Vertical restarints Exclusive dealing Resale price maintenance Resale price maintenance Competition policy Vertical restraints Industrial organization – lecture 6 Vertical restarints Exclusive dealing Resale price maintenance Resale price maintenance Competition policy Vertical restraints Firms at different stages of the production chain do not rely om spot market transactions, but sign contracts to reduce transaction costs and better coordinate actions. These agreements are called vertical restraints. Vertically related firms produce complementary products. Vertical restarints may internalize this externality. Vertical restraints are also an issue for competition policy. They might be beneficial as well as harmfull for the consumer. Vertical restarints Exclusive dealing Resale price maintenance Resale price maintenance Competition policy Types of vertical restraints There are several types of vertical restraints. The most common examples are the following: • Franchise fee (non-linear pricing). Contract specifies fixed price and variable component. • Quantity discounts. • Resale price maintenance (RPM). The mneufacturer sets the price/recommends retailer’s price, or it might estabish minimum or maximum price. • Exclusivity clauses. E.g. under exclusive dealing a retailer agrees to carry only the brand of the particular manufacturer; an exclusive territory implies that only one reatiler can sell the brand within a certian area. Vertical restarints Exclusive dealing Resale price maintenance Resale price maintenance Competition policy Types of vertical restraints We focus on two types of vertical restraints and different types of rationalization of these contracts. • Exclusive dealing • Resale price maintenance Exclusive dealing can stimulate retailer’s effort or reduce free-riding on manufacturer’s investment. On the other hand, it may lead to foreclosure. RPM may ensure provision of retail services. It may also serve as a tool for collusion. Vertical restarints Exclusive dealing Resale price maintenance Resale price maintenance Competition policy ED: Free-riding Pepall et al. (2010, pp. 372–373) This is a variation of Besanko, Perry (1993). The producers produce differentiated product. Each can invest e into activity which reduces retailer’s costs. The investment costs are µe2 2 . There is a perfect competition among retailers. The cost of each retailer of selling brand i are c + wi − ei − ej . The inverse function is linear Qi = 1 2 (1 − pi + γ 2 (pj − pi )). Vertical restarints Exclusive dealing Resale price maintenance Resale price maintenance Competition policy ED: Free-riding - solution Pepall et al. (2010, pp. 372–373) Each reatiler charges price equal to marginal costs p = c + wi − ei − ej Substituting the manufacturer’s and maximizing with respect to w and e gives the optimal wholesale price and investment level w∗ = 4µ(1 − c) 2µ(4 + γ) − 4 e∗ = 2(1 − c) 2µ(4 + γ) − 4 Under the ED agreement w∗ = 4µ(1 − c) 2µ(4 + γ) − 2 − γ e∗ = 2(1 − c) 2µ(4 + γ) − 2 − γ Vertical restarints Exclusive dealing Resale price maintenance Resale price maintenance Competition policy ED: Free-riding - solution Pepall et al. (2010, pp. 372–373) You can check that 1. Investment levels are higher. 2. Wholesale price is higher because distribution cost are lower and it shifts marginal revenue curve of the producer. 3. Retailer’s price is lower. 4. Welfare is higher. Vertical restarints Exclusive dealing Resale price maintenance Resale price maintenance Competition policy ED: Foreclosure Pepall et al. (2010, p. 375-376) There can be also anti-competitive effects of ED. There is monopoly incumbent with costs ci and entrant with cost ce < ci . There are two reatilers that compete in Cournot way. The timing of the game is as follows 1. Each retailer may sing exclusive contract for price T 2. Entrant decides to enter the market. There are enty costs F. 3. Retailers sign two-part tariff contract with some producer. 4. Retailers compete on the final good market with inverse demand P = 1 − Q. Vertical restarints Exclusive dealing Resale price maintenance Resale price maintenance Competition policy ED: Foreclosure - solution Pepall et al. (2010, p. 375-376) If both firms sign ED contract, the incumbent is able to divide monoply profit 1−ci 2 2 If one firm does not sign ED contract and the entrant enters, it gets 1−ci 2 2 . If the entrant does not enter, it gets zero profit. If no firm signs ED contract, they both get 1+ce −2ci 3 2 Hence, the incumbent is able to foreclose a more efficient entrant. Vertical restarints Exclusive dealing Resale price maintenance Resale price maintenance Competition policy RPM: Retailer services Pepall et al. (2010, p. 365-366) There is monopoly producer and competitive retail sector. The final market demand curve is Q = s(1 − p) Providing retail services is costly. The costs are c(c) = µ 2 s2 The optimal level of retail services maximizes the total surplus from providing these services, which is given as TS(s) = (1 − c(s))2 s 2 Vertical restarints Exclusive dealing Resale price maintenance Resale price maintenance Competition policy RPM: Retailer services - solution Pepall et al. (2010, p. 365-366) The price for final consumers will be p = w + c(s) The reatiler’s serivices maximize the surplus given the price p, which is TS(s) = (1 − c(s) − w)2 s 2 Competitive outcome provide a too low level of services as long as w > 0. The solution of this problem may be implementation of RPM where p∗ = 1+c(s) 2 and w∗ = p∗ − c(s). Vertical restarints Exclusive dealing Resale price maintenance Resale price maintenance Competition policy RPM: Competition policy Historically illegal per se US: Leegin case of 2007, all resale price agreemnet are subject to rule of reason test (decided on case by case basis) EU: RPM are not per se illegal, but ... • so called hardcore restriction • no block exception • the burden of proof lies on the firm • there is no other way other than RPM how to achieve the goal