Compensating Differentials and Income Taxes: Are the Wages of Dangerous Jobs More Responsive to Tax Changes than the Wages of Safe Jobs? Author(s): David Powell Source: The Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 47, No. 4 (Fall 2012), pp. 1023-1054 Published by: University of Wisconsin Press Stable URL: Accessed: 19-02-2018 14:51 UTC JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at University of Wisconsin Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Journal of Human Resources This content downloaded from on Mon, 19 Feb 2018 14:51:33 UTC All use subject to Compensating Differentials and Income Taxes Are the Wages of Dangerous Jobs More Responsive to Tax Changes than the Wages of Safe Jobs? David Powell ABSTRACT Income taxes distort the relationship between wa ities. When the marginal tax rate increases, amen able as the compensating differential for low-amen While there is evidence that the provision of amen the literature has ignored the consequences for jo cannot fully adjust. This paper compares the wag jobs to the wage response of safe jobs. When tax see the pretax compensating differential for on-th pirically, I find large differences in the wage res their riskiness. I. Introduction The theory of compensating differentials has been well-established since the writings of Adam Smith in 1776. Nonwage amenities should impact work ers' wages, and much empirical research has been dedicated to studying the rela tionship between wages and amenities. There is little research studying how these compensating differentials interact with income and wage taxes. While nonwage David Powell is an economist at RAND. He is grateful to David Autor, Arthur Campbell, Tom Chang, Jesse Edgerton, Michael Greenstone, Tal Gross, Jon Gruber, Jerry Hausman, Helen Hsi, Konrad Menzel, Whitney Newey, Amanda Pallais, Jim Poterba, Nirupama Rao, Hui Shan, and Carmen Taveras for their comments. He thanks Dan Feenberg and Inna Shapiro for their help with NBER's Taxsim program. Katharine Earle of the U.S. Census Bureau provided invaluable industry crosswalks. Special thanks to Suzanne Marsh of the National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety for providing detailed occu pational fatality data. With the exception of restricted fatality numbers, the data used in this article can be obtained beginning May 2013 through April 2016 from David Powell; 1776 Main St., Santa Monica, CA 90407, This research was supported by the National Institute on Aging, Grant Number P01-AG05842. [Submitted June 2011; accepted January 2012] ISSN 022-166X E-ISSN 1548-8004 © 2012 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES •47*4 This content downloaded from on Mon, 19 Feb 2018 14:51:33 UTC All use subject to ] 024 The Journal of Human Resources amenities are untaxed, the compensating differential is subject to taxation. Wh rates change, the pretax wages of jobs with different nonwage amenities must differentially. Consequently, observed compensating differentials are a funct tax rates. We should observe heterogeneity in the incidence of income taxes on the amenity level of the job. This paper provides theoretical and empiric dence for the relationship between compensating differentials and marginal tax This paper compares the wage response of jobs with different levels of ameni to legislative tax changes. I focus on industries with varying on-the-job hazard for three reasons. First, occupational safety is easy to measure. Second, a va erature has studied the existence and magnitude of compensating differentials respect to occupational hazards. Individuals working in risky jobs should be pensated for the additional risk with higher wages. Third, while many ame likely respond to tax changes, some amenities cannot fully adjust and are si fixed characteristics of a job. Occupational safety is an example where the m dangerous jobs never become as safe as the safest jobs, regardless of the tax ronment. Risk rates may adjust to some extent, but it is still possible to mea compensating differential under different tax regimes. This paper looks at how the pretax wages of dangerous jobs respond to t changes relative to the pretax wages of safe jobs. When marginal tax rates increase, the compensating differential associated with dangerous jobs is taxed a The key parameter is the marginal net-of-tax rate, the fraction of an additional of earnings that a worker keeps. If a high risk job pays an extra $1 as a compens differential, the worker keeps $( 1 —c). Workers are paid in taxable earning nontaxable amenities, such as safety. When tax rates increase, all workers a pacted, but workers paid disproportionately in monetary wages are affected In response, the pretax compensating differential must increase, implying that wages of the dangerous jobs must increase more than the wages of the safe jobs a given difference in risk. It is well-known that individuals and firms respond to tax changes. Taxes dist individual labor supply decisions and occupational choices. Similarly, firms may the generosity of their nontaxable amenities in response to taxes. Both of t phenomenon have been studied in the tax