Expressing the future: 1) Future simple Neutral future: I will go home after school. Promises: We will buy you a pony if you behave. Threat: If you cheat, you will fail the exam. Offer: I'll carry the bags for you. Immediate decisions: Oh, I didn't realise it's so late. I will get a taxi. Predictions: I think their team will win. 2) To be going to + infinitiv Plans: He's going to propose. We're going to start a family soon. Predictions based on evidence: It's going to rain soon. (dark clouds) She's going to be sick all over the floor. (she turned green) 3) Present simple Timetables: The course starts in June. My train leaves at five. 4) Present continuous Arranged events, diary tense: I'm seeing my dentist tomorrow. We are flying to Japan next week. 5) Future continuous Future activities: I'll be studying this afternoon so don't disturb me. What will you be doing at the weekend? To be bound to He is bound to pass the exam. (He is sure to pass as he has studied a lot.) It is bound to rain. (I am certain it will rain.) To be due to Hank is due to start school in January. (it is arranged) When is your baby due? (expected) To be likely to Jessica is likely to visit France next year. (She will probably visit France.) The team are likely to win. To be about to do Harry is about to design. (He is close to resigning.) Caroline was (just) about to say something nasty but stopped herself. (We use just for emphasis). Time clauses Vedlejší věty začínající when, as soon as, once, after, before apod. Pozor, ve vedlejší větě dáváme přítomný čas prostý, budoucí čas je až ve větě hlavní! I will start doing homework when I do the dishes. As soon as she arrives, we will go to the cinema. We will tidy up the house before he gets home.