the failure of the market system is, or appears to be, greater in medical care than in, say, food an individual otherwise equally concerned about the two aspects of others' welfare ma:; prefer to help in the first. ARROW: UNCERTAINTY AND MEDICAL CARE 955 B. Incrcasirtg Returns Problen~sassociated with increasing returns play some role in allocation of resources in the medical field, particularlv in areas of low density or low income. Hospitals show increasing returns up to a point; specialists and some medical equipment constitute significant indivisibilities. In many parts of the world the individual physician may be a large unit relative to demand. In such cases it can be socially desirable to subsidize the appropriate medical-care unit. The appropriate mode of analysis is much the same as for water-resource projects. Increasing returns are hardly apt to be a significant problem in general practice in large cities in the United States, and improved transportation to some extent reduces their importance elsewhere. C. Entry The most striking departure from competitive behavior is restriction on entry to the field, as discussed in 1I.D above. Friedman and Kuznets, in a detailed examination of the pre-World War I1 data, have argued that the higher income of physicians could be attributed to this re~triction.~' There is some evidence that the demand for admission to medical school has dropped (as indicated by the number of applicants per place and the quality of those admitted), so that the number of medical-school places is not as significant a barrier to entry as in the early 1950's [25, pp. 14-15]. But it certainly has operated over the past and it is still operating to a considerable extent today. It has, of course, constituted a direct and unsubtle restriction on the supply of medical care. There are several considerations that must be added to help evaluate the importance of entry restrictions: (1) Additional entrants would be, in general, of lower quality; hence, the addition to the supply of medical care, properly adjusted for quality, is less than purely quantitative calculations would show.30(2) To achieve genuinely competitive conditions, it would be necessary not only to remove numerical restrictions on entry but also to remove the subsidy in medical education. Like any other producer, the physician should bear all the costs of production, See [16, pp. 118-371. The calculations involve many assumptions and must be regarded as tenuous; see the comments by C. Reinold Noyes in [16, pp. 407-101. 301t might be argued that the existence of racial discrimination in entrance has meant that some of the rejected applicants are superior to some accepted. However, there is no necessary connection between an increase in the number of entrants and a reduction in racial discrimination; so long as there is excess demand for entry, discrimination can continue unabated and new entrants will be inferior to those previously accepted. 956 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW including, in this case, e d ~ c a t i o n . ~ ~It is not so clear that this change would not keep even unrestricted entry down below the present level. (3) To some extent, the effect of making tuition carry the full cost of education will be to create too few entrants, rather than too many. Given the imperfections of the capital market, loans for this purpose to those who do not have the cash are difficult to obtain. The lender really has no security. The obvious answer is some form of insured loans, as has frequently been argued; not too much ingenuity would be needed to create a credit system for medical (and other branches of higher) education. Under these conditions the cost would still constitute a deterrent, but one to be compared with the high future incomes to be obtained. If entry were governed by ideal competitive conditions, it may be that the quantity on balance would be increased, though this conclusion is not obvious. The average quality would probably fall, even under an ideal credit system, since subsidy plus selected entry draw some highly qualified individuals who would otherwise get into other fields. The decline in quality is not an over-all social loss, since it is accompanied by increase in quality in other fields of endeavor; indeed, if demands accurately reflected utilities, there would be a net social gain through a switch to competitive entry." There is a second aspect of entry in which the contrast with competitive behavior is, in many respects, even sharper. It is the exclusion of many imperfect substitutes for physicians. The licensing laws, though they do not effectively limit the number of physicians, do exclude all others from engaging in any one of the activities known as medical practice. As a result, costly physician time may be employed at specific tasks for which only a small fraction of their training is needed, and which could be performed by others less xvell trained and therefore less expensive. One might expect immunization centers, privately operated, but not necessarily requiring the services of doctors. In the competitive model without uncertainty, consumers are presumed to be able to distinguish qualities of the commodities they buy. Under this hypothesis, licensing would be, at best, superfluous and exclude those from whom consumers would not buy anyway; but it might exclude too many. D. Pricing The pricing practices of the medical industry (see 1I.E above) deproblem here is that the tax laws do not permit depreciation of professional education, so that there is a discrimination against this form of investment. ''To anticipate later discussion, this condition is not necessarily fulfilled. When it comes to quality choices, the market may be inaccurate. 