literature. However, these effects d fully encapsulate the magnitude of the distortion resulting from taxes. Nont amenities cannot completely adjust in response. Jobs have some fixed character which are incapable of responding to tax changes. Instead, wages must adjust sequently, taxes may distort the cross-industry relationship between pretax wa Although this effect has been essentially ignored in the literature, the magn of the results of this paper suggests that this is an important consideration evaluating income tax policy. The substantial heterogeneity found in this pap lustrates that the mean tax incidence is not a relevant measure for many indus High tax rates disproportionately harm industries that primarily pay their work taxable earnings and are inherently low-amenity jobs. Tax rates distort the rela ship between taxable earnings and nontaxable amenities, but this distortion i limited to individual occupational changes and firm-level changes in amenit vision. Instead, the tax system favors high-amenity industries. The results o paper provide important evidence that the inability to tax amenities is a signifi This content downloaded from on Mon, 19 Feb 2018 14:51:33 UTC All use subject to Powell 1025 source of distortion. To my knowledge, this is the first paper to estimate t ential incidence of income tax rates based on variation in an amenity. I use the 1983-2002 March Current Population Survey (CPS) with Bure Labor Statistics (BLS) injury data and National Institute for Occupation and Health (NIOSH) fatality data to estimate the relationship between wage and fatality rates, and marginal net-of-tax rates ( 1 —c). Because tax rates a tion of wages, I use an IV strategy similar in spirit to Currie and Gruber where identification originates solely from legislative federal tax changes an sectional differences in risk. This strategy allows me to control separately tax rate and the risk rates and look at the impact of the interaction. Similar able to control for fixed wage differences through the inclusion of indus fixed effects. I find large differences in the wage response of industries to tax chang on the riskiness of those industries. When tax rates increase, the wages of d industries increase relative to the wages of safe industries. These relat changes are large and economically meaningful. The preferred estimates of t imply that a 10 percent increase in the marginal net-of-tax rate decreases t wages of dangerous industries by 1-3 percent more than the pretax wage industries, when defining dangerous industries as the 75th percentile of risk safe industries as the 25th percentile. When the 90th percentile is compar 10th percentile, the dangerous jobs experience a 5-7 percent wage decreas to safe jobs. I provide evidence that these estimates are not driven by secu trends during this time period. Furthermore, the results are robust to the of individual fixed effects using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PS paper makes a key contribution to the tax literature by illustrating that inco have effects beyond individual-level behaviors and the average firm-level re Instead, amenities and tax rates interact such that some industries are dispr ately harmed by higher tax income tax rates. Income taxes levied on individ as taxes on low-amenity industries. Furthermore, the results illustrate the importance of amenities and comp differentials in the labor market. Estimating cross-sectional compensating d tials is problematic for reasons discussed thoroughly in the literature, bu mates in this paper provide evidence that these differentials are econom portant. The results of this paper suggest that research on the relationship amenities and wages must explicitly account for income taxes. II. Literature Review A. Compensating Differentials A vast literature has studied and estimated compensating differentials associated with various job characteristics in the labor market. Typically, research in this area com pares the wages of jobs based on the provision of specific amenities at those jobs. Kniesner and Leeth (2010) provide an overview on compensating wage differentials. Most relevant to this paper is the literature studying the empirical relationship be tween occupational risk and wages. Viscusi and Aldy (2003) provide a thorough This content downloaded from on Mon, 19 Feb 2018 14:51:33 UTC All use subject to 1026 The Journal of Human Resources review of this literature. Adopting similar notation as Viscusi and Aldy (200 typical hedonic wage specification is as follows: ( 1 ) w,j= a + X'ijj + fi]pJ + $2qj + P tfjWCi + e¡j where w¡j is the wage of worker i in industry j. XtJ is a set of control variab is the fatality rate, q¡ is the injury rate, and WCj is the workers' compen replacement rate. Most of this literature estimates the cross-sectional relati between risk and wages, expecting positive coefficients on the injury and f rate variables. This specification accounts explicitly for workers' compensation, and the empir ical work of this paper also requires identifying and estimating the differential impact of workers' compensation on wages. Workers' compensation in the United