American Economic Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The American Economic Review. American Economic Association Life Cycle Consumption and Labor Supply: An Explanation of the Relationship between Income and Consumption Over the Life Cycle Author(s): James Heckman Source: The American Economic Review, Vol. 64, No. 1 (Mar., 1974), pp. 188-194 Published by: American Economic Association Stable URL: Accessed: 09-03-2015 10:39 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact This content downloaded from on Mon, 09 Mar 2015 10:39:24 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Life Cycle Consumptionand Labor Supply: An Explanationof the Relationship Between Income and Consumption Over the Life Cycle By JAMES HECKMAN* In a recent paper in this Review, Lester Thurow presents empirical evidence in apparent contradiction with the conventional life cycle consumption theory enunciated by Franco Modigliani and Richard Brumberg, Menahem Yaari, and James Tobin. That theory predicts no necessary relationship between consumption and income receipts at any age, but Thurow demonstrates a strong relationship and shows that income and consumption expenditure both peak in the age interval 45-54. Thurow's principal explanation for his finding is that credit market restrictions prevent consumers from borrowing as much against their future income as they desire at the going interest rate. As long as income tends to increase with age, and discounted future income cannot be fully transferred at the borrowing rate, a consumer's effective net worth increases with age which causes increasing consumption with age. Based on this argument, Thurow recommends government intervention into the consumption loan market to allow for optimal adjustment of consumption. Keizo Nagatani explains the same facts by building a model based on the uncertainty of future income. By adjusting expected future income for risk, a "typical" consumer will buy less than he would in a riskless environment with the same expected income stream. However, being the typical consumer, he realizes his expected income, and he successively revises his consumption plan upward since his realized income exceeds his risk adjusted income forecast. For this reason, his consumption expenditure and income streams are closely related. Both authors relax a standard neoclassical assumption to obtain their theoretical results: Thurow assumes imperfect credit markets while Nagatani invokes uncertainty.' However, their different explanations lead to different policy implications, since Nagatani's results provide no basis for government intervention to break down institutional barriers in the credit market.2 In this paper, we present an alternative neoclassical model which can explain Thurow's results without resort to either credit market imperfections or uncertainty. Rather than treating income as exogenously given, we view earnings as resulting from a life cvcle labor supply decision. If individuals are free to set their hours of work, and if wage rates change systematicallv over the life cycle, the path of consumption of market goods will depend on the wage rate at each age unless goods and leisure are independent of each other in utility. There is strong empirical evidence that* Columbia University and the National Bureau of Economic Research. This research was sponsored by a IU.S. Department of Labor Manpower Administration dissertation grant. I am deeply indebted to Edmund Phelps for comments, and to members of my dissertation committee at Princeton: Orley Ashenfelter, Stanley Black, Richard Quandt, Albert Rees, and Harry Kelejian. I retain responsibility for all errors. This paper is not an official National Bureau publication since the findings reported herein have not yet undergone the full critical review accorded the National Bureau's studies, including approval of the Board of Directors. 1 Both authors also discuss alternative explanations such as family composition effects, shifts in preferences, and measurement errors. 2 One might argue that some portion of the risk adjustment of income in the Nagatani model is due to "market imperfection." However, in the presence of uncertainty, market imperfection is not a well-defined operational concept and specific policy recommendations are more difficult to obtain. I am indebted to Phelps for this point. 188 This content downloaded from on Mon, 09 Mar 2015 10:39:24 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. 64 NO. 1 HECKMAN: LIFE CYCLE CONSUMPTION 189 wage rates vary over the life cy-cle.3 We demonstrate below that if the interest rate equals the rate of pure time preference, the level of consumption by age moves exactly with the path of wage rates if time and goods are substitutes in utility. Allowing for a difference between the rate of time preference and the interest rate, an association remains between wage rates and consumption but it is not as precise. In the first section of this paper, we present an informal statement of the mlodel. The second section is devoted to a rigorous derivation of these propositions. I Standard life cycle models assume that the consumer's preferences for goods are the sanmeat each age, and independent of goods consumption at other ages, with future utilitv discounted at an exponential rate.4 These models either ignore the consumption