957ARROW : UNCERTAINTY AND ?rfEDICAL CARE part sharply from the coxpetitive norm. As Xessel 1171 has pointed out with great vigor, not only is price discrimination incompatible with the competitive model, but its preservation in the face of the large number of physicians is equivalent to a collective monopoly. In the past, the opposition to prepayment plans has taken distinctly coercive forms, certainly transcending market pressures, to say the least. Kessel has argued that price discrimination is designed to maximize profits along the classic lines of discriminating monopoly and that organized medical opposition to prepayment was motivated by the desire to protect these profits. In principle, prepayment schemes are compatible with discrimination, but in practice they do not usually discriminate. I do not believe the evidence that the actual scale of discrimination is profit-maximizing is convincing. In particular, note that for any monopoly, discriminating or otherwise, the elasticity of demand in each market at the point of maximum profits is greater than one. But it is almost surely true for medical care that the price elasticity of demand for all income levels is less than one. That price discrimination by income is not completely profit-maximizing is obvio:zs in the extreme case of charity; Kessel argues that this represents an appeasement of public opinion. But this already shows the incompleteness of the model and suggests the relevance and importance of social and ethical factors. Certainly one important part of the opposition to prepaym--nt was its close relation to closed-panel plans. Prepayment is a form of insurance, and naturally the individual physician did not wish to assume the risks. Pooling was intrinsically involved, and this strongly motivates, as we shall discuss further in Section IV below, control over prices and benefits. The simplest administrative form is the closed panel; physiciacs involved are, in effect, the insuring agent. From this point of view, Blue Cross solved the prepayment problem by universalizing the closed panel. The case that price discrimination by income is a form of profit maximization which was zealously defended by opposition to fees for service seems far from proven. But it remains true that this price discrimination, for whatever cause, is a source of nonoptimality. Rypothetically, it means everyone would be better off if prices were made equal for all, and the rich compensated the poor for the changes in the relative positions. The importance of this welfare loss depends on the actual amount of discrimination and on the elasticities of demand for medical services by the different income groups. If the discussion is simplified by considering only two income levels, rich and poor, and if the elasticity of demand by either one is zero, then no reallocation of medical services will take place and the initial situation is optimal. The 958 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW only effect of a change in price will be the redistribution of income as between the medical profession and the group with the zero elasticity of demand. With low elasticities of demand, the gain will be small. To illustrate, suppose the price of medical care to the rich is double that to the poor, the medical expenditures by the rich are 20 per cent of those by the poor, and the elasticity of demand for both classes is .5; then the net social gain due to the abolition of discrimination is slightly over 1 per cent of previous medical expenditure^.^^ The issues involved in the opposition to prepayment, the other major anomaly in medical pricing, are not meaningful in the world of certainty and will be discussed below. IV. Comparison with the Idcal Competitive Model under Uncertainty A. Introduction In this section we will compare the operations of the actual medicalcare market with those of an ideal system in which not only the usual commodities and services but also insurance policies against all conceivable risks are a~ailable.~'Departures consist for the most part of 83 I t is assumed that there are t v o classes, rich and poor; the price of medical services to the rich is twice that to the poor, medical expenditures by the rich are 20 per cent of those by the poor, and the elasticity of demand for medical services is .5 for both classes. Let us choose our quantity and monetary units so that the quantity of medical services consumed by the poor and the price they pay are both 1. Then the rich purchase .1 units of medical services at a price of 2. Given the assumption about the elasticities of demand, the demand function of the rich is Dn(p) = .llp-" and that of the poor is Dr(P) =p-". The supply of medical services is assumed fixed and therefore must equal 1.1. If price discrimination were abolished, the equilibrium price, 3, rnust satisfy the relation, and therefore = 1.07. The quantities of medical care purchased by the rich and poor, respectively, would be DR(?) = .I35and Dp(3) =,965. The inverse demand functio:ls, tile price to be paid corresponding to any given quantity are drr(q)= .02/q2, and d r ( q ) = l / q 2 . Therefore, the consumers' surplus to the rich generated by the change is : ,136 (1) (.02/q2)dq - ?