Business Projects Student Seminar Exercise Book Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 1 of 123 Restriction on Use and Reproduction This document is confidential and contains proprietary information and intellectual property of AXELOS Limited, APM Group Limited (APMG-International) and Masaryk University. Neither this document nor any of the information contained herein may be modified, copied, published, disclosed, distributed, displayed, exhibited, or reproduced in any manner, including but not limited to electronic or printed formats, or otherwise transferred to a third party without the prior written consent of an authorized representative of Masaryk University. This statement applies to all pages, appendices, annexes, attachments, or other materials accompanying this document. Masaryk University is the Accredited Training Organisation responsible for compiling and / or creating this course material. Referencing for materials taken from the official PRINCE2 Manual is done via the statement: Based on AXELOS PRINCE2 material. Reproduced under licence from AXELOS Limited. Direct quotes from reference material are cited using Harvard Style in-text referencing. The following reference materials are cited in this document: 1. Axelos, 2009. Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2® 2009 Edition Manual. 2009 Edition. The Stationery Office PRINCE2® is a Registered Trade Mark of AXELOS Limited, The Swirl Logo is a Trademark of AXELOS Limited. APMG is the accreditation body responsible for approving this Participant Guide. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 2 of 123 Message to Students Welcome to the Masaryk University, Faculty of Economics, Business Projects Course. This course is based on the 2009 version of PRINCE2 and is designed to teach you the fundamentals of the method. PRINCE2, Projects in a Controlled Environment 2nd version, is an industry recognised, structured, project management methodology which is recognised worldwide. It was first released in 1989 and is a product-based approach to project management, providing an easily tailored method for the management of all types of projects in all domains. Our goal is to provide the best training possible in project and programme management. To that end, our lecturers are not only faculty members of the University but are also highly respected industry professionals with extensive, international, project and programme management experience. This proficiency is an invaluable asset when it comes to explaining how the PRINCE2 method is used in some of the most challenging project environments. We thank you for choosing to take this course here at the Masaryk University, Faculty of Economics and Administration. We strive to deliver the best learning experience possible and trust that you will find your time with us enlightening and rewarding. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 3 of 123 Table of Contents SECTION I - DOCUMENT CONTROL SECTION .............................................................................. 5 SECTION II – SEMINAR SCHEDULE.............................................................................................. 6 1 SEMINAR SCHEDULE ......................................................................................................................... 6 2 REQUIRED READING.......................................................................................................................... 7 3 GRADING........................................................................................................................................ 7 SECTION III - CASE STUDY.......................................................................................................... 8 SECTION IV - SEMINAR EXERCISES AND HOMEWORK............................................................... 17 1 SEMINAR 1 EXERCISES (IN CLASS) ..................................................................................................... 17 1.1 Executive and Project Manager Possible Choices ............................................................. 17 1.2 Project Manager Possible Choices .................................................................................... 17 1.3 Senior User and Senior Supplier Possible Choices ............................................................ 18 1.4 Project Assurance Possible Choices .................................................................................. 18 1.5 Change Authority Possible Choices................................................................................... 19 1.6 Team Managers................................................................................................................. 20 1.7 Other Roles........................................................................................................................ 21 2 SEMINAR 2 EXERCISE (IN CLASS)..................................................................................................... 21 2.1 Prewritten Project Brief Sections ...................................................................................... 21 2.2 Exercise Example............................................................................................................... 26 3 HOMEWORK PRIOR TO SEMINAR 3 (EXERCISE 3)................................................................................. 48 4 EXERCISE 4 (IN CLASS) .................................................................................................................... 66 4.1 Scenario Update................................................................................................................ 66 4.2 Project Manager’s Daily Log.............................................................................................. 68 4.3 CRMS Project: Issue Register............................................................................................. 69 4.1 CRMS Project: Risk Register .............................................................................................. 70 4.2 Appendix A: Email Attachment, Letter.............................................................................. 75 5 HOME WORK PRIOR TO SEMINAR 7 (EXERCISE 5)................................................................................ 76 5.1 Premature Closure Overview Diagram.............................................................................. 79 5.2 Premature Closure Activity Tables .................................................................................... 80 5.2.1 Prewritten Step Titles.................................................................................................... 80 5.2.2 Prewritten Action Statements and Descriptions........................................................... 80 5.2.3 Activity Tables................................................................................................................ 81 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 4 of 123 5.3 Project Manager’s Daily Log.............................................................................................. 83 5.3.1 Prewritten Explanations of Daily Log Entries ................................................................ 83 5.3.2 List of Possible Daily Log Entries.................................................................................... 84 5.4 CRMS Project: Issue Register............................................................................................. 98 5.4.1 Possible Issue Register Explanation Statements ........................................................... 98 5.4.2 Possible Issue Register Entries ...................................................................................... 98 5.4.3 Issue Register Sheets................................................................................................... 101 5.5 CRMS Project-Risk Register ............................................................................................. 105 5.6 CRMS Project-Quality Register........................................................................................ 106 5.7 CRMS Project-Lessons Log............................................................................................... 108 5.8 CRMS Project: Memos, Reports & Notifications............................................................. 110 5.8.1 Possible Subject Lines.................................................................................................. 110 5.8.2 Possible Paragraphs..................................................................................................... 110 5.8.3 CRMS Project-Interoffice Memos................................................................................ 112 5.8.4 CRMS Project-End Project Report ............................................................................... 117 5.8.5 CRMS Project-Draft Closure Notification .................................................................... 121 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 5 of 123 Section I - Document Control Section DOCUMENT HISTORY This document is only valid at the moment it was printed. The source document is under configuration management control and can be viewed on-line through the Masaryk University Information System. Only those printed copies distributed under configuration control and documented in the Document Distribution Section below are deemed valid after printing up until recalled by the course sponsor. REFERENCES A. AXELOS: PRINCE2_2009_-_Syllabus_2011_V1.5 B. BPH-BUPR-SG-2017-01, Business Projects Course Student Manual PRODUCT IDENTIFIER BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Revision Date Summary of Changes Version 29/03/2017 Original Version 01 DOCUMENT REVIEW Name Signature Date Version Petr Smutný, PMCE Coordinator 17/02/2017 01 Tuck MacRae 17/02/2017 01 DOCUMENT APPROVAL Name Signature Date Version Petr Smutný, PMCE Coordinator 17/02/2017 01 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 6 of 123 Section II – Seminar Schedule 1 SEMINAR SCHEDULE Class Date Topics Lecturer Seminar 1 Thursday, April 6, 2017 Case Study Review, Starting up the Razorback Project, Class Exercise: The Organisation Tuck MacRae Seminar 2 Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Starting up Class Exercise: The Project Brief Tuck MacRae Seminar 3 Thursday, April 13, 2017 Initiating the Razorback Project, Class Exercise, Initiation Stage Activities and Creating Documents Tuck MacRae Seminar 4 Wednesday, April 19, 2017 Individual Graded Activity, Exercise, Creating the PID. Tuck MacRae Seminar 5 Thursday, April 20, 2017 Managing Progress Class Exercise, Handling Events and Daily Activities with Logs and Registers Dr. Smutný Seminar 6 Wednesday, April 26, 2017 Individual Graded Activity, Exercise 6, Managing Progress & Delivery Stage Activities Dr. Smutný Seminar 7 Thursday, April 27, 2017 Closing a Project Class Exercise Dr. Smutný Seminar 8 Wednesday, May 3, 2017 Individual Graded Activity, Exercise 7, Closure Dr. Smutný Seminar 9 Wednesday, May 10, 2017 PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Exam Dr. Smutný Seminar 10 Thursday, May 11, 2017 PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Exam, Review Dr. Smutný Seminar 11 Wednesday, May 17, 2017 Course