Rules of Seminar in macroeconomics This text presents the rules of the course Seminar in macroeconomics in the spring semester 2016. Study materials The leaflets for the seminars will be in the Study materials in the IS. The leaflets will be published one week before the corresponding seminar at last. You can also use the web pages or, where you can find interactive models, additional exercises and useful links. Evaluation of seminars In order to get the credit, you need at least 60 out of the total number of 104 points. In total you can get up to 60 points from two seminar tests and up to 44 points for the work in seminars. Tests The point value of each test is 30 points. Each test contains 10 questions with one correct answer out of four options (a, b, c, d) – 3 points for a correct answer and 0 points for a wrong or no ans wer. The questions are similar to the questions from the test bank in the course Macroeconomics 2 ( see the sample test in the study materials of Macroeconomics 2). The first test takes place in the 7th week and covers topics from the 2nd to the 5th week. The seco nd test takes place in the 12th week and covers topics from the 7th to the 11th week (see the sched ule of classes). If you miss the test on the regular date and have an excuse in the IS, the instruc tor will prepare the test on an alternative date. Any copying, recording or leaking tests, use of unauthorized tools, aids and communication devices, or other disruptions of objectivity of credit tests will be considered non-compliance with the con ditions for course completion as well as a severe violation of the study rules. Consequently, the t eacher will finish the credit test. You receive 0 points and lose any chance to earn any points fro m the test. Work in seminars The work in seminars will be tested in the following manner: In each seminar you can be asked to so lve/answer one of the obligatory problems (!). If you solve the obligatory problem correctly and ex plain the solution well, you get 3 points for the work in seminar. If the solution is not satisfact ory, you may get less than 3 points. If you are not asked to solve the obligatory problem, we assum e that you were prepared, and you get 3 points. Activity in seminars The activity in seminars will be tested mainly using +1 point problems (J). You can get an extra po int if you show active approach and ability to apply theoretical knowledge when solving the +1 poin t problems. To obtain additional points for activity you do not need to prepare the solutions of th e +1 point problems in advance. You cannot lose points earned for work in seminars when the +1 poin t problems are solved. Schedule of seminars Week Topic 1 The seminar is cancelled 2 Macroeconomic data 3 Economic equilibrium 4 Money and inflation 5 Open Economy 6 National holiday – Easter Monday 7 Unemployment, Test I (topics from the weeks 2-5) 8 Economic growth I 9 Economic growth II 10 ISLM model 11 Mundell-Fleming model 12 Aggregate supply and Phillips curve, Test II (topics from the weeks 7-11) 13 Monetary and fiscal policy