of leisure or assume that hours of work are institutionally fixed so that a given lifetime wage path implies an exogenously determined income stream.5 The only factor creating differences in goods consumption by age is the interest rate net of pure time preference. If the rate of interest exceeds the rate of time preference, a consumer has an incentive to postpone his consumption of goods to later ages. In our model, we introduce an explicit labor-leisure choice at each age, maintaining the assumption that the utility at one age is independent of the consumption of goods and leisure at other ages. The rates of interest and tinmepreference continue to operate on consumption and leisure in the usual way, but a new factor is added. If the price of leisure is high at certain ages, individuals tend to consume less leisure at those ages.6 To focus on this effect, suppose that the interest rate and rate of time preference are zero, and that the price of goods is the same at all ages. If market goods are complements with leisure in the sense that the marginal utility of leisure increases with increments in the consumption of goods,7 the consumer has an incentive to economize on both his coInsumption of goods and leisure at ages where the price of leisure is high, since there are gains in utility from consuming time and goods jointly. In this case, he works more and saves more at ages with higher wage rates than at other ages. If market goods are substitutes for leisure in the sense that a reduction in the consumption of leisure raises the marginal utilitv from consuming goods, at ages where the price of leisure is high relative to other ages, the consumer has an incentive to economize on his leisure but spend more on goods. In this case, at ages where wage rates are high, consumers work more, earn more, and consunme more than at ages where wages are lower. Upon introducing the effect of time preference and interest rates, and assuming that the rate of interest exceeds the rate of time preference, one finds that the consumption of goods and leisure tends to be pushed towards later ages, but the wage-induced pattern of consumption remains, albeit somewhat blurred. XVefornmalize these intuitive statements below. I See for example the work of Michael liird. 4 The objections to this utility, specification are well known, but it is widely used (see Yaari, ModiglianiBrumberg, Nagatani). For a statement of those objections, see J. Hicks, p. 261. Frank Ramsey explicitly considers an intertemporal model of consumption and work effort. However, he assumes both iintertemporal and contemporaneous additive separability of the preference function in goods and leisure. We demonstrate below that the latter assumnptionleads to the same predictions as standard models of life cycle consumption which exclude the work decision from consideration. 6 The same intuitive model is suggested by Milton Iriedman, p. 206, and is applied by Robert Lucas and Leonard Rapping in their analysis of the Phillips curve, p. 266. 7 This definition of complementarity, used by F. Y. Edgeworth, Irving Fisher, and Vilfredo Pareto, differs from the more conventional definition which refers to the sign of substitution effects resulting from the effect of a price change of one good on the consumption of another good. As Paul Samuelson, p. 183, notes, this "direct" definition depends on a cardinal specification of the utility function. Since we follow ModiglianiBrumberg, Yaari, and Tobin in assuming additively separable intertemporal preferences, we have in fact assumed a cardinal specification for the utility function at each age. This content downloaded from on Mon, 09 Mar 2015 10:39:24 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 190 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW MARCH 1974 II We assume that the consumer has a strictly concave twice differentiable utility function U(L(t), X(t)) which is the same at each age (t). X(t) is his consumption of market goods, and L(t) is his consumption of leisure. Two commodities are employed as a simplifying device. Invoking the composite commodity, theorem, the argument remains valid if there are many goods whose relative prices do not change with age, and if we introduce the many,uses of leisure discussed by Gary Becker. Continuous time is used to facilitate the derivations. All of our results remain valid if time is segmented into discrete periods. Allowing for time preference at rate p, a consumer with horizon T has a lifetime utility function rT (l) J ~e-PtU(L(t),X(t))dt At each age, he has a fixed amount of time M available so that if he consumes L(t) units of leisure, his work time is M-L(t). The price of goods at age t is defined to be P(t) while the price of time at age t is WT(t), and his money earnings at each age are W(t)(M-L(t)) 8 Letting r be the rate of interest, A(O) initial assets, and assuming that no constraints are imposed on borrowing or lending except that all loans must be repaid, the consumer's lifetime budget constraint in the absence of bequests is rT (2) A(O)+ f e-rt[W(t)(M - L(T)) - P(t)X(t)]dt = 0 The consumer is assumed to maximize (1) subject to (2). Letting Ui be the partial derivative of U with respect to its ith argument, the necessary conditions for an interior maximum are (3) U1(t)- Xe(P-r)IW(t) = 0 (4) U2(t) - Xe(P-r)tP(t) = 0 and (2), where