Foundation Exam Dr. Smutný Seminar 12 May 18, 2017 Course Exam Feedback and Round Table Both Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 7 of 123 2 REQUIRED READING Lecture / Seminar Required Reading Prior to Class Seminar 1 Read the Czech Razorbacks case study in the Student Guide. Read pages 113 to 145 of Managing a Successful Project plus Appendices: A.2, Business Case A.7, Daily Log A.14, Lessons Log A.16, Plans A.21, Project Product Description A.19, Project Brief Seminar 2 Memorize the composition section of Appendix A.19, Project Brief Seminar 3 Read pages 149 to 164 of Managing Successful Projects plus Appendices: A.20, Project Initiation Documentation A.4, Communication Management Strategy A.6, Configuration Management Strategy A.22, Quality Management Strategy A.24, Risk Management Strategy A.16, Plans A.2, Business Case A.1, Benefits Review Plan Seminar 4 Memorize the composition section of each document in the PID and the PID itself Seminar 5 Read pages 167 to 202 of Managing Successful Projects and Appendices: A.3, Checkpoint Report A.5, Configuration Item Records A.7, Daily Log A.9, End Stage Report A.10, Exception Report A.11, Highlight Report A.12, Issue Register A.13, Issue Report A.14, Lessons Log A.23, Quality Register A.25, Risk Register A.26, Work Package Seminar 7 Read pages 205 to 212 of Managing Successful Projects and Appendix A.8, End Project Report Seminar 8 Read about premature closure and review log, register and document creation exercises Seminar 9 Read Appendix B of the Student Manual Seminar 11 Study for the exam 3 GRADING Type Description Duration Date (%) Graded Activity 1 Project Initiation Documentation 60 min Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10 Graded Activity 2 Delivery Stage Activities 60 min Wednesday, April 26, 2017 15 Graded Activity 3 Closure 60 min Wednesday, May 3, 2017 15 Exam Foundation Exam 60 min Wednesday, May 17, 2017 60 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 8 of 123 Section III - Case Study Czech Razorbacks Hockey Club Note: The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this scenario are fictitious. No identification with actual persons, places, organisations, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 9 of 123 Czech Razorbacks Hockey Club The Czech Razorbacks are a professional hockey team that play in the World Wide Hockey Association (WWHA). The team has existed for many years and has won the Global Hockey Cup four times. In recent years, the team has struggled to attract top talent and has suffered from the internet broadcasting of National League Hockey games. On-line sports broadcasting has eroded their fan base and substantially reduced merchandise sales. The current merchandise line-up has not been updated in 10 years and does not appeal to most fans or consumers. With annual revenues of 250.000.000 Kč, the team barely breaks even. Annual payments of 10.000.000 Kč to service the debt load and about 240.000.000 Kč in team operations, including 150.000.000 Kč in salaries, continually leave the team lacking in development funds. A recent restructuring brought a seasoned hockey management professional to the Razorback organisation. Brian Bednařík recently became the third managing director in the team’s history. He has been working hard to determine how the team could raise public awareness and at the same time increase profits in order to develop a more competitive team. After doing some basic research he has decided that a new merchandising strategy should be developed. Two other options that he considered included: • Running hockey camps for amateur hockey players using professional players as coaches to generate a larger fan base. • Sourcing the clubs merchandise from China to drastically reduce costs and increasing the retail prices to create higher margins leading to a more profitable situation. After consulting with various stakeholders within the organisation it was determined that neither of these latter options were optimal. Although running hockey camps might raise brand awareness, it may not result in substantial increases in merchandise sales. Sourcing the merchandise from China and raising prices was seen as having a potential positive impact on revenues, but the risk to an already fragile brand image of selling inferior quality merchandise at premium prices was seen as unacceptable. In deciding that a new merchandising strategy was the correct option, it was also agreed that merchandise quality was to remain high, should reflect a quality image for the team and, where possible, be sourced from Czech manufacturers. Suggestions that all t-shirts and hoodies should be 100% cotton and that T-shirts should be silkscreen while hoodies should be embroidered were also discussed. It was also agreed that this new strategy needs to be developed using a project and Bednařík wishes the project to be run using the PRINCE2 method. To this end, he has created a Project Mandate (attached at Appendix A) which he has had approved by the Vice-President of Media, Marketing & Sales, Věra Violetová who would have the responsibility of implementing the strategy once it was approved by the Project Board. Funding of the Project would also be her responsibility and would be taken from her budget. One of the major issues that faces Bednařík and the use of PRINCE2 is that many in the organisation do not understand the methodology while others feel it is too bureaucratic. Past attempts to run projects using the method failed and cost overruns have occurred. Karina Horáková, the financial Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 10 of 123 controller, has been very outspoken on the topic and wants nothing to do with PRINCE2. She sees it as a complete waste of money and time and believes its only purpose is to generate revenue for the UK National Health Service. The Project would be run in four stages: STAGE 1: Brand recognition merchandise preference survey and conclusions. The survey would collect demographic and geographic brand recognition data as well as data regarding WWHA preferences, team loyalty, consumer product preferences for Czech Razorback hockey merchandise, and pricing sensitivity by product. STAGE 2: New Merchandise Product Specifications. Once it has been determined what the new merchandising lineup should include and a pricing sensitivity model has been established, new merchandise specifications will be created and a comprehensive search for high potential suppliers will be undertaken. A list of possible vendors will be created. STAGE 3: Supply and Distribution Chain Strategies. Vendors from the list created in Stage 2 will be contacted and requested to submit volume pricing proposals and will be interviewed regarding a long-term supply relationship. Once the search is completed, a shortlist of venders willing to partner with the team will be created along with their volume pricing proposals. Based on the results from Stage 1 through 3 a comprehensive distribution chain analysis will be undertaken. Distribution chains will be analyzed for suitability based on the various research findings. STAGE 4: Merchandise Strategy Creation. Using all of the information and reports generated in all of the previous Stages, a new, comprehensive Merchandising Strategy will be compiled. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 11 of 123 Organisational Structure Personnel Profiles of Potential Project Personnel Brian Bednařík, Managing Director Brian Bednařík became the third managing director in the team’s history on December 11, 2015. He has 25 years of achievements as a commercially astute Finance Director. He understands financial control, and his cross-functional experience brings breadth to Board level decision making. He is a multilingual communicator, whose team building, strategic vision, analysis and creativity have identified and solved complex problems. He is particularly known for his proactive application of change and risk management. Before joining the club, he served as the Vicepresident of Finance for a number of NHL hockey clubs in the United States. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 12 of 123 Bednařík joined the hockey team because of his love for Czech hockey and his desire to make the Czech Razorbacks the top European team in the league. He spends approximately 50% of his time in the office and the balance attending league functions, benefits, and promotional events. When in the office, he has no time to deal with daily operational tasks, leaving this to his Vice-president of Operations. Currently he is working hard to understand the organization and to develop a strategic plan focused on the next five years. Radek Bosý, Vice-President, Operations Radek Bosý is a young professional and was recently named as the Vice-president of Operations by Brian Bednařík. Bosý has a Masters in Sports Business Management and has a background in hockey operations at both the minor league and professional level. He has also worked in a variety of other positions within the world of hockey including merchandising, marketing, and facilities management. His experience has taught him that hard work always pays off and he knows he will need a strong work ethic to make it as the new Vice president of Operations. He is thrilled to be part of the Czech Razorbacks and dreams of one day becoming a NHL General Manager. He has excellent interpersonal skills and is a true team player and motivator. Bosý looks forward to working on new projects for the team and wants to learn about PRINCE2. Věra Violetová, Vice-President, Media, Marketing & Sales Věra Violetová is a hands-on executive with over 20 years of progressive experience specializing in call centre management in the fashion industry. She joined the Razorbacks shortly before Bednařík. She was hired for her experience executing business strategies in start-up, high growth, turn-around, and established high volume contact call centre environments. She has a keen focus on service and operational excellence and continual quality improvement to increase customer satisfaction and internal efficiency. Violetová has repeated success in partnering with cross-functional teams and personnel at varying levels within organizations to improve service levels, revenues, and profitability. She is in charge of the entire Media, Marketing, and Sales section of the organisation. Karel Heinz, Broadcast Engineer Karel Heinz has been with the organisation since day one. He started as a junior technician and has worked his way up to the Senior Broadcast Engineer position. He is in charge of all technical electronics aspects of the organisation. He is hard working, fast thinking, quick to learn and easily approachable. He has been responsible for ensuring that the organisation implements technology changes in a systematic and cost effective manner. In doing so he has proven to be an excellent problem solver and analytical thinker. He is a strong communicator who is able to give and receive instructions while also working well in a team approach. He is well respected within the organisation. Heinz reports to Věra Violetová, Vice-President, Media, Marketing & Sales. Jiřina Nováková, Director, Sales & Marketing Jiřina Nováková is a business leader with a proven track record of building