text_TITL pruh_TITL N:\work\projekty\šablony\sablony\logoC.wmf Introduction. Requirements,Communication processes Jan Řezáč 22/02/2016 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Today nIntroduction n nCourse requirements n nYour input n nBonus topic: The Art of Listening MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi What will you study here? nCommunication processes nBasic communication skills nAssertiveness and its significance nEffective presentation nPersonality communication types nNegotiating n nPractice > Listening MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Course requirements nLectures are NOT mandatory n nSeminars ARE mandatory. There is one absence allowed. n nShort presentation at one of the seminars n nFinal test (after the course ends, date will be announced) n n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Contacts nRegarding seminars (attendance, tasks), please contact ms Kucharova n nRegarding lectures (theory, topics), please write me: 216776@mail.muni.cz n nFor official matters, we prefer email. My contact hours are the Mondays right after we have lectures. n nLecture time: 16:20 - 17:50. The last lecture is on 20th March, 16:20-19:30. n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi What is communication? MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Basic theory nCommunication is not only transfer of knowledge, but a social interaction n nImportant is both How and What we communicate, verbally and non-verbally n n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi What makes for effective communication? n“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant!” n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Structure of an Interaction nIntention of the speaker n nHow speaker understands what s/he is saying n nContent of the interaction n nHow listener understands what was said n nImpact on the listener n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi What bad things can happen? MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi What bad things can happen? MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training Unclear message Ambivalent meaning Unknown concepts Noise Distractions Loss of attention Selective attention, Biases due to attitude difference,… www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Your First Date with Your Crush nImagine – you sit in a nice restaurant on a first day with your crush. n nHow do you communicate? MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Your First Date with Your Crush II. n nOne of the biggest differences between communication with your crush and with your mother is the amount of effort you put to listening. n nDeep focus on listening makes you a better partner in conversation. n n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi The Listening Dilemma nWe speak at a rate of about 150 words per minute (wpm). n nWe can hear at a rate of about 1,000 wpm n nWhat do we do with this time? MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Listening as a Skill and an Exercise nBecause we can listen when we need, it is a skill to be practiced and improved. n nIt is one of the examples of things we can do better, resulting in better relationship in the workplace and beyond. n nPossible homework: Start at two minutes of concentrated listening, and continue. n n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi First Activity – Split into pairs. nYour task: to tell an example of nSomething interesting what happened to you today. nSome (ideally job related) problem you face. n n90-120 seconds n nFor listeners: completely focus on what is the other person saying. n n n n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi How to be a Good Listener nWhy we listen - the other persons spends time to talk to us. n nAnswer – Seeking or request for truth, information or knowledge n nWe should ask questions to which we do not already know the answer, and make a relationship based on curiosity and interest in the other person. MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Can we ask good questions? nThe issue: We value task accomplishment over relationship building. For this reason we TELL. n nConsequence: Communication is often bad. Subordinates know lots of things that would make the place work better or safer that they for various reasons do not say. n nWe fail to notice how often even our questions are just another form of telling—rhetorical or just testing whether what we think is right. n n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi What happens when we tell and ask questions? nhonest, nopen, nvulnerable, ncuriosity-driven MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training nleading, nrhetorical, nembarrassing, nstatements in the form of questions qTelling puts the other person down. It implies that the other person does not already know what we are telling and that the other person ought to know it. www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi The Question and Listening Practice: nIdentify a (business) problem on which to focus n nTake 2 minutes to write down a problem you own. It should be a condition you are comfortable talking about in this small group of people. n nIf it is a complex problem, please make it easy enough to talk about in a few minutes. n n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi The Question and Listening Practice: nProblem Owner --> Uses questions asked to begin to better grasp the Situation. nQuestioner -->Practices Inquiry only to support the Problem Owner with grasping the Situation. n5 minutes: Problem Owner briefly describes the problem / condition for which s/he has responsibility to improve. n7 minutes: Questioner Practices Inquiry – asking questions only n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Recommended Literature (non-mandatory list of good COMA related books) n nThinking, Fast and Slow;Daniel Kahneman nMistakes Were Made (But Not by Me); Carol Tavris, Elliot Aronson nNever Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It; Chris Voss nWhat Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful; Marshall Goldsmith nInterpersonal Conflict, William Wilmot; Joyce Hocker nAlways read carefully MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Your input nQuestions about this lesson. n nSuggestions for next lessons. MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training text_TITL pruh_TITL N:\work\projekty\šablony\sablony\logoC.wmf Thank you for your attention http://www.mobileapples.com/Assets/Content/Screensavers/Bye%20Bye.gif MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training