1 Find mistakes in the sentences. Some sentences are correct. a) Helen never sleeps. Neither does Claire. b) We don't have much time, do we? c) Who are you waiting for? d) Who has been invited? e) Peter rarely goes to bed before ten, does he? f) I have been to Portugal. So has he. g) I have two books. I find neither of the books interesting. h) I have a few good friends. I think it's enough. i) Susan doesn't have much information, does she? j) Paul has a degree in informatics, doesn't he? 2 Ask about the underlined part of a sentence. a) The boss has fired twenty employees. Who has fired… b) The boss has fired twenty employees. How many employees has the boss fired? c) The boss has fired twenty employees. Who has the boss fired? d) The company was founded in 2002. What was founded e) The company was founded in 2002. Could you tell me… when the company was founded? f) He can't find Heather's pen. Whose pen cant he find? g) He can't find Heather's pen. Could you tell me whose pen he cant find? h) Jane goes swimming with Paula every day. How often does Jane go swimming with Paula? i) Jane goes swimming with Paula every day. Who goes swimming with Paula every day? j) Jane goes swimming with Paula every day. Who does Jane go swimming every day with? 3 Complete with few, a few, little, a little, many, much, either, neither, a, the, none, no, any or write -. Sometimes more answers can be correct. a) I am going to two conferences. I don't think either will be particularly interesting. b) The conference I talked about the other day was such a waste of time. c) I don't have any/many friends. Sometimes I feel lonely. d) You can find all the information on a/the noticeboard in the hallway on the third floor. e) How much money did you bring? A little/little/none. f) The furniture you ordered …… last week will arrive shortly. g) I have a company car at my disposal. However, the tyres need changing. h) I've never had an accident in my life. i) Where is the money I lent you last week? I don't have much/any left myself. j) A: How many files have you checked? B None/(A) few. Yesterday I was rather busy.