high performing marketing teams and accelerating revenue growth. With a strong background in demand generation, she excels at building scalable integrated campaigns that leverage cutting edge marketing techniques. Although performance is at the core of who she is as a marketer, she believes businesses need to tell compelling stories and build a brand if they want to own a category. She reports directly to Věra Violetová, Vice-President, Media, Marketing & Sales. Lenka Procházková, Merchandise Manager Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 13 of 123 Lenka Procházková started with the organisation as an intern working directly for the office manager, Natálie Svobodová. Procházková quickly learned how to oversee the document management and tracking system, memorized all the corporate operational procedures, and developed and implemented a full set of document templates incorporating the new visual identity guidelines. She has a Master degree from Masaryk University in economics and recently passed her PRINCE2 Foundation Exam. During her internship she impressed Věra Violetová, VicePresident, Media, Marketing & Sales and her new boss, Jiřina Nováková, Director, Sales & Marketing so much that they decided to create the Merchandise Manager position for her. She is a very meticulous individual who has a keen focus on quality. Natálie Svobodová, Office Manager Natálie Svobodová is an experienced office manager with over 20 years in general administration and customer service. She has a proven track record of managing teams and achieving excellent results in various Industries including commercial printing, contract marketing, consumer research, and industrial sales. She is excellent at engaging stakeholders at all levels of the organisation and the creation of cost effective solutions to support the achievement of the business targets. Reporting directly to Radek Bosý, Vice-President, Operations, Svobodová is responsible for ensuring all administration processes are aligned to the company internal systems and are followed. She manages the day-to-day office duties including HR related matters, Health & Safety Compliance, adherence to the quality management process, and ensures all standard operating procedures are followed by each of the functional groups. Karina Horáková, Controller Karina Horáková has worked for the Czech Razorbacks for the past year and a half. Prior to starting with the organisation, Horáková worked for 12 years as a chartered accountant, where she witnessed many small and medium sized enterprises struggling to survive. She was hired by the previous Managing Director to streamline the organisation and implement austerity measures in an effort to stem the trend of annual losses. Horáková duties revolve around ensuring that the business is operating effectively and efficiently while also managing the Accounting Department and monitoring internal controls. She also oversees all procurement and supplier contracting functions. She is an excellent analyst and report writer with a focus on doing more with less. Horáková reports directly to Radek Bosý, Vice-President of Operations. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 14 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 15 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 16 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 17 of 123 Section IV - Seminar Exercises and Homework 1 SEMINAR 1 EXERCISES (IN CLASS) In your assigned teams and using the information in the scenario found in the case, fill out the first two Project Organisation Tables provided below. Be sure to indicate why these people are suitable for the roles. Include any assumptions. 1.1 Executive and Project Manager Possible Choices Position Name and Title Reasoning and Constraints Executive Executive 1.2 Project Manager Possible Choices Position Name and Title Reasoning and Constraints Project Manager Project Manager Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 18 of 123 Once the first two tables have been reviewed in class, complete the balance of the tables in the same manner as above. 1.3 Senior User and Senior Supplier Possible Choices Senior User Senior User Senior Supplier Senior Supplier 1.4 Project Assurance Possible Choices Position Name and Title Reasoning and Constraints Business Assurance Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 19 of 123 Position Name and Title Reasoning and Constraints User Assurance Supplier Assurance 1.5 Change Authority Possible Choices Position Name and Title Reasoning and Constraints Business Representative User Representative Supplier Representative Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 20 of 123 1.6 Team Managers Position Name and Title Reasoning and Constraints STAGE 1: Brand Recognition Merchandise Preference Survey and Conclusions. STAGE 2: New Merchandise Product Specifications. STAGE 3: Supply and Distribution Chain Strategies. STAGE 4: Merchandise Strategy Creation. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 21 of 123 1.7 Other Roles Position Name and Title Reasoning and Constraints Project Support Quality Assurance Quality Assurance 2 SEMINAR 2 EXERCISE (IN CLASS) The focus of this activity is on creating a full Project Brief. Below, your group will find a partially created Brief along with a separate set of individual, prewritten paragraphs. The goal is for your group to place the prewritten sections into the correct spaces provided in the Project Brief. The results will be taken up in class. 2.1 Prewritten Project Brief Sections PREWRITTEN PROJECT BRIEF SECTIONS P1 After consulting with various stakeholders within the organisation it was determined that neither of these latter options were optimal. Although running hockey camps might raise brand awareness it may not result in substantial increases in merchandise sales as the current merchandise is grossly out of date. Sourcing the merchandise from China and raising prices was seen as having a potential positive impact on revenues but the risk to an already fragile brand image of selling inferior quality merchandise at premium prices was seen as unacceptable. Doing nothing was considered unwise given that the organisation is unable to find other solutions to the profit situation. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 22 of 123 P2 Review the Product Descriptions. Advise on the Quality Management Strategy and Configuration Management Strategy. Advise on the selection of the development strategy design and methods. Ensure that any supplier and operating standards defined for the project are met and used to good effect. Advise on potential changes and their impact of the correctness, completeness and integrity of products against their Product Description from a supplier perspective. P3 Diverting resources from business as usual activities will mean a reduction in operating efficiency. This will mean an increase in overtime to cover the shortfall or the need to hire temporary staff, or a combination of both. If only overtime is used to cover the shortfall in man-hours, the total increased operating cost is estimated at 30% of 3.744.000 Kč X 1.5 = 1.684.800 Kč; however, employee fatigue may cause an increase in sick leave and/or a decrease in operational efficiency. If temporary staff are used, the cost is estimated at 936 man hours at 300 Kč per hour = 280.800 Kč, however, there will still be a reduction in operational efficiency of 5%. If a combination of limited overtime and temporary staff is used, the cost is estimated at 10% of 3.744.000 Kč X 1.5 = 561.600 Kč plus 280.800 Kč = 842.400 Kč. This represents the least cost of the three options. P4 The following are within the scope of the project: 1. Determining the current fan base through surveys, polling, or other mechanisms. 2. Determining national brand awareness and loyalty and how these can be increased. 3. Determining, based on fashion trends and fan appeal, what types of merchandise the team should sell, at what quality level, and at what price. 4. Re-evaluating the current supply and distribution chains and generating a new supply and distribution network strategy. 5. Generating a comprehensive merchandising strategy and implementation plan which addresses items 1 through 4 in a clear and concise manner. 6. The creation of new merchandising policies and procedures. P5 The scope of this project, as defined in the section Project Scope and Exclusions, may be adjusted downwards to exclude the creation of new merchandising policies and procedures if it is shown that changes to the current policies and procedures are not required or, if for cost or time considerations, it is necessary to do so. The scope may be expanded to include the creation of new logos, visual identity guidelines and / or trademarks provided the following two criteria are met: 1. It is found that by keeping the current version of any of these items will have a negative impact on forecasted financial benefits of more than 10% or a positive impact on benefits of greater than 20%; and 2. The increased scope will not cause any other tolerance to be exceeded. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 23 of 123 P6 Administer the receipt, identification, version, storage, and issue of all project products. Provide the information on the status of all products by preparing and issuing Product Status Accounts. Archive superseded product copies. Ensure the security and preservation of the master copies of all project products. Maintain a record of all copies issued. P7 Confirm Project tolerances with corporate. Approve the Project Brief. Approve the Stage plan for the initiation stage. Authorize the project initiation. Approve the Project Initiation Documentation and its components. Authorize the start of project. P8 All textile merchandise must conform to ASTM standards. When specifying merchandise quality, the standards to be applied must reflect a quality image for the team, be brand recognised and, where possible, be sourced from Czech manufacturers. All t-shirts and hoodies should be 100% cotton, and T-shirts should be silkscreened while hoodies should be embroidered. Where polling surveys have been used, the methodology should be such that a 95% confidence interval is achieved. All agreements signed as part of this project must be legally binding. P9 Manage the information flow between the directing and delivering levels of the project. Manage the production of required products, taking responsibility for overall progress and use of resources and initiating corrective action where necessary. Establish and manage the project’s procedures – risk management, issue and change control, configuration management, and communication. Set the scale for severity ratings for issues. Set the scale for priority ratings for request for change and off-specifications. P10 Assess whether the solution will meet user’s needs and is progressing towards that target. Advise on the impact of potential changes from the user’s point of view. Monitor risks to the user. Ensure that the quality activities relating to products at all stages has appropriate user representation. Ensure that the quality control procedures are used correctly to ensure that products meet user requirements. