1) Correct any mistakes: 1 We have learnt several ways of improving our personal effectiveness, haven’t we? 2 Hank hasn’t got his priorities right, does he? 3 The critical thinking is important because it enables you to decrease the risk of acting on a false belief. 4 You shouldn’t have seen Mrs Bear at the sales conference, because she was in Italy at the time. 5 We have chosen a brand name for the biscuits last week. 6 The lady to who I spoke was rather unpleasant. 7 Who does use this computer? 8 Please remember posting the letter. 9 We managed to confirm the deal without be too aggressive. 10 I was having my teeth check when my wife entered the dentist’s office. 2) Put the verbs and other words in brackets into their correct forms, add prepositions or auxiliary verbs if necessary. You may need to use the passive forms of the verbs. 1) David, I think you know that we ……………………. (have) a lot of problems with the Moreno case lately. At this rate we …………… never ………………….. (be) ready ………………….. (present) the case in court. 2) I think we should avoid ………………… (talk) about private matters when I’m at work. I suggest ………………….. (go) to the cafeteria as I can’t imagine ………………………… (get, catch) by the boss. 3) More than 2,000 pounds ……………………… (go, miss) last month when everyone ……………… (celebrate) the boss’s birthday. A senior manager …………… (admit, steal) the money from the secretary. 4) Mr Miller hates …………………… (be, keep, wait). He has difficulty ……………………. (understand) why some people find it difficult ……………………… (organize) their time. He is ………………. (say, be) punctual himself. 5) Why …………….. Mr Yang ………………….. (arrest)? He is …………………. (suppose, attack) the policeman. The judge ………………. (want, he, fine) the incident. His attorney …………………. (demand, postpone, pay) the fine as the defendant threatens …………….. (hurt) himself.