States is a public insurance program that pays workers and their families a benefit upon injury or death incurred on-the-job. The benefit is a function of earnings, subject to a minimum or maximum determined by the state. The replacement rate is a variable which may differentially affect the wages based on occupational risk. Workers in dangerous industries are more likely to benefit from high replacement rates. If work ers value this insurance, then wages may adjust accordingly. B. Income Taxes and Amenities It is well known that wage taxes distort the demand for nonwage amenities. Pap such as Gruber and Lettau (2004) study the provision of these amenities as a sponse to this tax subsidy. When tax rates change, the relative price between taxa income and nontaxable amenities shifts. Firms respond to workers' demands providing more or less generous amenities. Powell and Shan (2012) study individual-level occupational responses to tax changes, another possible margin of distortion. When tax rates increase, the retur to a high wage (low amenity) job decreases. Powell and Shan (2012) find that, expected, individuals move to higher wage occupations when tax rates decrea This paper is complementary to Powell and Shan (2012) as both papers look at interplay between taxes, amenities, and wages. The Powell and Shan (2012) met odology explicitly accounts for occupation wage changes and looks at worker m ment to occupations with different compensating differentials when tax rates chan This paper looks at the actual differential wage movements resulting from tax sch ule changes. Amenity provision also shifts over time as I will show with my injury and fatality rate data. Hamermesh (1999) discusses the growing inequality of amenities. Shifts in on-the-job risk are important in my context and my empirical strategy accounts for these without any assumptions on the exogeneity or endogeneity of such shifts to legislative tax changes. By focusing on the compensating differential (which uses cross-sectional variation in risk), the empirical strategy accounts for changes in the levels of the risk rates over time. A separate literature studies the incidence of income taxes. Leigh (2010) uses state-level changes in Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) generosity to identify the impact of taxes on wages and finds an economically meaningful effect. Kubik (2004) uses the Tax Reform Act of 1986 to study whether occupations that were dispro This content downloaded from on Mon, 19 Feb 2018 14:51:33 UTC All use subject to Powell 1027 portionately affected experienced larger pretax wage changes. The paper dence that occupations with the largest tax decreases incurred the larges creases. These results are dependent on the inclusion of occupation-speci trends, suggesting that the change in the tax rate is not exogenous. While I estimating the same parameters as Kubik (2004), an advantage of my app that I am separately controlling for the change in the tax rate and looking "within-tax rate." In other words, I add another "difference," reducing conc trends are biasing the results. Albouy (2009) examines how a nonlinear tax schedule differentially affe with higher wages. These higher wages can be thought as a compensating dif for working and living in a city with a low quality of life. Taxes disproport burden high-compensating differential geographic areas in the same wa impact high-compensating differential industries. In my context, is is plausible that firms respond to higher taxes by in safety standards to reduce fatality and injury risks, and I will discuss ho pirical strategy is robust to this possibility. However, on a basic level, some simply riskier than others by their inherent nature. Thus, firms must resp different margin than the provision of the nonwage amenity. This paper how pretax wages respond when a nonwage amenity is prohibitively cost vide. III. Theory A. Model I include a very simple model to illustrate the relationships between wages, taxes, and amenities. The model is similar in spirit to the one found in Powell and Shan (2012), which also studies the relationship between tax rates and amenities. It is certainly possible that risk levels are themselves responsive to taxes, implying that risk is an endogenous variable. A more complicated model could factor in the cost to the firm of improving occupational safety and weigh these costs against the higher wages. In my context, this is unnecessary. This paper does not study how taxes affect risk or wages. Instead, this paper examines how changes in the marginal tax rate impact the compensating differential, the wage-risk relationship. I will not be using changes—endogenous or exogenous—in risk for identification. Consequently, the model illustrates the relationship between the compensating differential and the marginal tax rate without imposing assumptions on firm-level behavior. In this model, workers maximize utility which is a function of consumption (c) dw(R) r . and on-the-job risk (/?). w(R) is the market wage function wdR represents the tax burden given total income z where z will simply be the sum of the wage and nonlabor income (y). The marginal worker faces the following maximization problem: maxU(c,R) s.t. c = w(i?) + y— rfwf/îj + y] c,R This content downloaded from on Mon, 19 Feb 2018 14:51:33 UTC All use subject to 1028 The Journal of Human Resources This reduces to max t/ {w(R) + y—7"[ w(/?) + y ],/?