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 24 of 123 P11 The Project Board is accountable to corporate for the success of the project, and has the authority to direct the project within the remit set by corporate as documented in the project mandate. The Project Board is also responsible for communications between the Project Management Team and stakeholders external to the team. P12 Any activities or products that are not directly related to the delivery of the above are considered outside the scope of this project. This includes the development of new visual identity guidelines, logos, trademarks, or other intellectual properties. Implementation of the new merchandising strategy is also outside the scope of this project. P13 Design and appoint the Project Management Team (in particular the Project Manager). Oversee the development of the Project Brief and the outline Business Case, ensuring that the project is aligned with corporate. Oversee the development of the detailed Business Case. Secure the funding for the project. P14 This project will deliver a comprehensive merchandising strategy which includes five key components: brand recognition statistics including demographic and geographic data, consumer product preferences for Czech Razorback hockey merchandise, pricing policies, a preferred supplier list, and a list of high potential distribution channels. This new strategy will be used by the Community Development Coordinator to raise awareness of the club, and the Merchandise Manager to generate additional revenues from targeted merchandise sales. P15 The team will have a much better understanding of its total fan base and will know what types of merchandise it should sell and at what price. It will have a better understanding of the supply and distribution network through which it can purchase and sell the merchandise and will be able to better forecast annual sales. It is also believed that the new data will allow the Community Development Coordinator to target more outreach projects at underserved markets and new, more effective, advertising campaigns and social media opportunities can be created based on the new demographic data. These outcomes can be broadly stated as clearly targeted branding, well defined pricing models and policies, and appealing, fashionable merchandise. The benefits derived from these outcomes are estimated at an increased fan base of 25% from the current baseline and an increased net profit after tax from merchandise sales of 25.500.000 Kč per annum. Two other benefits in terms of branding include an increase in brand awareness and an increase in brand loyalty, both of 50%. P16 Věra Violetová, Vice-President of Media, Marketing and Sales would be responsible for overseeing any products developed by the project. Her organisation is responsible for all branding activities. She is also responsible for profit and loss associated with merchandising. All members of her organisation shown in the table below, should be considered users of the project products. Funding of the Project would also be her responsibility and would be taken from her budget. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 25 of 123 P17 Project Management Project Management skills and knowledge of PRINCE2 Understanding of Razorbacks organisation Merchandising Strategy Drafting of Merchandising Strategies P18 Ensure that the project produces products that will deliver the desired outcomes and meet user requirements. Ensure that the expected benefits derived from the project outcomes are realized. Provide the statement of actual versus forecast benefits at the benefits reviews. Resolve user requirements and priority conflicts. Ensure that any user resources required for the project are made available. P19 After doing some basic research into the current situation it has been decided that a new merchandising strategy should be developed. Three other options were considered: Running hockey camps for amateur hockey players using professional players as coaches to generate a larger fan base and sell current merchandise. P20 Merchandising is another area of concern. The new Merchandising Manager is young and inexperienced, and the job has only recently been created. It is unclear whether she will be able to implement the strategy effectively. If a completely new line-up of merchandise is introduced, current merchandise stocks may become unsaleable causing a potential inventory write-down of 6.000.000 Kč. P21 In recent years, the team has struggled to attract top talent and has suffered from the internet broadcasting of National League Hockey games as well as other on-line sports broadcasting which has eroded their fan base and substantially reduced merchandise sales. The current merchandise line-up has not been updated in 10 years and does not appeal to most fans or consumers. With annual revenues of 250.000.000 Kč, the team barely breaks even. Annual payments of 10.000.000 Kč to service the debt load and about 240.000.000 Kč in team operations, including 150.000.000 Kč in salaries, continually leave the team lacking in development funds. Increased brand awareness, fan loyalty, and significantly increased revenues are required to ensure the longevity of the club. After consultation with the stakeholders, it was agreed that, whatever business option is adopted, it needs to be developed using a project, and the project should be run using the PRINCE2 method. To this end, a Project Mandate has been created by the Managing Director and agreed with the Vice-President of Media, Marketing & Sales. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 26 of 123 P22 Written documents may contain minor spelling or grammatical errors providing the errors do not inhibit the correct interpretation of the materials presented. Where polling surveys have been used an interval down to and including 90% can be tolerated. Errors and omissions within the text of the agreements, including spelling and grammatical errors may be accepted providing they do not render the clause or paragraph in which they are found, null or void. Acceptance Criteria The Merchandising strategy must have a clear implementation plan that can be executed by those responsible. All acceptance records must be completed and signed off by the individual assigned to do so by the Senior User. All customer quality expectations must have been met as evidenced by the acceptance records associated with each of the project products. 2.2 Exercise Example Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 27 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 28 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 29 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 30 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 31 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 32 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 33 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 34 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 35 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 36 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 37 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 38 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 39 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 40 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 41 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 42 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 43 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 44 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 45 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 46 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 47 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 48 of 123 3 HOMEWORK PRIOR TO SEMINAR 3 (EXERCISE 3) This is a homework exercise to be completed PRIOR to Seminar Session 3. The purpose of this exercise is to reinforce your understanding of the activities undertaken during the Initiation Stage and the management products created. The goal is for you to complete the activities tables using the items on the lists. Start the exercise by sequencing the activities and numbering them in order of execution. Next, fill out the missing information in the spaces provided for Process, Inputs, Outputs, and Approved by using the list found at the end of the exercise in the Seminar Exercise Book. As you use an item cross it off the list as each item should only be used once. Create each output required except for those being updated or those which were previously created. To help you with this a Document Creation Template has been uploaded into the IS. Follow the instructions in the template. The instructions are written in red. Once completed, put together a presentation that shows your activity sequences and the templates you created in the order in which you created them. Be prepared to present in Seminar Session 3. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 49 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 50 of 123 To create a document, open the Document Creation Template that you downloaded from the IS. Follow the directions in red text, then delete the red text. Use “save as” to save your file as a new document. Title the new document with the document name. A sample of a project mandate document created using the Document Creation Template is shown on the following pages. To create a log, register or record, read the product description in Appendix A and determine the best application to use and then create the output in that application. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 51 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 52 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 53 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 54 of 123 Activity Process Products Approved by Prepare the Risk Management Strategy ACTIVITY NUMBER:___________ Inputs Daily Log Outputs Approved by Risk Management Strategy Project Manager Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 55 of 123 Activity Process Products Approved by Prepare the Configuration Management Strategy ACTIVITY NUMBER:___________ Initiating a Project Inputs Project Brief Outputs Approved by Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Updated Team Structure Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 56 of 123 Activity Process Products Approved by Prepare the Quality Management Strategy ACTIVITY NUMBER:___________ Inputs Lessons Log Outputs Approved by Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 57 of 123 Activity Process Products Approved by Prepare the Communication Management Strategy ACTIVITY NUMBER:___________ Initiating a Project Inputs Project Brief Lessons Log Issue Register Configuration Management Strategy Outputs Approved by Communication Management Strategy Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 58 of 123 Activity Process Products Approved by Set up project controls ACTIVITY NUMBER:___________ Inputs Project Brief Lessons Log Outputs Approved by Project Controls Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 59 of 123 Activity Process Products Approved by Create the Project Plan ACTIVITY NUMBER:___________ Inputs Lessons Log Risk Register Issue Register Risk Management Strategy Quality Management Strategy Outputs Approved by Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Updated