Does Compulsory School Attendance Affect Schooling and Earnings? Joshua D. Angrist, Alan B. Krueger Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 106, Issue 4 (Nov., 1991), 979-1014 m STOR Your use of the JSTOR database indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use. A copy of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use is available at, by contacting JSTOR, or by calling JSTOR at (888)388-3574, (734)998-9101 or (FAX) (734)998-9113. No part of a JSTOR transmission may be copied, downloaded, stored, further transmitted, transferred, distributed, altered, or otherwise used, in any form or by any means, except: (1) one stored electronic and one paper copy of any article solely for your personal, non-commercial use, or (2) with prior written permission of JSTOR and the publisher of the article or other text. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. Quarterly Journal of Economics is published by MIT Press. Please contact the publisher for further permissions regarding the use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Quarterly Journal of Economics ©1991 MIT Press JSTOR and the JSTOR logo are trademarks of JSTOR, and are Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. For more information on JSTOR ©2001 JSTOR http://www.j Wed Apr 4 18:21:19 2001 THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS Vol. CVI November 1991 Issue 4 DOES COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AFFECT SCHOOLING AND EARNINGS?* Joshua D. Angrist and Alan B. Krueger We establish that season of birth is related to educational attainment because of school start age policy and compulsory school attendance laws. Individuals born in the beginning of the year start school at an older age, and can therefore drop out after completing less schooling than individuals born near the end of the year. Roughly 25 percent of potential dropouts remain in school because of compulsory schooling laws. We estimate the impact of compulsory schooling on earnings by using quarter of birth as an instrument for education. The instrumental variables estimate of the return to education is close to the ordinary least squares estimate, suggesting that there is little bias in conventional estimates. Every developed country in the world has a compulsory schooling requirement, yet little is known about the effect these laws have on educational attainment and earnings.1 This paper exploits an unusual natural experiment to estimate the impact of compulsory schooling laws in the United States. The experiment stems from the fact that children born in different months of the year start school at different ages, while compulsory schooling laws generally require students to remain in school until their sixteenth or seventeenth birthday. In effect, the interaction of school-entry requirements and compulsory schooling laws compel students born *We thank Michael Boozer and Lisa Krueger for outstanding research assistance. Financial support was provided by the Princeton Industrial Relations Section, an NBER Olin Fellowship in Economics, and the National Science Foundation (SES-9012149). We are also grateful to Lawrence Katz, John Pencavel, an anonymous referee, and many seminar participants for helpful comments. The data and computer programs used in the preparation of this paper are available on request. 1. See OECD [1983] for a comparison of compulsory schooling laws in different countries. e 1991 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 1991 980 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS in certain months to attend school longer than students born in other months. Because one's birthday is unlikely to be correlated with personal attributes other than age at school entry, season of birth generates exogenous variation in education that can be used to estimate the impact of compulsory schooling on education and earnings. In the next section we present an analysis of data from three decennial Censuses that establishes that season of birth is indeed related to educational attainment. Remarkably, in virtually all of the birth cohorts that we have examined, children born in the first quarter of the year have a slightly lower average level of education than children born later in the year. School districts typically require a student to have turned age six by January 1 of the year in which he or she enters school (see HEW [1959] ). Therefore, students born earlier in the year enter school at an older age and attain the legal dropout age at an earlier point in their educational careers than students born later in the year. If the fraction of students who want to drop out prior to the legal dropout age is independent of season of birth, then the observed seasonal pattern in education is consistent with the view that compulsory schooling constrains some students born later in the year to stay in school longer. Two additional pieces of evidence link the seasonal pattern in education to the combined effect of age at school entry and compulsory schooling laws. First, the seasonal pattern in education is not evident in college graduation rates, nor is it evident in graduate school completion rates. Because compulsory schooling laws do not compel