Course requirements and timetable
Course requirements (examination)
1. Presentation of selected chapter from professional scientific article (2 people together)
Pair of students should prepare a presentation of an article (or its part) that they've chosen.
Presentations have to be 10 minutes (in case there are three presentations 7 minutes). Presentations will be followed by discussion with groups.
Presentations have to be uploaded into IS before the lecture where they take place (Study Materials → Homework Vaults → Students' presentations)
Schedule of the presentations is available in syllabus "Schedule of the course".
2. Written essay on voluntary matters from culture and mass media economy
Essay length has to be 3 – 5 pages of A4 format
Essay have to be uploaded in Study Materials → Homework Vaults → Students' Essays till Sunday 10th May 00.00.
Students have to prepare a presentation of their essays (3-5) minutes for our last lecture on 12th May (no ppt presentation needed),