DXJAKD2 Academic skills course Jiřina Hrbáčková Eva Lukáčová Blanka Pojslová course syllabus •Week 1 introduction to academic English; specifics of academic style; introduction to academic presentations • •Week 2 formality of academic English; discussion over aspects of academic writing in economic disciplines; hedging • •Week 3 principles of writing paragraphs; writing conference abstracts I •Week 4 abstracts II •Week 5 research articles – structure and language of individual parts (IMRDC) I •Week 6 research articles II; paraphrasing •Week 7 summarising; other aspects of academic language •Week 8 coherence and cohesion; other aspects of academic language •Week 9 academic discussions; functional language •Week 10 videoconference - feedback on abstracts with Rachel Lindner •Week 11+12 presentations + peer review • • • course requirements •active participation in seminar lessons (2 absences allowed) •systematic preparation for lessons (this might include doing specific homework assignments) •writing a presentation abstract for a conference of your choice (see schedule below) •critical evaluation of abstracts of two colleagues •incorporating your colleagues’ comments in your abstract (if relevant) and submitting final version to Rachel Lindner for evaluation •active participation in videoconference •presentation of your research or part of research + discussion • •tasks and deadlines week 1 link to a conference shared document deadline 28 February week 2 title of the presentation shared document deadline 7 March week 4 first draft of abstract for the conference presentation peer-review application deadline 21 March 2016 week 5 evaluation and comments on 2 abstracts of your colleagues peer-review application deadline 4 April 2016 week 7 final abstract peer review application deadline 11 April 2016 week 10 videoconference weeks 11 + 12 presentations