Macroeconomics Spring 2017 Masaryk University Lecturer: Nikoloz Kudashvili Email: Dates: 20.02.2017 – 02.07.2017 Lectures: Monday 11:05 – 12:45 (classroom S 309) Seminars: Monday 12:50 – 13:45 (classroom S 309) Office hours: Monday 14:00 – 16:00 (office S 309) Course Description This course introduces the main concepts of macroeconomics. By the end of the course students will have a clear understanding of GDP measurement, monetary system, labour market and unemployment rate and inflation unemployment trade-off. Textbooks: Principles of Macroeconomics, Mankiw N. G. 5th edition. South-Western Cengage Learning; 2011. Grading 3 written quizzes: 45 % Seminar attendance and activity: 15 % Final Exam: 40 % Grade distribution: A: 85 – 100 B: 70 - 84 C: 60 – 69 D: 50 – 59 F: 0 – 49 NOTE: The maximum latter grade in make-up exam is B. Course Outline 1. measuring of GDP and inflation (chapters 22 and 23) 2. economic growth (chapter 24) 3. labour market and unemployment (chapters 26 and 20) 4. financial system and public finance (chapters 25 and 12) 5. banks and monetary system (chapter 27) 6. quantitative theory of money and inflation (chapter 28) 7. international trade (chapter 9) 8. open economy - basic concepts (chapter 29) 9. open economy - a model (chapter 30) 10. AD and AS (chapter 31) 11. impact of monetary and fiscal policies on AD (chapter 32) 12. relationship between infltion and unemployment (chapter 33)