(.I35 - .I), and similarly the loss in consumers' surplus by the poor is: If ( 2 ) is subtracted from ( I ) , the second terms cancel, and the aggregate increase in consumers' surplus is ,0156, or a little over 1 per cent of the initial expenditures. "X striking illustration of the desire for secn~ityin medical care is provided by the expressed preferences of dmigrds from the Soviet Union as between Soviet medical practice and German or American practice; see Field [11,Ch. 121. Those in Germany preferred the German system to the Soviet, but those in the United States preferred (in a ratio of 3 to 1) the Soviet system. The reasons given boil down to the certainty of medical care, independent of income or health fluctuations. 959ARROV4: UNCERTAINTY AND MEDICAL CARE insurance policies that might conceivably be written, but are in fact not. Whether these potential com~oditiesare nonmarketable, or, merely because of some imperfection in the market, are not actually marketed, is a somewhat fine point. To recall what has already been said in Section I, there are two kinds of risks involved in n~edicalcare: the risk of becoming ill, and the risk of total or incomplete or delayed recovery. The loss due to illness is only partially the cost of medical care. It also consists of discomfort and loss of productive time during illness, and, in more serious cases, death or prolonged deprivation of normal function. From the point of view of the welfare economics of uncertainty, both losses are risks against which individuals would like to insure. The nonexistence of suitable insurance policies for either risk implies a loss of welfare. 16. The Theory oj idcat Insurnncc In this section, the basic principles of an optimal regime for riskbearing ill be presented. For illustration, reference will usually be made to the case of insurance against cost in medical care. The principles are equally applicable to any of the risks. There is no single source to which the reader can be easily referred, though I think the prisciples are at least reasonably well understood. As a basis far the analysis, the assumptior, is made that each individual acts so as to maximize the expected value of a utility function. If we think of utility as attached to income, then the costs of medical care act as a random deduction from this income, and it is the expected value of the utility of income after medical costs that we are concerned with. (Income after medical costs is the ability to spend money on other objzcts which give satisfaction. We presuppose that illness is not a source of satisfaction in itself; to the extent that it is a source of dissatisfaction, the illness should enter into the utility function as a separate variable.) The expected-utility hypothesis, due originally to Daniel Bernoulli (1738), is plausible and is the most analytically manageable of all hypotheses that have been proposed to explain behavior under uncertainty. In any case, the results to follow probably would not be significa~tlyaffected by moving to another mode of analysis. It is further assumed that individuals are normally risk-averters. In utility terms, this means that they have a diminishing marginal utility of income. This assunlption may reasonably be taken to hold for most of the signZficantaffairs of life for a majority of people, but the presence of gaixbling provides some difficulty in the full application of this view. It foIlows from the assumption of risk aversion that if an individual is given a choice between a probability distribution of income, with a given mean nt, and the certainty of the income nz, he would prefer 960 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW the latter. Suppose, therefore, an agency, a large insurance company plan, or the government, stands ready to offer insurance against medical costs on an actuarially fair basis; that is, if the costs of medical care are a random variable with mean fn, the company will charge a premium m, and agree to indemnify the individual for all ~nedicalcosts. Under these circumstances, the individual will certainly prefer to take out a policy and will have a welfare gain thereby. Will this be a social gain? Obviously yes, if the insurance agent is suffering no sccial loss. Under the assumption that medical risks on different individuals are basically independent, the pooling of them reduces the risk involved to the insurer to relatively small proportions. In the limit, the wzlfare loss, even assuming risk aversion on the part of the insurer, would vanish and there is a net social gain which may be of quite substantial magnitude. In fact, of course, the pooling of risks does not go to the limit; there is only a finite number of them and there may be some interdependence among the risks due to epidemics and the like. Eut then a premium, perhaps slightly above the actuarial level, would be sufficient to offset this welfare loss. From the point of view of the individual, since he has a strict preference for the actuarially fair policy over assuming the risks himself, he will still have a preference for an actuarially unfair policy, provided, of course, that it is not too unfair. In addition to a residual degree of risk aversion by insilrers, there are other reasons for the loading of the premium (i.e., an excess of premium over