individuals to attend school beyond high school, this evidence supports our hypothesis that the relationship between years of schooling and date of birth is entirely due to compulsory schooling laws. Second, in comparing enrollment rates of fifteen- and sixteen-year olds in states that have an age sixteen schooling requirement with enrollment rates in states that have an age seventeen schooling requirement, we find a greater decline in the enrollment of sixteen-year olds in states that permit sixteen-year olds to leave school than in states that compel sixteen-year olds to attend school. The variety of evidence presented in Section I establishes that compulsory schooling laws increase educational attainment for those covered by the laws. In Section II we consider whether students who attend school longer because of compulsory schooling receive higher earnings as a result of their increased schooling. THE EFFECTS OF COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE 981 Two-stage least squares (TSLS) estimates are used in which the source of identification is variation in education that results solely from differences in season of birth—which, in turn, results from the effect of compulsory schooling laws. The results suggest that men who are forced to attend school by compulsory schooling laws earn higher wages as a result of their increased schooling. The estimated monetary return to an additional year of schooling for those who are compelled to attend school by compulsory schooling laws is about 7.5 percent, which is hardly different from the ordinary-least-squares (OLS) estimate of the return to education for all male workers. To check further whether the estimated schooling-earnings relationship is truly a result of compulsory schooling, we explore the relationship between earnings and season of birth for the subsample of college graduates. Because these individuals were not constrained by compulsory schooling requirements, they form a natural control group to test whether season of birth affects earnings for reasons other than compulsory schooling. The results of this exploration suggest that there is no relationship between earnings and season of birth for men who are not constrained by compulsory schooling. This strengthens our interpretation that the TSLS estimate of the return to education reflects the effect of compulsory school attendance. Our findings have important implications for the literature on omitted variables bias in estimates of the return to education (see Griliches [1977] and Willis [1986] for surveys). Economists have devoted a great deal of attention to correcting for bias in the return to education due to omitted ability and other factors that are positively correlated with both education and earnings. This type of a bias would occur, for example, in Spence's [1973] signaling model, where workers with high innate ability are assumed to find school less difficult and to obtain more schooling to signal their high ability. In contrast to this prediction, estimates based on season of birth indicate that, if anything, conventional OLS estimates are biased slightly downward. I. Season of Birth, Compulsory Schooling, and Years of Education If the fraction of students who desire to leave school before they reach the legal dropout age is constant across birthdays, a student's birthday should be expected to influence his or her 982 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS ultimate educational attainment.2 This relationship would be expected because, in the absence of rolling admissions to school, students born in different months of the year start school at different ages. This fact, in conjunction with compulsory schooling laws, which require students to attend school until they reach a specified birthday, produces a correlation between date of birth and years of schooling.3 Students who are born early in the calendar year are typically older when they enter school than children born late in the year. For example, our tabulation of the 1960 Census (the earliest census that contains quarter of birth), shows that, on average, boys born in the first quarter of the year enter first grade when they are 6.45 years old, whereas boys born in the fourth quarter of the year enter first grade when they are 6.07 years old.4 This pattern arises because most school districts do not admit students to first grade unless they will attain age six by January 1 of the academic year in which they enter school. Consequently, students who were born in the beginning of the year are older when they start school than students who were born near the end of the year. Because children born in the first quarter of the year enter school at an older age, they attain the legal dropout age after having attended school for a shorter period of time than those born near the end of the year. Hence, if a fixed fraction of students is constrained by the compulsory attendance law, those born in the beginning of the year will have less schooling, on average, than those born near the end of the year. Figures I, II, and III document the relationship between education and season of birth for men born 1930-1959. Each figure depicts the average years of completed schooling by quarter and 2. Beginning with Huntington [1938], researchers in many fields have investigated the effect of season of birth on a variety of biological and behavioral variables, ranging from fertility to schizophrenia. We consider the impact of other possible season of birth effects below. 