Introduction to „Exam-preparation for written test“ for students: lecture HRM (MUNI, Brno, CZ); examination date for all students on: 1. May, 26th, 2017, 11:05-12:05 o´clock, on time !!! 2. June, 9th, 2017, 11:05-12:05 o´clock, on time !!! 3. June, 23rd, 2017, 11:05-12:05 o´clock, on time !!! (within the meaning of the meeting with the student on May, 05th, 2017 and within the lecture HRM explained and defined !) closed questions question preparation-documents for examination Points [max. 55] 1 The SAGE Handbook of Leadership, chapter 4: Leadership Development by David V. Day, page 35-50, (see IS/MUNI upload) 3 2 The SAGE Handbook of Leadership, chapter 7: Charismatic Leadership by Jay A. Conger, page 86-102, (see IS/MUNI upload) 3 3 On Leadship, Havard Business Review, article: What makes a Leader ?, by Daniel Goleman, page 1-21(see IS/MUNI upload) 3 4 oral presentation group 1, (see IS/MUNI upload) 3 5 oral presentation group 2, (see IS/MUNI upload) 3 6 oral presentation group 3, (see IS/MUNI upload) 3 7 oral presentation group 4, (see IS/MUNI upload) 3 8 oral presentation group 5, (see IS/MUNI upload) 3 9 oral presentation group 3, (see IS/MUNI upload) 3 open questions 10 .ppt-lecture-presentation 1_goellner (+ oral remarks & explainations of GOELLNER, within the lecture, discussions), (see IS/MUNI upload) + collected paper_open source_goellner_2009- 2014, page 343-357 and page 361-381, (see IS/MUNI upload); book-version you get on 10.12.2016 10 11 .ppt-lecture-presentation 2_goellner (+ oral remarks & explainations of GOELLNER, within the lecture, discussions), (see IS/MUNI upload) + article: intangible assets_case study_prof krueger, (see IS/MUNI upload) + collected paper_open source_goellner_2009- 2014, page 343-357 and page 361-38, (see IS/MUNI upload), book-version you get on 10.12.2016 9 12 .ppt-lecture-presentation 3_goellner (+ oral remarks & explainations of GOELLNER, within the lecture, discussions), (see IS/MUNI upload) .ppt-lecture-presentation 4_goellner (+ oral remarks & explainations of GOELLNER, within the lecture, discussions), (see IS/MUNI upload) 9 Author: Dipl.Ing. Johannes GÖLLNER, MSc, Vienna, May, 20th , 2017