the actuarial value). Insurance involves administrative costs. Also, because of the irregularity of payments there is likely to be a cost of capital tied up. Suppose, to take a simple case, the insurance company is not willing to sell any insurance policy that a consumer wants but will charge a fixed-percentage loading above the actuarial value for its premium. Then it can be shown that the most preferred policy from the point of view of an individual is a coverage with a deductible amount; that is, the insurance policy provides 100 per cent coverage for all medical costs in excess of come fixed-dollar limit. If, however, the insurance company has some degree of risk aversion, its loading may also depend on the degree of uncertainty of the risk. In that case, the Pareto optimal policy will involve some element of coinsurance, i.e., the coverage for costs over the minimum limit will be some fraction less than 100 per cent (for proofs of these statements, see Appendix). These results can also be applied to the hypothetical concept of insurance agrzinst failure to recover from illness. For simplicity, let us assume thai the cost of failure to recover is regarded purely as a money cost, either simply productive opportunities foregone or, more gener- ARROW: UKCERTAINTE' ASD hlEDICAL CARE 961 ally, the money equivalent of all dis~atisfactions.Suppose further that, given that a person is ill, the expected value of nledical care is greater than its cost; that is, the expected money value attributable to recovery with medical help is greater than resources devoted to medical help. However, the recovery, though on the average beneficial, is uncertain; in the absence of insurance a risk-averter may well prefer not to take a chance on further impoverishment by buying medical care. A suitable insurance policy vrould, however, mean that he paid nothing if he doesn't benefit; since the expected value is greater than the cost, there would be a net social gain.35 C. Problenzs Gf Insurance 1. The ~noralhazard. The welfare case for insurance pclicies of all sorts is over\\-helming. It follows that the government should undertake insurance in those cases where this market, for whatever reason, has failed to emerge. Nevertheless, there are a number of significant practical limitations on the use of insurance. It is important to understand them, though I do not believe that they alter the case for the creation of a much wider class of insurance policies than now exists. One of the limits which has been much stressed in insurance literature is the effect of insurance on incentives. What is desired in the case of insurance is that the event against which insurance is taken be out of the control of the individual. Unfortunately, in real life this separation can never be made perfectly. The outbreak of fire in one's house or business may be largely uncontrollable by the individual, but the probability of fire is somewhat influenced by carelessness, and of course arson is a possibility, if an extreme one. Similarly, in nledical policies the cost of medical care is not completely determined by the illness suffered by the individual but depends on the choice of a doctor and his willingness to use medical services. It is frequently observed that widespread medical insurance increases the demand for medical care. Coinsurance provisions have been introduced into many major medical policies to meet this contingency as \.;ell as the risk aversion of the insurance companies. To some extent the professional relationship between physician and patient limits the normal hazard in various forms of medical insurance. By certifying to the necessity of given treatment or the lack thereof, the physician acts as a controlling agent on behalf of the insurance companies. Needless to say, it is a far from perfect check; the physicians themselves are not under any control and it may be convenient for them or pleasing to their patients to prescribe more expensive mediIt is 3 popular belief that the Chinese, at one tine, paid their physicisns when .sell but not when sick THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW cation, private nurses, more frequent treatments, and other marginal variations of care. It is probably true that hospitalization and surgery are more under the casual inspection of others than is general practice and therefore less subject to moral hazard; this may be one reason why insurance policies in those fields have been more widespread. 2. Alternative nzethods of insurance payment. It is interesting that no less than three different methods of coverage of the costs of medical care have arisen: prepayment, indemnities according to a fixed schedule, and insurance against costs, whatever they may be. In prepayment plans, insurance in effect is paid in kind-that is, directly in medical services. The other two forms both involve cash payments to the beneficiary, but in the one case the amounts to be paid involving a medical contingency are fixed in advance, while in the other the insurance carrier pays all the costs, whatever they may be, subject, of course, to provisions like deductibles and coinsurance. In hypothetically perfect markets these three forms of insurance would be equivalent. The indemnities stipulated would, in fact, equal the market price of the services, so that value to the insured would be the same if he were to be paid the fixed sum or the market price or were given the services free. In fact, of course, insurance against full costs and prepayment plans both offer insurance against uncertainty as to the price of medical services, in addition to uncertainty about their needs. Further, by their mode of compensation to the physician, prepayment plans are inevitably bound up with closed panels so that the freedom of choice of the physician by the patient is less than it would be under a scheme more strictly confined to the provision of insurance. These remarks are tentative, and the question of coexistence of the different schemes should be a fruitful subject for investigation. 