Role Descriptions Updated Configuration Item Records Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 60 of 123 Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Activity Process Products Approved by Refine the Business Case ACTIVITY NUMBER:___________ Initiating a Project Inputs Project Brief - Outline Business Case Outputs Approved by Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Detailed Business Case Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 61 of 123 Activity Process Products Approved by Assemble the Project Initiation Documentation ACTIVITY NUMBER:___________ Inputs Detailed Business Case Team Structure Role Descriptions Quality Management Strategy Configuration Management Strategy Risk Management Strategy Communication Management Strategy Project Plan Outputs Approved by Project Initiation Documentation Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 62 of 123 Activity Process Products Approved by Plan the Next Stage ACTIVITY NUMBER:___________ Inputs Project Initiation Documentation Lessons Log Risk Register Issue Register Outputs Approved by Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Updated Risk Register Updated Issue Register Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 63 of 123 Activity Process Products Approved by Authorising a Stage ACTIVITY NUMBER:___________ Inputs Project Initiation Documentation Outputs Approved by Approved PID Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 64 of 123 Initiation Stage Activities Table (Selection Sheet) Process Inputs Outputs Approved by Directing a Project Benefits Review Plan Approved Benefits Review Plan Project Manager Initiating a Project Communication Management Strategy Approved Stage Plan Project Manager Initiating a Project Communication Management Strategy Benefits Review Plan Project Manager Initiating a Project Configuration Item Records Configuration Item Records Project Manager Initiating a Project Configuration Management Strategy Configuration Management Strategy Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Initiating a Project Configuration Management Strategy Issue Register Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Managing a Stage Boundary Daily Log Product Descriptions Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Issue Register Project Plan, Product Descriptions Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Lessons Log Quality Management Strategy Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Lessons Log Quality Register Executive, Senior User, Senior Supplier Project Brief Risk Register Project Brief - Project Definition, Project Approach Updated Role Descriptions Project Brief - Project Product Desc. Updated Role Descriptions Project Brief - Project Product Desc., Project Approach Updated Team Structure Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 65 of 123 Project Controls Updated Team Structure Project Controls Project Plan Project Plan Quality Management Strategy Quality Management Strategy Risk Management Strategy Risk Management Strategy Risk Register Risk Register Stage Plan Stage Plan, Product Descriptions Tailoring of PRINCE2 Updated Project Initiation Documentation Updated Quality Register Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 66 of 123 4 EXERCISE 4 (IN CLASS) The following scenario items are listed in chronological order and should be dealt with sequentially. Working with your team, update the logs and registers found after the scenario as you work through the sequence of events listed below. 4.1 Scenario Update 1. Over the past three weeks, working with you as Project Manager, the Project Management Team has dealt with the two risks noted in the risk register and reviewed your PID, Benefit Review Plan, and Merchandise Preference Report Stage Plan. They have approved the Project and your first Stage Plan but noted that two risks outlined in the Project Brief had not been transferred to the risk register. They have requested that you do this immediately. You have therefore convened a meeting and generated the following information: a. A recent study at Harvard showed that inexperienced merchandising managers tend to cause a decrease in sales of up to 20%. Although Lenka Procházková is an intelligent individual, the group still believes there is a twenty percent chance that the full loss in sales described in the Harvard report could happen. In order to stop this from happening, the group has agreed to send her on a 6 month intensive training program sponsored by the local City Council. Věra Violetová, Vice-President, Media, Marketing & Sales agreed to oversee and guide Lenka, but Lenka would need to take the lead on this initiative. b. The current inventory of merchandise may not sell once the new merchandise is offered. Věra Violetová was not overly concerned about this and felt there was, worst case, thirty percent chance of this happening. 2. It is Wednesday, and two days have passed since you updated the risk register. Zdeňka Dvořáková, Computer and Internet Services Manager, has sent you an email expressing concern over the project. The MIS group is currently migrating the organisation from the current DMS to a new SharePoint server. She is planning a shutdown on Sunday from midnight until 07:00. She would like to meet and discuss the issue. 3. It is Friday afternoon, and you have met with Zdeňka. It has been determined that the shutdown will have no impact on the project. However, in your meeting it was pointed out that the new DMS will use a new identification protocol that does not conform to the old CRCOMMS-2000-03.1. Last week, Corporate stated that as of migration completion, all unique correspondence numbering must conform to CRCOMMS-2000-03.2 which was approved last week. 4. One week has passed since you gained approval for the first Stage Plan. The first Work Package has been agreed and released to the Team Manager. Today you were advised that the font specified in the Work Package for the survey questions is not currently available due to a MIS problem with the migration to the new SharePoint server. 5. The first Work Package is almost complete. Project expenses forecasted as at the completion of the work package are equal to 748.800 Kč. Brian Bednařík, Managing Director, has sent you an email informing that the City Council has approved a new proposal for a stadium. He has attached the letter to the email (Appendix A). The executive group is seriously considering the offer. There is a ninety percent chance they will take the Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 67 of 123 offer. Acceptance of the offer would mean that all the financial resources assigned to the project would be diverted to the new stadium project. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 68 of 123 4.2 Project Manager’s Daily Log Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 69 of 123 4.3 CRMS Project: Issue Register Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 70 of 123 4.1 CRMS Project: Risk Register Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 71 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 72 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 73 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 74 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 75 of 123 4.2 Appendix A: Email Attachment, Letter Big Big Big City Council Big City Czech Republic Brian Bednařík, Managing Director Czech Razorbacks Hockey Club Middle Street 456 Big City, Czech Republic Your Letter (Ref. No. / Date) Reference Number Contact / Email: Place / Date BBBCC-2251 Autur Goldhand Big City This Month, Today, 20XX Subject: New Facilities Dear Mr. Bednařík, After careful consideration of your presentation to Council and to the secondary investors of the Czech Razorbacks Hockey Club, we are pleased to announce that the funding board has approved the new stadium request. Following significant deliberation and discussions with stadium contractors it has been determined that the new stadium can be ready within 6 months provided that your organisation can contribute approximately 3.500 hours of time over the 6-month period. The capacity of the new stadium will be approximately 4 times that of your current facilities. Your hockey club will have no financial input in the project, and all ongoing operating costs will be covered by the city for the duration of the 100-year lease. As discussed, this increased revenue stream will provide the team with an additional after tax operating profit from seat sales of approximately 35.000.000 Kč per annum. Due to the current fiscal situation and funding regulations, a non-retractable acceptance agreement needs to be signed within the next 5 business days and construction must commence within the next 10 business days. The plans for the new stadium have already been approved by the urban planning department, and the required contractors are awaiting our order to commence work. Sincerely, Aurtur Goldhand Autur Goldhand The big guy in charge Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 76 of 123 5 HOME WORK PRIOR TO SEMINAR 7 (EXERCISE 5) Your team must complete this exercise prior to seminar 7 and be prepared to present your findings in class. The Project Board has received your End Stage Report and your request to approve the Next Stage Plan. They like the Stage Plan but have been advised by Corporate that, although being past due, the City Council proposal for the new stadium has been accepted. This means that all the funding for the current project must be diverted to the new Stadium Project. The Board has informed you of this fact. In reviewing this development, the Board has decided to authorize premature closure, however, they anticipate using the products developed during the Merchandise Preference Report Stage as the input documents to a new project that would commence once the stadium is completed and the resources become available. Based on this information, you are now required to prematurely close the project. Working in your group, determine the sequence of events required to prematurely close a project by filling out the premature closure overview diagram in section 5.1. Once you have completed the diagram, use it to sequence and complete the activity tables in 5.2. As you work through each table in 5.2, complete the actions required using the logs, registers and memo templates provided in 5.3 through 5.8. Use the following example to better understand how to do the exercise. Starting with Exercise 5.2: Fill out the Step Title activity name using the Step Title list and the completed Premature Closure Overview Diagram Fill out the Action and Description of Action row. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 77 of 123 Perform the action listed in the action description column. The first action required, as per your first entry in the action table, is to update the Issue Register. To do this, your team would go to Section 5.4, CRMS Project: Issue Register and fill in the reference number for the statement which best explains the entries to be made in the Issue Register Next, your team would select the appropriate Issue Register entry from the list of possible entries and write the IRE number (Issue Register Entry number) in the space provided. There are two entries required for the action. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 78 of 123 This completes the Issue Register entries but a good Project Manager would also make entries in their Daily Log. Here are the entries the they would make: 1st Entry: DLE3 c Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 79 of 123 2nd Entry: DLE 10 This would complete the tasks associated with the first action to be taken in the Prepare Premature Closure table. Your team would then list the next action to be taken and would perform required actions in a similar way as above. Do this until all tables have been completed. 5.1 Premature Closure Overview Diagram Complete the following diagram by filling in the boxes. Once you have completed the diagram, use it to help you complete the tables in exercise 5.2. c Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 80 of 123 5.2 Premature Closure Activity Tables The following section contains the activity tables that need to be completed using the prewritten step titles and action descriptions provided. As your team fills in each row, use the information to complete the activities in Section 5.3, Project Manager’s Daily Log, and Section 5.4, CRMS Project: Issue Register. With the exception of those activities associated with updating the Project Plan, Benefits Review Plan, Configuration Item Records and Business Case, be sure to generate the required memos, and documents as you go, using the templates and prewritten materials provided in Section 5.8, CRMS Project: Memos, Reports & Notifications. NOTE: In accordance with the Communication Management Strategy, all correspondence must be done using an interoffice memo. A template is included for each memo required. Prior to starting exercise 5.2, it is best that you review these sections and compare the tasks to those completed in the previous example. The Risk Register, Quality Register and Lessons Log would also require entries when closing a project. For the purpose of this scenario, the entries have already been made for you in Section 5.5, CRMS Project: Risk Register, Section 5.6, CRMS Project: Quality Register, and Section 5.7, CRMS Project: Lessons Log. When your team reaches an activity associated with any of these, review the entries and use the information to complete actions associated with other registers or logs as required. 5.2.1 Prewritten Step Titles Use the following prewritten step titles to label the steps to be taken by the Project Manager. See Step 1 in the previous example. NOTE: Not all of the step titles are appropriate. Only 4 apply to the current scenario. # Step Title ST 1 Capture and examine issues and risks ST 2 Report Stage End ST 3 Prepare Planned Closure ST 4 Evaluate the Project ST 5 Provide ad hoc advice ST 6 Produce an Exception Plan ST 7 Prepare Premature Closure ST 8 Recommend Project Closure ST 9 Hand Over Products ST 10 Prepare the Communication Strategy 5.2.2 Prewritten Action Statements and Descriptions Use the following prewritten action statements (AS) and action descriptions to complete the step tables in this exercise. The actions should be sequenced in the correct order based on each step. See the Step 1 exercise example in the introduction section above. NOTE: Not all of the actions listed below are appropriate. Only 14 apply to the current scenario. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 81 of 123 # Action Action Description AS 1 Request a Product Status Report from Project Support. Verify the status of the products produced to date. AS 2 Complete the Project Controls and update the Business Case. The Project Controls need to be transferred to the Business Case to calculate the final costs. AS 3 Respond to the report sent by the Project Manager. The Project Board responds to the exception report requesting an Exception Plan from the Project Manager. AS 4 Close the Daily Log and place it under Configuration Control. See Daily Log Register, step 4, attached. AS 5 Update the Configuration Item Records. The records should be changed to reflect that the products have been delivered to the users. AS 6 Update the Project Plan. Enter the actuals to date. AS 7 Determine the options for recovery and assess them against the Business Case. The next Project Manager assigned to the project will use these options to write a new Mandate. AS 8 Close the Lessons Log and place it under Configuration Control. See Lessons Log, attached. AS 9 Close the Issue Register and place it under Configuration Control. See Issue Register, step 4, attached. AS 10 Prepare a Lessons Report section in the End Project Report. See End Project Report. AS 11 Update the Issue Register. See Issue Register attached. AS 12 Transfer ownership of the completed documents. Configuration Management to change access rights from the project team to Věra Violetová. See interoffice memo 2. AS 13 Prepare the End Project Report. See interoffice memo 3 and End Project Report. AS 14 Seek approval from the Board to inform Corporate that all project resources will be released early. See interoffice memo 1. AS 15 Close the Risk Register and place it under Configuration Control. See Risk Register, attached. AS 16 Prepare and send the Draft Project Closure Notification to the Board for review. See Drafted Project Closure Notification. AS 17 Close the Quality Register and place it under Configuration Control. See Quality Register, attached. 5.2.3 Activity Tables Complete the following tables based on the sequence of steps and actions required by PRINCE2 during a premature closure. Use the prewritten Steps Titles and Action Statements provided above in Sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2. For some steps, additional information has been provided. Do not forget to update the Project Manager’s Daily Log. The first row of the step 1 table has been completed for you (also see the example in the exercise introduction for the complete step 1 solution including the register and log entries). Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 82 of 123 Step 1: ST 7 (Prepare Premature Closure) # Action Description of Action 1. AS 11 (Update the Issue Register.) (See Issue Register attached.) 2. 3. 4. Step 2: _____________________________________________________ Additional Information: Věra Violetová wishes to be the owner of the following products: a. CRMS-4.0 Merchandise Preference Report b. CRMS-4.1 Survey Package c. CRMS-4.2 Survey Results Database d. CRMS-4.3 Analysis Methodology. # Action Description of Action 1. 2. Step 3: _____________________________________________________ Additional Information: a) A review of the Business Case shows that, although the benefits detailed in the document will not be achieved, the Business Case remains valid and that the Media, Marketing and Sales group can use the products developed to better understand merchandise preferences. b) Stage 1 was a success and all teams worked well. The products were all delivered within the stage tolerances. Quality reviews were completed on time with no quality issues found. The documents created were of exceptional quality. c) From a review of the project to date it would appear that it was on track to successfully deliver the benefits set out in the Business Case. Regardless of the new stadium, the team will need a new merchandising strategy in the future. # Action Description of Action 1. 2. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 83 of 123 Step 4: _____________________________________________________ Additional Information: a) Accounting has closed all charge numbers for the project. No further charging will be accepted against numbers starting with the prefix “CRMS”. b) All project resources, including financial and project staff have been released from the project and are available for reallocation as of today. Action Description of Action 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5.3 Project Manager’s Daily Log Good Project Managers keep a comprehensive Daily Log. Your team must do the same. For each step in the closure process, use the prewritten statements below to explain the entries which would be made by the Project Manager in their Daily Log. Then, select the correct entries from the Daily Log entries list provided. The answers for step 1 have been completed for you as an example (also see the complete example given in the introduction to the exercise). 5.3.1 Prewritten Explanations of Daily Log Entries Use the following prewritten statements to explain the entries which would be made by the Project Manager in the Daily Log for each step in the closure process. NOTE: The lists contain both correct and incorrect statements. Ref # Explanation Statement DLS 1 The Project Manager would close the log and have all entries transcribed into the Lessons Learned Report for future reference. DLS 2 The Project Manager would enter the actions required to hand over all of the completed products. They would then track their progress using the last column. DLS 3 Ownership of the Daily Log would be transferred to the Project Board for updating and tracking. The Project Manager would then inform the Project Board of the transfer in the final Highlight Report. DLS 4 The Project Manager would enter the actions required to create the End Project Report. They would then track their progress in the last column. DLS 5 The Project Manager would enter the actions required to request Team Managers' Checkpoint Reports ahead of the closure request. They would then track their progress using the last column. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 84 of 123 Ref # Explanation Statement DLS 6 The Project Manager would enter the details regarding the risk which caused early closure into the Daily Log for tracking purposes. They would then close the Risk Register and inform Corporate. DLS 7 Once the Project Manager has submitted the End Project Report to the Board they would initiate the actions to close the project. Once all the actions are completed, they would update and close the Log. DLS 8 The Project Manager would enter the premature closure request in their Daily Log and would update it as they worked through the actions in this step. 5.3.2 List of Possible Daily Log Entries Select the correct entries from the Daily Log entries list found on the next page and write the entry reference number in the space provided in the exercise booklet. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 85 of 123 Possible Daily Log Entries Ref # Date Entered Entry Description Action Required Person Responsible Target Date Outcome DLE 1 DD/MM/YY Arrange for handover of all products completed to personnel specified by Věra Violetová. Request Team Managers' Checkpoint Reports ahead of the closure request in order to facilitate orderly transfer of products from product development specialists. Project Manager & Team Managers DD/MM/YY Věra Violetová will take ownership of all products. Sent request for ownership changes to Team Managers. Updated CIR's. Verified all products' statuses. DLE 2 DD/MM/YY End Project Reporting. Transfer ownership of the Daily Log to the Project Board. Inform the Project Board of the transfer in final Highlight Report. Project Manager DD/MM/YY DLE 3 DD/MM/YY Premature closure requested by the Project Board to free resources for the New Stadium Project. Initiate premature closure. Project Manager DD/MM/YY DLE 4 DD/MM/YY End Project Reporting. Transfer ownership of the Daily Log to the Project Board. Inform the Project Board of the transfer in final Highlight Report. Project Manager DD/MM/YY Completed Log transferred. Final Highlight Report written and submitted. Project Closure Notice drafted. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 86 of 123 Ref # Date Entered Entry Description Action Required Person Responsible Target Date Outcome DLE 5 DD/MM/YY Complete closure process and send recommendation to the Board. Close all project Logs and Registers. Draft a Project Closure Notification and send it to the Board. Project Manager DD/MM/YY Completed Closed Issue, Risk, and Quality Registers. Closed Lessons Learned Log. Sent notification draft to the Board. DLE 6 DD/MM/YY End Project Reporting. Consolidate the project statistics and information and create the End Project Report. Project Manager DD/MM/YY DLE 7 DD/MM/YY Complete closure process and send recommendation to the Board. Close all project Logs and Registers. Draft a Project Closure Notification and send it to the Board. Project Manager DD/MM/YY DLE 8 DD/MM/YY Arrange for handover of all products completed to personnel specified by Věra Violetová. Contact Configuration Control, have access rights changed, update the CIR's, and verify all product status. Project Manager & Configuration Manager DD/MM/YY Completed Věra Violetová will take ownership of all products. Sent memo for ownership changes to Configuration Control. Updated CIR's. Verified all products' statuses. DLE 9 DD/MM/YY Premature closure requested by the Project Board to free resources for the New Stadium Project. Close Daily Log and transcribed into the Lessons Learned Report. Project Manager DD/MM/YY Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 87 of 123 Ref # Date Entered Entry Description Action Required Person Responsible Target Date Outcome DLE 10 DD/MM/YY Premature closure requested by the Project Board to free resources for the New Stadium Project. Initiate premature closure. Project Manager DD/MM/YY Completed Updated Issue Register, entered actuals in Project Plan, verified status of products. Requested approval from Board to release resources. DLE 11 DD/MM/YY End Project Reporting Consolidate the project statistics and information and create the End Project Report. Project Manager DD/MM/YY Completed Spoke with the Team Manager and gathered additional information. Reviewed all project related reports, Logs and Registers. Compiled End Project Report and sent it to the Board. DLE 12 DD/MM/YY Arrange for handover of all products completed to personnel specified by Věra Violetová. Contact Configuration Control, have access rights changed, update the CIR's, and verify product status. Project Manager & Configuration Manager DD/MM/YY Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 88 of 123 Ref # Date Entered Entry Description Action Required Person Responsible Target Date Outcome DLE 13 DD/MM/YY Premature closure requested by the Project Board to free resources for the New Stadium Project. Close Daily Log and transcribed into the Lessons Learned Report. Project Manager DD/MM/YY Completed Updated Daily Log. Transcribed all entries into End Project Lessons Learned Report. Closed Log. DLE 14 DD/MM/YY Arrange for handover of all products completed to personnel specified by Věra Violetová. Request Team Managers' Checkpoint Reports ahead of the closure request in order to facilitate orderly transfer of products from product development specialists. Project Manager & Team Managers DD/MM/YY DLE 15 Project Closed. No further entries accepted. Log Closed. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 89 of 123 Step 1 The statement which best explains the entries to be made is statement number: DLS 8 The Project Manager would enter the premature closure request in their Daily Log and would update it as they worked through the actions in this step. 1st Entry: DLE3 BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 90 of 123 2nd Entry: DLE 10 BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 91 of 123 Step 2 The statement which best explains the entries to be made is statement number: _________ 1st Entry: _______ BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 92 of 123 2nd Entry: _______ BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 93 of 123 Step 3 The statement which best explains the entries to be made is statement number: _________ 1st Entry: _______ BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 94 of 123 2nd Entry: _______ BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 95 of 123 Step 4 The statement which best explains the entries to be made is statement number: _________ 1st Entry: _______ BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 96 of 123 2nd Entry: _______ BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 97 of 123 3rd Entry: _______ BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 98 of 123 5.4 CRMS Project: Issue Register 5.4.1 Possible Issue Register Explanation Statements Determine the prewritten statement that best explains the entries to be made by the Project Manager in the Issue Register during each step of the Closing a Project process. Enter the statement reference number in the space provided on the Issue Register sheets. NOTE: The lists contain both correct and incorrect statements. Possible Issue Register Explanation Statements Ref # Explanation Statement IRS 1 There are no entries to be made because the project is being closed as per the directions from the Project Board. IRS 2 There are two entries required. The first entry is to close Issue 0002. The second is to enter the details of the issues caused by transferring the products from the Team Managers to personnel specified by Věra Violetová prior to a proper closure. This will be given a status of open until such time as the premature closure is complete. IRS 3 The Project Manager would make two entries. The first entry is to close Issue 0002. The second is to enter his dissatisfaction over the premature closure of the project. Reference should be made to the fact that Corporate was aware that this would happen and did nothing to avoid the resource wastage. This will be given a status of open until such time as a satisfactory response was received from the Board. IRS 4 There are two entries required. The first entry is to close Issue 0002. The second is to enter the details of the resource reallocation. This will be given a status of open until such time as the premature closure is complete. IRS 5 There are three entries required. The first entry is to close Issue 0003. The second is to document the closure of the Risk Register. The third is to close the register and have it placed under configuration control with access rights set to read only. IRS 6 There are two entries required. The first entry is to close Issue 0003. The second is to close the register and have it placed under configuration control with access rights set to read only. 5.4.2 Possible Issue Register Entries Select the correct entries from the Issue Register entries list provided on the next page and enter the reference number in the space provided on the Issue Register sheet. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 99 of 123 Possible Issue Register Entries Ref # Issue Type Date Raised Raised By Issue Report Author Issue Description Priority Severity Status Closure Date IRE 1 Concern DD/MM/YY Project Manager Project Manager Transferring the products from the Team Managers to personnel specified by Věra Violetová prior to a proper closure could result in unforeseen consequences. Medium Class 2 Closed DD/MM/YY IRE 2 No Entries Required IRE 3 Problem DD/MM/YY Brian Bednařík Project Manager City Council has approved the stadium proposal. If accepted by Executive Board, project loses all funding. High Class 2 Closed DD/MM/YY IRE 4 Concern DD/MM/YY Project Manager Project Manager Transferring the products from the Team Managers to personnel specified by Věra Violetová prior to a proper closure could result in unforeseen consequences. Medium Class 2 Open DD/MM/YY IRE 5 Off- specification DD/MM/YY Project Manager Project Manager Due to a premature closure, the Risk Register will be closed early. An offspecification needs to be generated and submitted to the Project Board for approval. Low Class 3 Open DD/MM/YY IRE 6 Request for Change DD/MM/YY Project Manager Project Manager The Project Team is dissatisfied with the request for premature closure and will issue a Request for Change of the decision. High Class 1 Open DD/MM/YY IRE 7 No Entries Required IRE 8 Problem DD/MM/YY Project Board Project Manager Corporate has approved the New Stadium Project. All resources will be lost for this project. Premature closure required. High Class 5 Open DD/MM/YY Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 100 of 123 Ref # Issue Type Date Raised Raised By Issue Report Author Issue Description Priority Severity Status Closure Date IRE 9 Problem DD/MM/YY Project Board Project Manager Corporate has approved the New Stadium Project. All resources will be lost for this project. Premature closure required. High Class 5 Closed DD/MM/YY IRE 10 Off- specification DD/MM/YY Project Manager Project Manager Due to a premature closure, the Risk Register will be closed early. An offspecification needs to be generated and submitted to the Project Board for approval. Low Class 3 Closed DD/MM/YY IRE 11 Request for Change DD/MM/YY Project Manager Project Manager The Project Team is dissatisfied with the request for premature closure and will issue a Request for Change of the decision. High Class 1 Closed DD/MM/YY IRE 12 Project Closed. No further entries accepted. Register Closed. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 101 of 123 5.4.3 Issue Register Sheets Step 1 Entries The statement which best explains the entries to be made is statement number: _________ 1st Entry: _______ BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 102 of 123 2nd Entry: _______ BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 103 of 123 Step _____ Entries (Enter the Step Number) The statement which best explains the entries to be made is statement number: _________ 1st Entry: _______ BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 104 of 123 2nd Entry: _______ BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 105 of 123 5.5 CRMS Project-Risk Register The only action required during the Premature Closure Process is to close the register and have it placed under configuration control with access rights set to read only. This would be done in Step 4. The entry has been done for you in the register on the following page. BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 106 of 123 5.6 CRMS Project-Quality Register The only actions required are to review the register while generating the End Project Report and to close the register and have it placed under configuration control with access rights set to read only. BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 107 of 123 BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 108 of 123 5.7 CRMS Project-Lessons Log Two actions are required. The first occurs in Step 3. The Log should be reviewed and any lessons that should be highlighted to corporate or programme management are summarized in the Lessons Report section of the End Project Report. The second action is to close the Log and have it placed under configuration control with access rights set to read only. This occurs in step 4. The Log has been closed for you. See the entry on the following page. