1 Choose the correct option(s): 1 She rarely talks about her private life,…………………..? A do she B doesn’t she C does she D did she 2 He asked whether ……………………………… A they needed any help B did they need any help C had they already arrived D they had already arrived 3 I have never been to Spain. A Nor I have. B Neither have I. C So have I. D Nor me. 4 Who ………………………? A is coming B has come C voted you for D did you vote for 5 I have met two of the subcontractors, ………………… of whom had any qualifications. A both B all C neither D most 6 I remembered ………………………… lock the door to my office before I………… A locking – had left B to lock – was leaving C locking – had left D to lock - left 7 The negotiations ………………………….. as we speak. A are held D are holding C are being held D hold 8 This job means ……………………… all over the world. A travelling B travel C to travel D lots travelling 9 First she talked about the upcoming merger. Then she went on ………………….. the budget. A to discuss B to discuss about C discussing D discussing about 10 Look at the sky. It ………………………. very soon so the party can’t take place here. A will rain B is going to rain C is raining D is about to rain Key: 1c 2 a,d 3 b,d 4 a,b,d 5c 6d 7c 8a 9a 10b,d