MPV_COMA Communication and Managerial Skills Training Seminar 3,4 Trainer: Daria Kucharova Agenda  Exercise 1. Story tellers  Exercise 2. Communication challenge  Exercise 3. Analysing body language in context  Exercise 4. Behaviour examples  Exercise 5. Assertive behaviour Exercise 1. Story tellers  2 rows: 1. Tellers 2. Listeners  Tellers: explain what their thesis is about (2 min)  Listeners: Give feedback (1 min) Exercise 2. Communication challenge Discussion  What is successful communication?  Who is responsible for communication result?  What is important for communication to be successful? The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. George Bernard Shaw Non-verbal communication Body language  Defensive/negative attitude Source: Non-verbal communication Body language Source: Non-verbal communication Body language  Open attitude? Non-verbal communication Body language Source:  Dominance/ superiority Non-verbal communication Body language  Powerlessness/weakness? Non-verbal communication Body language  Barrier/fearful Source: Non-verbal communication  Amy Cuddy: Turning the Power Back On pT96xvw Exercise 3. Analysing body language in context  What do non-verbal signals on the picture tell you about the person / his or her actions and feelings? Non-verbal communication  5 Body Language Mistakes People Make aVocjw 5 Body Language Mistakes People Make 1. Don’t consider context 2. Find meaning in 1 gesture 3. Don’t know baseline (normal behaviour) 4. Judge through an array of personal biases 5. Evaluate through a filter of cultural biases Assertiveness Assertive statements Source: Assertiveness Training: Let Your Voice Be Heard! Assertive statements Source: Assertiveness Training: Let Your Voice Be Heard! Assertive statements Source: Assertiveness Training: Let Your Voice Be Heard! Assertive behavior: Dos and Don’ts  Dos  Express feelings honestly – take ownership of your feelings  Be realistic, respectful and honest  Express preferences and priorities  Choose your response carefully, especially when emotions are high Source: Assertiveness Training: Let Your Voice Be Heard! Assertive behavior: Dos and Don’ts  Don’ts  Depersonalize feelings or deny ownership  Say "You make me mad"  Exaggerate, minimize, or use sarcasm  Agree just to be sociable or agree unwillingly Source: Assertiveness Training: Let Your Voice Be Heard! Exercise 4. Behavior examples  Your partner recently spent too much money outside the budget.  “You idiot, I can’t believe you bought all that crap. You always mess things up. You’re selfish.”  “Oh well, it isn’t important.” (Or doesn’t bring the issue up at all)  “I would like to know a good time we could talk about the budget. I am concerned.” Exercise 4. Behavior examples  You are talking with your colleague on the phone for too long. You would like to finish the conversation:  Listen, I need to end our talk. I have another incoming call. Exercise 4. Behavior examples  Your boss is praising you for a good done job on a project:  It is still not perfect. There are still some things, that I could do better. Exercise 4. Behavior examples  This is some real sloppy work, Johnson! You've really gone downhill since we've hired you!  I agree that this is not my best work, but with more realistic time constraints and an adequate budget, we could have done much better.  What is the technique? Exercise 4. Behavior examples  Friend: Can I borrow $20 from you?  You: I can’t lend you any money. I’ve run out.  Friend: I’ll pay you back as soon as I can. I need it desperately. You are my friend aren’t you?  You: I can’t lend you any money.  Friend: I would do the same for you. You won’t miss $20.  You: I am your friend but I can’t lend you any money. I’ve run out.  What is the technique? Assertiveness video  zdW0hjLk Exercise 2: Role plays – training assertive behavior  Situation One: Teammate B put extra effort into creating a great-looking graph for your report.  Person A: Sincerely compliment B.  Person B: Respond Assertively Exercise 2: Role plays – training assertive behavior  Situation two: It is the fourth week of your team project and teammate B has been late to three prior class sessions, missing crucial instructional and work time. Once again, he/she walks in 30 minutes late today.  Person A: Handle the situation assertively.  Person B: Respond assertively. Exercise 2: Role plays – training assertive behavior  Situation Three  Person A: It is normally your job to send an email to all of your team members after class, summarizing team decisions and reminding the team of agreed upon tasks. Today, however, you are scheduled to retake an algebra exam right after class. Make an assertive request of teammate B to write and send this email to the team on your behalf. (Note: This is the second time you’ve made such a request.)  Person B: Respond assertively. Assertiveness The art of saying ‘No’  The Art of Saying No jcLA61s Homework assignment  During next week say ‘No’ and tell us on the next seminar. Thank you for your attention!