X is the Lagrange multiplier associated with constraint (2) and is positive if this constraint is effective. From the strict concavitv of U( ), these conditions are also sufficient for a maximum. (See G. Hadley and Murray Kemp, p. 228.) One inmmediate implication of the model is that the discounted lifetime marginal propensity to consume goods out of initial net worth need not be unity. Thus it is not necessary to introduce bequests to achieve this result as Yaari has done.9 To see this, differentiate equation (2) with respect to A(0) to obtain T aX(t) 1=1 e-rtP(t)_- dt J0 ~~AA(0) rT &L(t) + I e-rt(t)---- dt The first term on the right is the discounted lifetime marginal propensity to consume goods out of initial net worth, and it need not be unity as long as aL(t) aA(0) X 0. It is useful at this point to collect wellknown results about strictly concave functions which are needed below. Letting U1j be the second partial derivative of U( ) with respect to its ith andjth arguments, strict concavity implies (5) iUl U12 > U11 0 by condition (5). U12 U22 It is immediately apparent that L2= X1, and that if, and only if, U12=0 (X1=L2=0) will the path of consumption be independent of the wage pattern. To facilitate the analysis, it is convenient to characterize the wage and price paths by (9) Xe(P-r)tIW(t) = [IV(0) + bm(t)Ieb(p-r)t (10) Xe(P-r)tp(t) = XP(O)eb (p-r) t defining m(O)= 0. We assume that the price of market goods (P(t)) does not change with age, but we allow for wage growth by introducing the term m(t). A consumer stationary state is defined as the case where p= r, and b=0. In this state, it is obvious from equations (6) and (7) that the individual consumes the same leisure (L(O)) and market goods (X(O)) at all stages of his life cycle. Suppose we disturb this state by imposing wage growth keeping p equal to r. Since we seek to characterize consumer life cycle profiles, it is convenient to normalize all values of leisure and consumption with respect to their initial values L(0) and X(0), respec- tively. The effect of this displacement on normalized demand may be written as (L(t)\ _\L(o)/ ab b=O ax iLi(t) R(0)- + Xm(t) L(0) ab 22W+ [ L2(t)P(O) -] L(t) Fax axi --- L1(0)W(0)- + L2(0)P(0) - I L2(0) Lab abj a(X(t)) ab b=O ax (0)0), the age for peak wage rates is the age for minimum goods consumption. If time and goods are substitutes (U12 <0), the age of peak wages and earnings is also the age of peak goods consumption. Only if leisure and goods are independent in utility (U12=0) would goods consumption remain the same at all ages when wage rates differ by age, and in this case the predictions of standard life cycle consumption models remain intact. Simple as this model is, it can account for the observed relationship between earnings and consumption if goods and time are direct substitutes in utility (U12<0). Recent empirical work suggests that male hourly wage rates rise to a peak in the age range 45-54 and fall off afterward.1" In this simplified model, the only force causing differences in the consumption of leisure and goods by age is the pattern of wage growth. The introduction of a difference between the interest rate and the rate of time preference sets other forces in motion. To fix ideas, suppose wage rates rise monotonicallywith age. If the interest rate exceeds the rate of time preference, the consumer has an incentive to consume more goods and leisure at older ages.12But since wage rates increase monotonically with age, the consumer has an incentive to consume less leisure as he ages, and, if goods are complements with leisure, fewer goods with advancing age. In this tug of war, any result can emerge, and in particular it is possible that hours of work and the consumption of goods will reach a peak at an interior age in the life cycle. To see this more clearly, we again differentiate the normalized demand functions with respect to b in a neighborhood of the stationarv state. WVenow let p and r be unequal. After some manipulation we reach (L(t) L(__ XL1(O) (11) -n(t) ( Lb() b=O L(O) X(P -r)t + Xp-L(O)t[L1W(o) + L,P(O)] L(O) ( rt)) _____ XX1(O) (12) - m(t) -ab b=O X (O) X(P- r)t + X(p [X1W(o) + X2P(O)] X(O) The term in brackets in each expression must be negative if X(t) and L(t) are normal goods.'3 From equation (11), it is seen that 10 In order to cast the theory into observable phenomena, we must replace differentials with differences from the initial stationary state values. Equivalently, we apply the mean value theorem to L(t)/L(O) in a neighborhood of the stationary state path. Thus (d/db)(L(t)/L(O))db becomes A(L(t)/L(O)). 1' Hurd finds a peak for the wage rates of white males in the age range 45-54 using the one in a thousand Census data for 1959, and the Survey of Economic Opportunity (SEO) data for 1966. See his Table 3, p. 194. Using the SEO data, we regressed hourly wage rates on schooling, age, and age squared, allowing for interactions between schooling and age. We found a peak for hourly wage rates at ages 48-50 for males with 10-12 years of schooling with an approximate standard deviation of four years. Thurow reports a similar age peak for income. 12 See H. G. Lewis. 