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 109 of 123 BasedonAXELOSPRINCE2material.ReproducedunderlicencefromAXELOSLimited.Allrightsreserved Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 110 of 123 5.8 CRMS Project: Memos, Reports & Notifications Use the following prewritten statements to complete the memos, reports, and notification documents in this section by writing the correct subject line or paragraph reference number in the spaces provided. NOTE: The lists contain both correct and incorrect statements. 5.8.1 Possible Subject Lines Possible Re: Subject Lines for Memos Ref # Subject of Memo RE 1 End Project Report, permission to inform corporate of important lessons learned. RE 2 Request to Team Managers for Closure Checkpoint Reports. RE 3 Issues Regarding the Transfer of Incomplete Products to Věra Violetová. RE 4 Permission to inform corporate of early resource release. RE 5 Highlight Report for Premature Closure Stage. RE 6 Letter of Objection regarding Early Closure. RE 7 Draft Closure Notification. RE 8 Product ownership transfer. 5.8.2 Possible Paragraphs Possible Paragraphs for Memos, Reports, Notifications Ref # Paragraph PR 1 Please find attached the draft Closure Notification. PR 2 All products produced will follow the configuration management procedure outlined herein. Management will adhere to all sections of the configuration management procedure unless otherwise specified and approved by the assigned configuration management personnel. PR 3 The Financial Controller has closed all charge numbers related to this project and has transferred all remaining funds back to the corporate account. All project staff have been unallocated from the project and are available for allocation elsewhere. PR 4 Responsibility for acceptance of the final Project Product is assigned to the VicePresident of Media, Marketing and Sales. PR 5 It is highly recommended that once the club has the funds and resources to initiate a follow-on project to complete the products not undertaken within this project, it should do so. The Business Case remains valid and the requirements to generate a new, comprehensive merchandising strategy still exist. PR 6 The Senior User is responsible for specifying the needs of those who will use the project’s products. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 111 of 123 Ref # Paragraph PR 7 Recent developments regarding the new stadium initiative have resulted in the premature closure of the CRMS Project. As such we request that the following products have their ownership and access rights changed to Věra Violetová and their product status changed to “Delivered”. a. CRMS-4.0 Merchandise Preference Report b. CRMS-4.1 Survey Package c. CRMS-4.2 Survey Results Database d. CRMS-4.3 Analysis Methodology PR 8 The project needs to deliver a comprehensive, implementable approach to generating additional profits. This will be in the form of a document which can be used by the Media, Marketing and Sales organisation to realign its current operations and generate the required financial benefits to keep the team solvent. PR 9 All project Logs and Registers have been closed and placed under configuration control. All products created during the project have been transferred to Věra Violetová. PR 10 Accounting has closed all charge numbers for the project. No further charging will be accepted against numbers starting with the prefix “CRMS”. Should you have any questions regarding additional chargers please contact the Financial Controller. PR 11 Once the report is approved, it will be forwarded to corporate for review and approval of the Lessons Learned section. PR 12 Please provide approval in writing using the standard memo format in accordance with the CRMS Communication Strategy by close of business tomorrow. PR 13 The Business Case remains valid, however, the funding and resources required to execute the project have been diverted to aid in the development of a new stadium. PR 14 The third lesson of importance going forward is that of organisational support. The significant efforts by the executive committee to inform all important stakeholders of the project and its importance to the club resulted in a very supportive environment. The net result was a focused and dedicated project team and an energised organisation. Communication was key to creating this situation. PR 15 The project objectives will not be met given the premature closure. It is important to note that the first delivery stage of the project was completed within its assigned tolerances. PR 16 In light of this development, I would like to request approval from the Project Board directing the Merchandising Strategy Project to release all resources from the Project and to inform corporate and executive management of the date by which all resources will be available for reallocation. PR 17 The products produced to date can be used by the Media, Marketing and Sales group to better understand merchandise preferences. PR 18 Should you have any questions or comments regarding this Closure Notification, please do not hesitate to contact me. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 112 of 123 Ref # Paragraph PR 19 All project resources, including financial and project staff have been released from the project and are available for reallocation as of the date of this notification. The staff engaged in the project performed very well. The project management team would like to thank all those who worked so diligently to deliver the products created. PR 20 Please find attached the End Project Report. It would be appreciated if the Project Board members could review and approve the report at their earliest convenience. PR 21 Please be advised that the Merchandising Strategy Project has been closed. The project was undertaken to generate a new merchandising strategy in an effort to bring additional capital to the Club. Due to an offer from City Council to fund the development of a new, higher capacity, state of the art facility, it has been decided that this project be closed and all resources transferred to a project focused on delivering the new stadium. During the course of this project a number of products were successfully completed. The overall performance of the teams was excellent and very few issues were encountered. PR 22 No significant benefits have been realised to date as the project must be closed prematurely. PR 23 Recent developments regarding the new stadium initiative have resulted in a requirement to reallocate the resources from the current Merchandising Strategy Project to the New Stadium Project. This includes financial and human resources. 5.8.3 CRMS Project-Interoffice Memos There are four memos that should be written during the Closing a Project Process. Usage of the standard company interoffice memo format is specified in the CRMS Project Communication Management Strategy. Use the following templates along with the prewritten subject lines and paragraphs distributed by the Trainer to complete the required memos. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 113 of 123 Interoffice Memo 1 Czech Razorbacks Interoffice Memo Memo: CRMS-M00027-v01 To: From: cc: Date: Re: Ref # from list:________________ 1. Paragraph Ref #__________________ 2. Paragraph Ref #__________________ 3. Paragraph Ref #__________________ Best Regards, (Signature of Project Manager) (Name of Project Manager) Project Manager, Czech Razorbacks Merchandising Strategy Page 1 of 1 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 114 of 123 Interoffice Memo 2 Czech Razorbacks Interoffice Memo Memo: CRMS-M00028-v01 To: Configuration Manager, Project Support From: cc: Věra Violetová Date: Re: Subject Line Ref # from list:________________ 1. Paragraph Ref #__________________ 2. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best Regards, (Signature of Project Manager) (Name of Project Manager) Project Manager, Czech Razorbacks Merchandising Strategy Page 1 of 1 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 115 of 123 Interoffice Memo 3 Czech Razorbacks Interoffice Memo Memo: CRMS-M00029-v01 To: From: cc: Date: Re: Subject Line Ref # from list:________________ 1. Paragraph Ref #__________________ 2. Paragraph Ref #__________________ 3. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best Regards, (Signature of Project Manager) (Name of Project Manager) Project Manager, Czech Razorbacks Merchandising Strategy Attachments: End Stage Report Page 1 of 1 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 116 of 123 Interoffice Memo 4 Czech Razorbacks Interoffice Memo Memo: CRMS-M00030-v01 To: From: cc: Date: Re: Subject Line Ref # from list:________________ 1. Paragraph Ref #__________________ 2. Paragraph Ref #__________________ 3. Paragraph Ref #__________________ 4. Paragraph Ref #__________________ Best Regards, (Signature of Project Manager) (Name of Project Manager) Project Manager, Czech Razorbacks Merchandising Strategy Attachments: 1. Draft Closure Notification Page 1 of 1 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 117 of 123 5.8.4 CRMS Project-End Project Report Use the following End Project Report template along with the prewritten subject lines and paragraphs distributed by the Trainer to complete the following report. Some of the information has been completed for you. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 118 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 119 of 123 Paragraph Ref #__________________ Paragraph Ref #__________________ Paragraph Ref #__________________ Paragraph Ref #__________________ Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 120 of 123 Paragraph Ref #__________________ Paragraph Ref #__________________ Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 121 of 123 5.8.5 CRMS Project-Draft Closure Notification Use the following Closure Notification template along with the prewritten subject lines and paragraphs distributed by the Trainer to complete the following document. Some of the information has been completed for you. NOTE: Many companies use charge numbers to track project costs. Charge Numbers are numbers which are issued to a project based on project accounting procedures. They are generally assigned to specific work packages or activities and are used to collect costs associated with those activities. Leaving charge numbers open after a project is closed can create project accounting problems. Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 122 of 123 Business Projects & PRINCE2® Student Exercise Book BPH-BUPR-SEB-2017-01 Page 123 of 123 Paragraph Ref #__________________ Paragraph Ref #__________________ Paragraph Ref #__________________ Masaryk University, Faculty of Economics and Administration Lipová 41a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic T: +420 549 49 1710, E:, Bank account: KB Brno, Ref. No.: 85636621/0100, ID: 00216224, Tax ID: CZ00216224 PRINCE2® Foundation Course Participant Guide