text_TITL pruh_TITL N:\work\projekty\šablony\sablony\logoC.wmf Basic communication skills Jan Řezáč 07/03/2016 www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Topics today: nNonverbal communication n nActive listening and Art of asking questions n nQuestions & practice n www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Nonverbal communication https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= _h_-X9hnYps www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION - WORDLESS SIGNALS ¢Goal: Making subconscious observations explicit ¢ ¢What are some examples of nonverbal communication? ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION - WORDLESS SIGNALS ¢Goal: Making subconscious observations explicit ¢ ¢Distance ¢Eye contact ¢Facial expressions ¢Tone of voice ¢Gestures ¢Posture ¢Physical contact ¢Motion & Intensity ¢Dress/dress code ¢ ¢ www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi DISTANCE ¢I. zone – private, 0 - 45 cm —Intimate communication (partners, parents and children, close friends) ¢II. zone – personal, 45 - 100 cm —Greetings, shaking hands, family dinner, friends at lunch) ¢III. zone – social, 100 - 360 cm —Meetings in the store, shop, post office, bank, meetings, offices etc. ¢IV. zone – public, 360 cm and more —Lectures, theatre etc. www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi EVALUATING NONVERBAL SIGNALS ¢Eye contact Is eye contact being made? If so, is it overly intense or just right? ¢Facial expression What is their face showing? Is it masklike and unexpressive, or emotionally present and filled with interest? ¢Tone of voice Does their voice project warmth, confidence, and interest, or is it strained and blocked? ¢Posture and gesture Are their bodies relaxed or stiff and immobile? Are shoulders tense and raised, or slightly sloped? www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi EVALUATING NONVERBAL SIGNALS ¢Physical contact Is there any physical contact? Is it appropriate to the situation? Does it make you feel uncomfortable? ¢Motion & Intensity Do they seem flat, cool, and disinterested, or over-the- top and melodramatic? ¢Timing and pace Is there an easy flow of information back and forth? Do nonverbal responses come too quickly or too slowly? ¢Sounds Do you hear sounds that indicate caring or concern? www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5hMN_XkPQA www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi FEEDBACK FOR EFFECIVE NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION ¢Observe the reaction of the listener ¢ ¢Pay attention to the level of interest/no interest of the audience ¢ ¢Adjust the content and form to your audience www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION - THE ART OF DEALING WITH PEOPLE ¢The art of listening (active listening, paying attention to the other part) ¢The art of speaking and sharing (rhetoric and presentation skills) ¢The art of silence www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi THE ART OF LISTENING ¢Listening means understand, not only hear ¢Passive listening – just accepting the voice signals without any effort to understand them and decode them, does not involve the context or situation Non-listening - making no effort to listen Marginal listening - is easily distracted Evaluative listening - focuses on content but disregards the speaker’s feeling Active listening - pays close attention and gives verbal and non-verbal feedback. ¢Active listening - sensitive perception of the partner, connected with empathy, sympathy, the context and nonverbal behaviour is taken into account www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Why is active listening important? MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training n www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Why is active listening important? nmanagers will be able to prevent misunderstanding caused by overhearing important information; nmanagers will be able to understand their colleagues’ needs and problems, to know their opinions, experience and attitudes, i.e., to gain important information; nthis will help managers to establish a relationship with their colleagues; nmanagers will be able to judge the personality and the current mental state of the persons they are speaking to and choose an effective way of negotiating accordingly. n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi THE ART OF LISTENING CONTINUES Goal . . . Through . . . By asking or saying . . . To encourage Choosing neutral words, varying intonation, encouraging the other person to keep talking Can you tell me more? What else can you remember? What a good idea! You thought of a different way to... To clarify Asking for clarification, more or different information Are you saying that...? What else can you tell me about...? www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Goal . . . Through . . . By asking or saying . . . To restate Showing that you are listening and understand what is being said I thought I heard you say... So, you need to know why I am asking you to share? This is a tough one. We may need to think about it. To reflect Showing understanding of the otherʼs feelings and body language This is really important to you. You seem worried about this. How proud you must feel! www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Goal . . . Through . . . By asking or saying . . . To summarize Reviewing the conversation, deciding what to do next So it is about... Let me make sure that I understand what you mean... To validate Acknowledging and appreciating the issues, effort and feelings discussed I know how hard you have worked to help me understand. Thank you for staying calm while you helped me learn why you were so confused. To build Continuing the discussion, asking questions or offering ideas. What would happen if we...? Have you thought about...? What else could we try? www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi TASK -Active listening, Cca 6 minutes in total -Create pairs, in them describe your future job plans -Be a bad speaker. Nervous, stopping, forgetting, jumping from one topic to another -Your partner uses the mentioned techniques to be a good listener I thought I heard you say... So, you need to know why I am asking you to share? This is a tough one. We may need to think about it. Can you tell me more? What else can you remember? What a good idea! You thought of a different way to... So it is about... Let me make sure that I understand what you mean... What would happen if we...? Have you thought about...? What else could we try? This is really important to you. You seem worried about this. How proud you must feel! Are you saying that...? What else can you tell me about...? I know how hard you have worked to help me understand. Thank you for staying calm while you helped me learn why you were so confused. www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Functions of questions: n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Functions of questions: nquestions establish a relationship as they are an indication of interest; na good choice of questions will control the speech of a talkative or silent communication partner; nby questions we can control the negotiation naturally (topics of conversation are not given by those who answer but those who ask). n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Asking questions nOpen and close ended questions nOpen-ended questions: "what", "how", "when", "why“ nOpen-ended questions are very useful when: you need to gain maximum information, especially about a conversation subject you are not much familiar with; you need to create a good atmosphere and build rapport; you do not know your communication partner and for a successful negotiation you need to learn about their character as much as possible. nGenerally, open-ended questions are mainly suitable at the beginning of a meeting. n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Group exercise: Talk, Ask, Observe nCreate groups of 3 people n nOne is talking about his/her area of expertise, hobby, project. Attention is at good nonverbal communication. n nSecond person asks questions, with goal of either learning or hiring. Important is to keep the conversation going. n nLast person observes BOTH, and gives feedback after cca 4 minutes. n nThen change within group. n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi Effective argumentation nchoice of arguments; n nformulation of arguments; n nstructure of the argumentation. n MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training www.econ.muni.cz pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB pruh+znak_ESF_13_gray4+bily_RGB text_zahlavi ¢How to have better comm skills ¢https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5hMN_XkP QA ¢ ¢http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kyvjEpXuPg ¢ ¢http://www.skillsyouneed.com/present/presentati on-nerves.html