3. Angrist and Krueger [1990] formally model the link between age at school entry and compulsory schooling. A testable implication of this model is that age at school entry should be linearly related to years of education. Data on men born 1946 to 1952 are generally consistent with this prediction. 4. Figures in the text are for boys born in 1952. The average entry age to first grade for those born in the second quarter is 6.28, and the average age of first graders born in the third quarter is 6.08. Other years show a similar pattern (see Angrist and Krueger [1990] ). These averages are affected by holding back or advancing students beyond the normal start age, and by differences in start age policy across schools. Nonetheless, the results show that students born in the beginning of the year tend to enter school at an older age than those born near the end of the year. 13,2 -j 2,21_1_1_1_'_1_1_1_'_1- 30 32 34 36 38 40 Year of Birth Figure I Years of Education and Season of Birth 1980 Census Note. Quarter of birth is listed below each observation. Year of Birth Figure II Years of Education and Season of Birth 1980 Census Note. Quarter of birth is listed below each observation. 984 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS Year of Birth FlGUEE III Years of Education and Season of Birth 1980 Census Note. Quarter of birth is listed below each observation. year of birth, based on the sample of men in the 1980 Census, 5 percent Public Use Sample. (The data set used in the figures is described in greater detail in Appendix 1.) The graphs show a generally increasing trend in average education for cohorts born in the 1930s and 1940s. For men born in the late 1950s, average education is trending down, in part because by 1980 the younger men in the cohort had not completed all of their schooling, and in part because college attendance fell in the aftermath of the Vietnam War. A close examination of the plots indicates that there is a small but persistent pattern in the average number of years of completed education by quarter of birth. Average education is generally higher for individuals born near the end of the year than for individuals born early in the year. Furthermore, men born in the fourth quarter of the year tend to have even more education than men born in the beginning of the following year. The third quarter births also often have a higher average number of years of education than the following year's first quarter births. Moreover, THE EFFECTS OF COMPULSORY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE 985 this seasonal pattern in years of education is exhibited by the cohorts of men that experienced a secular decline in educational levels, as well as by the cohorts that experienced a secular increase in educational levels. To further examine the seasonal pattern in education, it is useful to remove the trend in years of education across cohorts. A flexible way to detrend the series is by subtracting off a moving average of the surrounding birth cohort's average education. For each quarter we define a two-period, two-sided moving average, MA(+2,-2), as the average education of men born in the two preceding and two succeeding quarters.5 Specifically, for the cohort of men born in year c and quarter j, the MA(+2, -2), denoted MACJ, is MACJ = (E_2 + E_, + E+1 + E+2)/4, where Eg is the average years of education attained by the cohort born q quarters before or after cohort cj. The "detrended" education series is simply ECJ - MAcj. The relationship between season of birth and years of education for the detrended education series is depicted in Figure IV for each ten-year-age group. The figures clearly show that season of birth is related to years of completed education. For example, in 27 of the 29 birth years, the average education of men born in the first quarter of the year (January-March) is less than that predicted by the surrounding quarters based on the MA(+2,-2). To quantify the effect of season of birth on a variety of educational outcome variables, we estimated regressions of the form, 3 (EICJ - MACJ) = a + 2 PjQtcj + e,c, j for i = l,..., Nc; c = 1, . . . , 10; j= 1,2,3, where Ekj is the educational outcome variable for individual i in cohort c (i.e., years of education, graduated high school, graduated college, or years of post-high school education), MACJ is the MA(+2,-2) trend for the education variable, and QWJ is a dummy 5. We note that none of our conclusions is qualitatively changed when we use a linear age trend (with age measured to the quarter of the year), a quadratic age trend, or unrestricted year-of-birth dummies. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 0,2 0.1 0 0.1 0,2 0,2 4 4 3 ' 4 4 3n !U p II I I |u* llY1 2 I 2 1 I 7 12 1 I f 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I (ill III] 30 32 34 36 38 4 - 4 p % 42 34 H3 3n n 2 34 nP S n H' n inn ■11-! • i i 11111111 111 f fUs 1 H|U2 ■ ^1 3* 2 '[] n2 * 4" 1 Em