3. Third-party contvol over payments. The moral hazard in physicians' control noted in paragraph 1 above shows itself in those insurance schemes where the physician has the greatest control, namely, major medical insurance. Here there has been a marked rise in expenditures over time. In prepayment plans, where the insurance and medical service are supplied by the same group, the incentive to keep medical costs to a minimum is strongest. In plans of the Blue Cross group, there has developed a conflict of interest between the insurance carrier and the medical-service supplier, in this case particularly the hospital. The need for third-party control is reinforced by another aspect of the moral hazard. Insurance removes the incentive on the part of jndividuals, patients, and physicians to shop around for better prices for hospitalization and surgical care. The market forces, therefore, tend to be replaced by direct institutional control. 963A.RROItr: UNCERTAINTY AND MEDICAL CARE 4. Adtninistrative costs. The pure theory of insurance sketched in Section B above omits one very important consideration: the costs of operating an insurance company. There are several types of operating costs, but one of the most important categories includes commissions and acquisition costs, selling costs in usual economic terminology. Not only does this mean that insurance policies must be sold for considerably more than their actuarial value, but it also means there is a great differential among different types of insurance. It is very striking to observe that among health insurance policies of insurance companies in 1958, expenses of one sort or another constitute 51.6 per cent of total premium income for individual policies, and only 9.5 per cent for group policies [26, Table 14-1, p. 2721. This striking differential would seem to imply enormous econcmies of scale in the provision of insurance, quite apart from the coverage of the risks themselves. Obviously, this provides a very strong argument for widespread plans, including, in particular, compulsory ones. 5. P~edictabilityand insurance. Clearly, from the risk-aversion point of view, insurance is more valuable, the greater the uncertainty in the risk being insured against. This is usually used as an argument for putting greater emphasis on insurance against hospitalization and surgery than other forms of medical care. The empirical assumption has been challenged by 0 . W. Anderson and others [3, pp. 53-54], who asserted that out-of-hospital expenses were equally as unpredictable as in-hospital costs. What was in fact shown was that the probability of costs exceeding $200 is about the same for the two categories, but this is not, of course, a correct measure of predictability, and a quick glance at the supporting evidence shows that in relation to the average cost the variability is much lower for ordinary medical expenses. Thus, for the city of Birmingham, the mean expendip~reon surgery was $7, as opposed to $20 for other medical expenses, but of those who paid something for surgery the average bill was $99, as against $36 for those with some ordinary medical cost. Eighty-two per cent of those interviewed had no surgxy, and only 20 per cent had no ordinary medical expenses [3, Tables A-13, A-18, and A-19 on pp. 72, 77, and 79, re- spectively]. The issue of predictability also has bearhg on the merits of insnrance against chronic illness or maternity. On a lifetime insurance basis, insurance against chronic illness makes sense, since this is both highly unpredictable and highly significant in costs. Among people who already have chronic illness, or symptoms which reliably indicate it, insurance in the strict sense is probably pointless. 6. Pooling o j urzeqz~alrisks. Hypothetically, insurance requires for its full social benefit a maximum possible discrimination of risks. Those 964 THE AMERICAN ECONOhlIC REVIEW in groups of higher incidences of illness should pay higher premiums. In fact, however, there is a tendency to equalize, rather than to differentiate, premiums, especially in the Blue Cross and similar widespread schemes. This constitutes, in eifect, a redistribution of income from those with a low propensity to illness to those with a high propensity. The equalization, of course, could not in fact be carried through if the market were genuinely competitive. Under those circumsances, insurance plans could arise which charged lower premiums to preferred risks and draw them off, leaving the plan which does not discriminate among risks with only an adverse selection of them. As we have already seen in the case of income redistribution, some of this may be thought of as insurance with a longer time perspective. If a plan guarantees to everybody a premium that corresponds to total experience but not to experience as it might be segregated by smaller subgroups, everybody is, in effect, insured against a change in his basic state of health which tvould lead to a reclassification. This corresponds precisely to the use of a level premium in life insurance instead of a premium varying by age, as would be the case for term insurance. 7. Gaps avd coverage. We may briefly note that, at any rate to date, insurances against the cost of medical care are far from universal. Certain groups-the unemployed, the institutionalized, and the aged-are almost completely uncovered. Of total expenditures, between one-fifth and one-fourth are covered by insurance. I t should be noted, however, that over half of all hospital expenses and about 35 per cent of the medical payments of those with bills of $1:000a year and over, are included [26, p. 3761. Thus, the coverage on the more variable parts of medical expenditure is somewhat better than the over-all figures would indicate, but it must be assumed that the insurance mechanism is still very far from achieving the full coverage of which it is capable. 1. There are really two niajor aspects of uncertainty for an individual already suffering from an illness. He is uncertain about the effectiveness of medical treatment, and his uncertainty may be quite different from that of his physician, based on the presumably quite different medical knowledges. 2. Ideal inszira~zce.This will necessarily involve insurance against a failure to benefit from medical care, whether through recovery, relief of pain, or arrest of further deterioration. One form would be a system in which the payment to the physician is nlade in accordance 17;ith the degree of benefit. Since this would involve transferring the risks from the patient to the physician, who might certainly have an aversion to bearing them, there is room for insurance carriers to pool the risks, 965ARROW: UNCERTAINTY AND MEDICAL CARE either by contract with physicians or by contract with the potential patients. Under ideal insurance, medical care will always be undertaken in any case in which the expected utility, taking account of the probabilities, exceeds the expected medical cost. This prescription would lead to an economic optimum. If we think of the failure to recover mainly in terms of lost working time, then this policy would, in fact, maximize cconon~icwelfare as ordinarily measured. 3. The concepts of trztst and d~lcgation.In the absence of ideal insurance, there arise institut;ons which offer some sort of substitute guarantees. Under ideal insurance the patient would actually have no concern with the informational inequality between himself and the physician, since he would only be paying by results anyway, and his utility position would in fact be thoroughly guaranteed. In its absence he wants to have some guarantee that at least the physician is using his knowledge to the best advantage. This leads to the setting up of a relationship of trust and confidence, one which the physician has a socyal obligation to live up to. Since the patient does not, at least in his belief, know as much as the physician, he canr,ot completely enforce standards of care. In part, he replaces direct observation by generalized belief in the ability of the physician." To put it another way, the social obligation for best practice is part of the commodity the physician sells, even thcugh it is a part that is not sxbject to thorough inspection by the buyer. One consequence of ~ u c htrust re!a!ior.s is that the physician cannot act, or at least appear to act, as if he is maximizing his income at every moment of time. As a signal to the buyer of his intentions to act as thorougliiy in the buyer's behalf as possible, the physician avoids the obvious stigma!a of profit-maximizing. Purely arms-length bargainirig behav:or would be incompatible. ngt logically, but surely psychologically, with the trust relations. From these special relations come the vari~usforms of ethical behavior discussed above, and so also, I suggest, the relative unimportance of profit-making in hospitals. The very ~vord,"profit," is a signal that denies the trust relations. Price discrimination and its extreme, free treatment for the indigent, also follow. If the obligation of the physician is understood to be first of all to the welfare of the patient, then in particular it talies precedence over financial difficulties. As a second consequence of informational inequality between physician and patient and the lack of insurance of a suitable type, the patient must delegate to the physician much of his freedom of choice. 36F:.an~iiBator points out to me that some protection can be achieved, at a price, by securing additional opinions. 966 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW He does not have the knowledge to make decisions on treatment, referral, or hospitalization. To justify this delegation, the physician finds himself somewhat limited, just as any agent would in similar circumstances. The safest course to take to avoid not being a true agent is to give the socially prescribed "best" treatment of the day. Compromise in quality, even for the purpose of saving the patient money, is to risk an imputation of failure to live up to the social bond. The special trust relation of physicians (and allied occuptions, such as priests) extends to third parties so that the certifications of physicians as to illness and injury are accepted as especially reliable (see Section 1I.B above). The social value to all concerned of such presumptively reliable sources of information is obvious. Notice the general principle here. Because there are barriers to the information flow and because there is no market in wh;ch the ri3k.; involved can be insured, coordination of purchase and sales must ta!ie place through convergent expectations, but these are greatly assisted by having clear and prominent signals, and these, in turn, force patterns of behavior which are not in themselves logical necessities for optin~ality.~~ 4. Licensing and educational sta~zdards.Delegation and trust are the social institutions designed to obviate the problem of informational inequality. The general uncertainty about the prospects of medical treatment is socially handled by rigid entry requirements. These are designed to reduce the uncertainty in the micd of the consumer as to the quality of product insofar as this is possible." 1think this esplanation, which is perhaps the naive one, is much more tenable than any idea of a monopoly seeking to increase incomes. No doubt restriction on entry is desirable from the point of view of the existing physicians, but the public pressure needed to achieve the restriction must come from deeper causes. The social demand for guaranteed quality can be met in more than one way, however. At least three attitudes can be taken by the state or other social institutions toward entry into an occupation or toward the production of commodities in general; examples of all three types exist. (1) The occupation can be licensed, nonqualified entrants being simply excluded. The licensing may be inore complex than it is in medicine; individuals could be licensed for some, but not all, medical activities, for example. Indeed, the present all-or-none approach could 37Thesituation is very reminiscent of the crucial role of the focal point in Scheliing's theory of tacit games, in which two parties have to f i ~ da common course of action without being able to comn~unicate;sce [21, csp. pp. 225 ti.]. "How well they achieve this end is another matter. R. Resscl points out to me that they merely guarantee training, not continued goo:] performance as medical technology chaagcs. 4RROTT: UNCERT.4INTY AXD MEDICAL CARE 967 be criticized as being insufficient with regard to complicated specialist treatment, as well as excessive with regard to nlinor medical skills. Graded licensing may, however, be much harder to enforce. Controls cculd be exercised analogous to those for foods; they can be excluded as being dangerous, or they can be permitted for animals but not for humans. (2) The state or other agency can certify or label, v~ithcr!t ccjmpulsory exclusion. The category of Certified Psychologist is now under active discussion; canned goods are gradcd. Certification can be done by nongovernmental agencies, as in the medical-board examnations for specialists. (3) Nothing at all may be done; consumers niake their own choices. The choice among these alternatives in any given case depends on the degree of difficulty consumers have in making the choice unaided, and on the conscqucnces of errors of judgment. It is the general social coasensus: clearly, that the lniss~z-fai~csolution for medicine is intolerable. The certification proposal never seems to have been discussed seriously. I t is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss these proposals in detail. I wish simply to point out that they should be judged in terms of the ability to relieve the uncertainty of the patient in regard to the quality of the commodrty he is purcl~asing,and that entry restrictions are the consequences of an apparent inability to devise a system in which the risks of gaps in medical lrnowlcdge and skill are borne primarily by the patient, not the physician. Postscript I wish to repeat h ~ r ewhzt has been suggested a5ove in several places: that the failure of the market to insure against uncertainties has created many social institutions in which the usual assumptions of the market are to some extent contradicted. The medical profession is only one example, though in many respects an extreme one. All professions share some of the same properties. The economic importance of personal and especial!^ family relationships, though declining, is by no means trivial in the most advanced economies; it is based on nonmarket relations that create gtlarantees of behavior which ivould otherwise be afflicted with excessive uncertainty. hiany other examples can be given. The logic and limitations of ideal competitive behav!or under uncertainty force us to recognize the incomplete description of reality supplied by the impersonal price system. RZFEREECES 1. A. 4. ALCIIIAN,K. J. ARROW, An Ecor~onzicAnalysisAND Iv. h/I. CAPRO~~, of t?ze Aia:.kst for Scie~:tistscnd ErzgZ~zc.e~s,RASD RkZ-2190-RC. Santa Monica 1958. 958 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 2. XI. .L\LLAIS, "Generalisation des thCories de llCquilibre Cconomique gknkral et du rendement social au cas du risque," in Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Ecofzonzetrie, Paris 1953, pp. 1-20. 3. 0. \IT. AND TI-IE NATIONALOPINIONRESEARCHANDERSON STAFFOF CENTER,Voluntary Health I~zsura~zcein Two Ciiies. Cambridge, Mas;. 1957. 4. I<. J. ARROW,'(Econoinic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention," in Nat. Bur. Econ. Research, Tlie Role a d Directiorz of I?zaenti.~eBctiiiity: Econonzic and Social Factors, Princeton 1962, pp. 6G9-25. 5. -----, "Les rBle des valeurs boursi6res pour la rkpartition la meilleure des risques," in Centre National de la Recherche ScientiEqxe, Econovzetrie, Paris 1953, pp. 41-46. 6. F. M. BATOR,"The Anatomy of Market Failure," Quart. JOLLY.Eco:~. 4ug. 1958, 72, 351-79. 7. E. B,~UDIER, du temps dans la thkorie de ľkquilibre g6n-"Ľintroduction Cral," Les Cahiers Econonziqzies, Dec. 1959, 9-16. 8. W. J. B n u ~ o ~ , the State. Cam-I4"elfare Econonzics and the Theory of bridge. Mass. 1952. 9. I<. BORCII,"The Safety Loading of Reinsurance Premiums," Ska~zdinat~iskAktuariehdslzrift, 1960, pp. 163-84. 10. J. M. BUCHANAN The Calculus ofATCD G. TULLOCIC, Colzscnt. Ann Arbor 1962. 11. G. DEBREU,"Une economique de ľincertain," Econonzie Appliquc'e, 1960, 13, 111-16. 12. --, Theory of Values. Xew York 1959. 13. R. DUBOS,"Siedical Utopias," Daedalzu, 1959, 82, 410-21. 14. M. G. FIELD,Doctor mzd Patient in Sotliet Russia. Cambridge, Mass. 1957. 15. MILTON FRIEDRIAN,"The ~Iethodology of Positive Economics," in Essays in Positive Econonzics, Chicago 1953, pp. 3-43. 16. --- ASD S. S. I ~ Z N E T S , fronz Irzdependerzt Professio~zalInconze Practice. Xat. Bur. Econ. Research, New York 1945. 17. R. A. RESSCL,"Price Discrimination in Medicine," Jour. Law and Ecofz., 1958, 1, 20-53. 18. T. C. I O and Yl(X1)>Y?(X2),where YI(X) is defined in terms of Il(X) by (I). Choose 6 sufficiently small so that, (4) Il(X) > 0 for XI _< X < X1 +6, (5) Yl(X') < YI(X) for X-2 _< X' I Xp +6, XI < X < X1 +6. (This choice of 6 is possible if the f:lnctions I1(X), Yl(X) are continuous; this can be proved to be true for the optimal policy, and therefore we need only consider this case.) Let .irl be the probability that the loss, X I lies in the interval (XI, X1+6), a2the probability that X lies in the interval (X2,X2+6). From (4) and (5) we can choose E > O and sufficiently small so that, (6) I1(X) - 7r2~2 0 for X1 < X I XI +6, for Xz < X' _< Xz +6, XI < X 5 XI +6. Now define a ne~vinsurance policy, Iz(X),which is the same as II(X) except that it is smaller by .ir2e in the interval from X1 to X1+6 and larger by a l e in the interval from X2 to X2+6. From (6), Iz(X) > O every~vhere,so that (3) is satisfied. LVe will sho1i7 that E[Il(X)]=E[IZ(X)] and that Is(X) yields the higher expected utility, so that I1(X) is not optimal. Note that Iz(X)-II(X) equals -T.ZE for XI<_ X_< X1-t-6, TIE for X 2 5 X u'[Y(x)] or, equivalcnt1~-, for some number u, u'[Y(x')]> u for X Z I X' I X z +6, (11) U 1 [ Y ( X ) ]< u for XI < X 5 X1 +6. Korv substitute (10) into (9). E ( u [ I ~ ~ ( x ) ]u [ Y ~ ( x ) ] )= - a2e+ J X ~ U 1 [ 1 7 ( X ) ] B ( ~ ) d ~ . From ( l l ) ,it follows that, E ( II'[E\(x)]- ) > - TzEUTl +TlEUTz = 0,u[ Y ~ ( x ) ] so that the second policy is preferred. I t has thus been shorvn that a policy cannot be optimal if, for some XI and XZ,I ( X l )>0, Y(X1)>Y(X2).This may be put in a different form: Let Y,;, be the minimum value taken on by Y ( X ) under the optimal policy; then we must have I ( X )= O if Y ( X )>I\;,. In other words, a minimum final wealth level is set; if the loss ~vouldnot bring wealth below this level, no benefit is paid, but if it would, then the benefit is sufficient to bring up the final wealth position to the stip~llatedminimum. This is, of coLzrse, precisely a description of 100 per cent coverage for loss above a deductible. Lye turn to the second proposition. I t is now supposed that the insurance company, as ~vellas the insured, is a risk-averter; hoxever, there are no administrative or other costs to be covered beyond protection against loss. Proposition 2. If thc insured and the insurer are both risk-averters and there are no costs other than coverage of losses, then any nontrivial Pareto- 972 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW optimal policy, I(X), as a function of the loss, X, must have the property, O (+)u1+(3)uZ,z 2 (3)~1~+($)21~.Since this statement holds for every pair of points ( 1 ~ ~ ,yl) and (ti2, nz) in the expected-utility-possibility set, and in particular for pairs of points on the ilortheast boundary, it follor\-s that the boundary must be convex to the northeast. From this, in turn, it follo\vs that any given Pareto-optimzl point (i.e., any point on the northenst boumdary) can be obtained by maximi~inga linear function, cru+pa, with suitably chohen cr and /3 nonnegative and at least one poiitive, over the expected-utility-possibility set. In other words, a Pareto-optimal insurance policy, I(X), is one which maximizes, .E{ u [ I ' ( ~ ) ] ) +PE(v[z(x)]) = E { ~ L [ Y ( x ) ]+BV[Z(X)]), 973ARROlll;: UKCERTAIIVTV AND MEDICAL CAKE for soine a>O, P 2 0 , a > O or 8>0. To maximize this expectation, it is obviously sufficient to maximize: (13) f f W ~ ( ~ ) l+P W - ( X ) I , with respect to I ( X ) , for each X. Since, for given X, it follows fronx (12) that, dY(X)/dI(X) = 1, dZ(X)/dI(X) = - 1, it follows by differentiation of (13) that I!X) is the solution of the equation, (14) a u 1 [ y ( x ) ] - ~ V ' [ % ( X ) ]= 0. The cases a=O or /3=O lead to obvious trivialities (oi~cparty simply hands over all his wealth to the other), so we assume a>O, p>O. NOTVdifferentiate (14) with respect to S and use the relations, derived from (12), dY/dX = (ctI/dX) - 1, dZ/dX = - (dI/dX). 0r dI/dX = a ~ " PV" [z(x) ] ).[I'(x) ] I { al;" [Y(x) ] -/Si11ce U1'[Y(X)] <0, V1'[Z(X)]