Lecture content - MPV_APPE Public Project Design and Evaluation
Lecturer: Jana Soukopová, Ph.D.
- introduction
- lecturers
- general information
- content of the course
- conditions for passing the exam
- homework
The general information:
- The course takes the form of both lectures and seminars (once in two weeks).
- During lectures, basic thesis of design and evaluation of public projects are explained which are further discussed during seminars and on-line forums.
- The course is concluded with a final test followed by an oral exam.
- Students are eligible to take the final exam provided that they fulfill given conditions:
- they pass the mid-term test successfully (a test is regarded as successful if at least 60% of answers are correct, 30 points total);
- they pass the final test successfully (a test is regarded as successful if at least 60% of answers are correct, 50 points total).
- Final classification consists of 30 points from the midterm test, and 50 points from the final test. Grading A: 74 - 80; B: 67 - 73; C: 61 - 66; D: 54 - 60; E: 48 - 53; F: <48