1"To see this, differentiate equations (6) and (7) with respect to A (0) to obtain A(t)= e(P-r)t[L,W(t) + L2P(t)] aA(O) aX(t)= e(P-r)t[XIW(t) + X2P(t) ] ax aA(0) aA(O) Since 9X/OAA(O)p, and that m(t) increases with age (t). It is possible that the age of peak work effort occurs at a boundary of the life cvcle, i.e., 0 or T. But if a peak comes in the interior of this interval, the age of peak work effort comes before the age of peak earnings since earnings are the product of hours worked and wage rates, and the latter increase monotonically with age by as- sumption. In this example, only if X1 is negative (U]2>0) and suitably strong will we observe a peak in the consumption of goods at an interior age of the life cycle. If rp, the peak age for hours worked comes before the age of peak wage rates, and the age of peak earnings occurs between these peak ages.'4 It is instructive to compare the ordering of the peak ages for hours worked, consumption, earnings, and wage rates, in a simplified model where the interest rate equals the rate of time preference, to a model where they differ. In the first model, the peak age is the same for all variables if Xl>O(U,2<0). Allowing for a difference between the interest rate and the rate of time preference, and assuming r>p, the peak age for hours of work comes before the peak age for wage rates if X1>o. In fact, it is observed in the Survey of Economic Opportunity (SEO) data that the peak age for hours of work occurs in the age interval 39-44 (Heckman, Essay II, p. 24). This comes before the peak age for wage rates and earnings which in these data occurs in the age interval 45-54. Given Thurow's finding on the peak age for the consumption of goods, the data appear to be broadly consistent with a model of r>p, X1>O(U12<0), with a peak in wage rates occurring in the age interval 45-54. However, this is only one possible explanation of Thurow's facts. We have already shown that even if wage growth is monotonic, it is possible to have a peak in consumption and hours of work in the middle years of the life cycle. More exotic patterns for wage rates, interest rates, and time preferences can easily produce the same results, as can changes in the pattern of goods prices bv age. Without a more extensive empirical analysis of wage patterns it is impossible to be more precise about the exact set of assumptions about preferences necessary to explain Thurow's results. Nevertheless, we can unequivocally assert that Thurow's findings are consistent with a model of perfect certainty and perfect credit markets if consumers face anticipated changing wage rates over their life cycle, and are free to choose their hours of work. III. Conclusions In this paper, we have shown that Thurow's empirical results are consistent with a neoclassical model of life cycle consumption and labor supply. It is not necessary to resort to credit market restrictions or uncertaintv to explain his facts. With this in mind, we join Nagatani in questioning Thurow's conclusions in favor of government intervention in the loan market to ensure optimal consumption patterns. Since labor supply behavior and uncertainty can also explain Thurow's empirical results, we must sort out the relative importance of each of these factors in determining observed 14 To prove this, assume that wage rates, W(t), and hours worked, h(t), are continuous functions. From equation (11) it is clear that if r>p the peak age for hours of work cannot occur after the peak age for wage rates. The age of peak wage rates (t3) is implicitly defined by W'(t3)= 0, where X denotes the derivative with respect to t. The age of peak hours worked (t,) is defined by h'(t1)=0. The age of peak earnings (t2) is defined by [w(t)Iz(t)]'= W'(t) Iz'l(t) W(t) h(t) Then clearly tl < t2< t3. This content downloaded from on Mon, 09 Mar 2015 10:39:24 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 194 THE AMERICANECONOMIC REVIEW MARCH 1974 consumption patterns before firmpolicy prescriptions are possible. Throughout this paper, we assume exogenous wage growth, and a single earner. The same predictions developed in this paper emerge from a more general model with wage growth due to human capital investment. In such a model, the "shadow price" of time plays the role of the market wage in this paper, and differs from the observed market wage because work at one age may affect future earnings. (See Heckman, Essay I.) It is also relatively straightforward to generalize our results to multiple workerhouseholds, although few new analytical insights emerge. The resulting life cycle consumption path depends on the wage paths of all earners in the household. REFERENCES G. Becker, "A Theory of the Allocation of Time," Econ. J., Sept. 1965, 75, 493-517. M. 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Pfouts, "Hours of Work, Savings, and the Utility Function,"in R. Pfouts, ed., Essays in Economics and Econometrics, Chapel Hill 1960. F. Ramsey, "A Mathematical Theory of Saving," Econ. J., Dec. 1928, 38, 543-59. P. Samuelson, Foundations of Economic Analysis, Cambridge1947. L. Thurow, "The Optimum Lifetime Distribution of Consumption Expenditures," Amer. Econ. Rev., June 1969, 59, 324-30. J. Tobin, "Life Cycle Saving and Balanced Growth,"in W. Fellneret al., eds., Ten Economic Studies in the Tradition of Irving Fisher,New York 1967. M. Yaari, "On Consumer'sLifetime Allocation Process," Int. Econ. Rev., Oct. 1964, 5, 304-17. This content downloaded from on Mon, 09 Mar 2015 10:39:24 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions