1 I N A B T O B C O N T E X T G H I S L A I N E P E L L A T PREPARATION OF NEGOTIATION AND ACHIEVEMENT (PERFORMANCE?) 1 Negotiation. Ghislaine PellatPréparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat G R E N O B L E U N I V E R S I T Y . F R A N C E "It is not the employer who pays wages - he only handles the money”,but customer at least Henry Ford, american industrial businessman (1863-1947) , Ford T 2 Requires To have a sound knowledge of markets. Get enough informations on the company’s website where you are employed as a commercial person ( (atmosphere and updated informations), products and added value’s products for clients. Get informations on the direct competitors of your 2 Negotiation. Ghislaine PellatPréparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat Get informations on the direct competitors of your company (prices, arguements, words which are used, sentences etc… Get informations on the indirect competitors of your products and understand the customers requirements how they buy this value proposal Assessment on the potential selling for the company. Préparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat 3 Product Is the product belonging to a range of products or an isolated product ? Technical features vs benefits for clients I.E : some shoes for climbing are made without kniting…benefits : frictionless on the feet, completely 3 Negotiation. Ghislaine PellatPréparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat kniting…benefits : frictionless on the feet, completely waterproof shoes. If customer got product before, how to substitute a product for another one ? (or add another product to the range) Have a look to the blogs of users of the product concerned. Préparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat 4 Facilities to negotiate (tools) • Are the prices subject to change in this case of negotiation ? (negotiating portofolio) • Price for client : without value added taxes (wVAT) • Recommended and maximum resale price (VAT) • The amount to be paid, (VAT) 4 Negotiation. Ghislaine PellatPréparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat • The amount to be paid, (VAT) • Cost of the transaction (wVAT) • Discounts, Rebates, Reduction in prices, kickbacks : which conditions of application ? What is the deal in terms of trading ? • Reduction per range or per deal ? • Free product in addition ? About services? (value assessment) 5 Reductions policy vs Return on Investment 5 Negotiation. Ghislaine PellatPréparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat Couts fixes Couts production : CV Quantité Préparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat 6 Facilities.. Payment terms : cash payment, 30 days net or at the end of the month, 60 days or a mix of the both. Delivery of the goods : who pays for the delivery ? 6 Negotiation. Ghislaine PellatPréparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat One product : Delivery paid by customer, 10 products :Shared 50 products : delivery borned by the vendor Rate of deliveries ? Préparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat 7 1st STEP : PREPARATION Preparation is a factor of success or failure. Be highly aware of the situation and the partner’s goals. Prepare a strategy : which could change (evolve) during the negotiation, (flexible paths) 7 Negotiation. Ghislaine PellatPréparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat the negotiation, (flexible paths) Motivate and mobilize the team around the need of client, to offer innovative solutions Ensure the profitability of the deal for the company. 8 DRIVE A NEGOTIATION PROCESS Negotiation is not a scene of fighting between partners Challenge in a constructive and fair exchange constructive. Fairness: objectives facts, quantitative documented informations, verifiables facts, in order to avoid the 8 Negotiation. Ghislaine PellatPréparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat informations, verifiables facts, in order to avoid the changes of mood. Constructive dialogue: is the opposite of overriding partners, but to build a lasting relationship with the other and a profitable deal for a long time for each other. Each of the partners will keep the feeling that he/her won the deal. 9 ATTITUDE TO NEGOTIATE William Ury et Roger Fisher, 2 main american authors from Harvard University, published « Getting to yes » 1981 Draw the attention on the manage in an objective and fair manner (just), To focuse on the issue of the negotiation and not on 9 Negotiation. Ghislaine PellatPréparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat To focuse on the issue of the negotiation and not on emotion or stratagems. Today, most of customers get informations on the web and the deal for negotiations today are : 1. Get a « win win » issue 2. Becoming more clever at the issue of the exchange. Préparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat ApproachApproach The development of rapport with the customerThe development of rapport with the customer The chance to make a good first impressionThe chance to make a good first impression The salesperson should adapt to the potentialThe salesperson should adapt to the potential customer’s social stylecustomer’s social style APPROACH in action First name LAST NAME Company (Function) Via...the first impressionVia...the first impression http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen &v=W56A2uKi-II&NR Appropriate dress Smile FIVE MINUTES TO REALIZE THE SALE YES Needs IdentificationNeeds Identification Requires asking probing questions of the prospective customer to determine needsprospective customer to determine needs The salesperson should ask open-ended questions Make sure that the customer’s needs and potential concerns are addressed DETECTING NEEDS in action NOT TO BE OMITTED Open questions How do you imagine your holidays? Closed questions Would a seaside hotel suit you? Alternative questions Would you like a hotel on the seaside or off the coast? Synthesis If I've understood correctly, you.......... YES PresentationPresentation The focus of the sales presentation is the salesperson’s explanation of how the featuressalesperson’s explanation of how the features of the product provide “benefits” Presentation may be flexible or memorized The salesperson should be prepared to provide documentation for any statements of fact that are made PRESENTATION, DEMONSTRATION in action Construction Characteristics Advantages Benefits In front of the customer Positive reinforcement of the need (translated into a benefit) Presentation of the advantagePresentation of the advantage Checking of acceptance Proof Is not essential Ask the customer what interest he/she has in the proof Check the impact of the proof YES Handling ObjectionsHandling Objections The salesperson may have failed to provide adequate information, or have not demonstrated how the product meets thedemonstrated how the product meets the needs of the prospect Objection as a sign of interest on the part of the prospect Provide information that will ensure the prospect’s confidence in making the purchase HANDLING OBJECTIONS in action Don't panic! Ask questions (open or closed Qs) Find the right argument Identify purchasing signalsIdentify purchasing signals YES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt3Xx6ZrnqI&f eature=relmfu Handling objections to close CLOSING in action Identify the right time Reformulate the accepted advantages Conclude ........ Then STOP! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hv91SewiBs&fe ature=related Best language to use to close a sale Down with salespeople who talk too much! Gaining CommitmentGaining Commitment Commitment is gained when the prospectCommitment is gained when the prospect agrees to take the action sought by the salesperson The salesperson must ask for commitment FollowFollow-- UpUp The salesperson complete any agreed upon actionsactions The salesperson should stay in touch after the sale by writing thank-you notes, clipping and mailing newspaper articles of interest to the prospect and calling on the customer to ensure the customer’s satisfaction 21 AFTER THE SALE… Look forward the short-term and then long-term futures of this cooperation Are these agrements profitable in a long-term perspective ? What are the customer’s aims to achieve ? 21 Negotiation. Ghislaine PellatPréparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat What are the customer’s aims to achieve ? Which products or services would be offer in the future ? Who are the community leaders ? Any recommandations to get contact with the network ? Selection of similar customers : selection (CRM) 22 To summarize Major importance is to set targets for selling Importance to control the granted concessions during the negotiation Importance to get a strong supply policy against competitors 22 Negotiation. Ghislaine PellatPréparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat competitors Importantce not to loose any loyal customer, and gain new clients. Importance to be well organized (professionaly organized). Thank you for your attention ! I look forward to answering your questions 23 Ghislaine Pellat Grenoble University France Mobile : 0033 6 08246727 Email : ghislaine.pellat@iut2.upmf-grenoble.fr Negotiation. Ghislaine PellatPréparer une négociation. Ghislaine Pellat