} c.R The first-order condition defines the compensating differential, the wage function that keeps the marginal worker indifferent between jobs with different risk levels: (2) dw= \_]¿R dR 1 -T' Uc This paper is interested in how changes in the marginal tax rate impact the com pensating differential. Taking the derivative of Equation 2 with respect to -——r, we arrive at a testable result: d2w U R (3) TTT=~tf>0dRd 1 -T dw The inequality follows assuming UR<0,Uc>0. This result states that — increases dR when -——7 increases (when T increases). Stated differently, this equation shows dw that ——j—- is larger for high risk jobs. Thus, the response of wages to taxes is \1 -T, higher for jobs with higher risk (fewer nonwage amenities). The model also illus trates that the marginal net-of-tax rate (1 — T ) is the relevant tax parameter since the additional earnings received due to risk are taxed at the marginal rate. tí. Identification Implied by Model The model implies the following underlying experiment. Assume an economy with a flat tax and two occupations—one dangerous (d) and one safe (s). In Period 1, we observe compensating differential Rdl~Rsl In Period 2, tax rates increase. Risk rates also change though the model imposes no assumptions on the behavior of risk. Risk levels may converge (though it is necessary that Rd2 ¥= Rs2). The Period 2 compensating differential is wd2-ws2 Rd2~Rs2 The model states that the pretax compensating differential should increase since workers receive less of this hazard pay after taxes. The underlying experiment is to This content downloaded from on Mon, 19 Feb 2018 14:51:33 UTC All use subject to Powell 1029 compare the compensating differential in a low tax environment to the com differential in a high tax environment. Thus, identification only requires tional variation in risk and time series variation in taxes. These are the sources of variation that I use. IV. Data Several data sets are used in my analysis. More detailed explanations of the data and variables are provided in the Appendix. I use the 1983-2002 March CPS, which provides individual-level data on income, hours worked, industry, and other characteristics. These years were chosen because the Census industrial coding system used by the CPS stays relatively stable over the time period. I calculate tax rates by using the National Bureau of Economic Research's Taxsim program (Feen berg and Coutts 1993). This program takes information on different forms of income, number of dependents, and filing status. It provides state and federal marginal taxes and the marginal Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax rates for each household. The wage income variable in the CPS is pretax wage income for the previous year. I divide this quantity by the hours worked in the previous year to get my wage variable. The resulting sample covers 1982-2001. My final sample includes workers in the private, nonagricultural labor force ages 25-55 that are not self employed. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce publishes a series, Workers' Compensation Laws, which provides detailed parameters regarding each state's workers' compensation coverage. Using CPS wage data, I calculate each observation's after-tax replacement rate for injuries with the temporary total disability parameters. I also calculate each observation's replacement rate in cases of fatal injury. Both of these rates are important since I look at both injury and fatality rates in this paper. The "death benefit" replacement rate, however, must be treated differently because it is not relevant for workers that are single with no children. In these cases, I simply force the effect of this replacement rate to be zero. The replacement rate formula used is potential weekly benefit (weekly earnings)(l-x) The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health collected fatality data between 1980 and 2001 through the National Traumatic Occupational Fatality Sur veillance System (NTOF) (Marsh and Lay ne 2001). The NTOF records fatalities listed as work-related on death certificates which are coded as externally caused for those that were 16 or older. These fatalities are then categorized by industry. By request, I received detailed fatality data from the NTOF system. It was provided for 49 separate industry categories. Figure 1 shows the trend in fatality rates over the time period studied in this paper. There is a noticeable downward trend throughout my sample. More details about the fatality rates are provided in the Appendix, including a discussion of the NTOF undercount relative to the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI). To illustrate the magnitudes and variation in these data, I list the fatality rates for the top ten and bottom ten industries during 1982 2001 in Appendix Table Al. 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