Experiment Stability, deterrence and detection of cartels Repeated games and cartel Industrial organization – lecture 3 Experiment Stability, deterrence and detection of cartels Benchmark 1. Write my price p ∈ {101, 102, 103, . . . , 110}. 2. Determine the market price pM = minimum of prices in the group. 3. Calculate the profit = market price−100 number of group members with the same price (N) if p = pM 0 if p > pM Experiment Stability, deterrence and detection of cartels Communication 1. Do you want to communicate/form a cartel? (fill in yes or no in column 1) 2. Reveal your answer sheets: If all yes – 1 minute of price negotiations. Choice from {101, 102, 103, . . . , 110}. The price is not binding. 3. Write my price p ∈ {101, 102, 103, . . . , 110}. 4. Determine the market price pM = minimum of prices in the group. 5. Calculate the profit = market price−100 N if p = pM 0 if p > pM Experiment Stability, deterrence and detection of cartels Antitrust 1. Do you want to communicate/form a cartel? (fill in yes or no in column 1) 2. Reveal your answer sheets: If all yes – 1 minute of price negotiations. Choice from {101, 102, 103, . . . , 110}. The price is not binding. 3. Write my price p ∈ {101, 102, 103, . . . , 110}. 4. Determine the market price = minimum of prices in the group. 5. Cartel is detected with 15% probability. Fine = 10 % of revenue. 6. Calculate the profit =    market price−100 N − 0.1market price N if p = pM and you are in cartel and detected market price−100 N if p = pM and not in cartel or not detected 0 if p > pM Experiment Stability, deterrence and detection of cartels Leniency 1. Do you want to communicate/form a cartel? (fill in yes or no in column 1) 2. Reveal your answer sheets: If all yes – 1 minute of price negotiations. Choice from {101, 102, 103, . . . , 110}. The price is not binding. 3. Write my price p ∈ {101, 102, 103, . . . , 110}. 4. Determine the market price = minimum of prices in the group. 5. If all say yes in 1., you may report the cartel for a cost equal to 1. The 1st (no fine) and 2nd (50% fine) report will be chosen randomly. 6. If not reported, cartel detected with 15%. Fine = 10 % of revenue. 7. Calculate the profit =    market price−100 N − 0.1market price N (0/0.5/1) if p = pM and cartel reported market price−100 N − 0.1market price N if p = pM , cartel and detected market price−100 N if p = pM , not cartel or not detected 0 if p > pM Experiment Stability, deterrence and detection of cartels Cartel – stability, deterrence and detection Pepall et al. (2010, pp. 237–250, 264–274) • One-shot or finitely repeated game • Infinitely repeated game • Effect of antitrust and leniency Experiment Stability, deterrence and detection of cartels One-shot or finitely repeated game Pepall et al. (2010, pp. 237-245) Simultaneous game: • two firms 1 and 2 • each firm has two actions: – cartel quantity qm i – Nash equilibrium (Cournot, Bertrand) quantity qn i • preferences given by profits of firms: πd i (default) > πm i (monopoly) > πn i (Nash) > πs i (sucker) Payoff matrix of the game: firm 2 qm 2 qn 2 firm 1 qm 1 πm 1 ; πm 2 πs 1; πd 2 qn 1 πd 1 ; πs 2 πn 1 ; πn 2 Experiment Stability, deterrence and detection of cartels Example – Cournot duopoly cartel game Pepall et al. (2010, p. 240) Experiment Stability, deterrence and detection of cartels Cartel stability in an infinitely repeated game Pepall et al. (2010, pp. 245-250) Future profits multiplied by ρ = pR, where • p is the probability that the cartel continues • R is the discount factor Grim trigger - two options: 1. If firm i chooses cartel quantity, cartel survives – its profit is πm i . 2. If firm i deviates, it gets πd i in the first round and πn i in all future rounds. When does grim trigger make the cartel stable? The cartel is stable if ρ > ρ∗ = πd i − πm i πd i − πn i Experiment Stability, deterrence and detection of cartels Antitrust policy Pepall et al. (2010, pp. 264-266) The same infinitely repeated game, but with antitrust – parameters: • a – probability that the authority will investigate the cartel • s – probability that it leads to successful prosecution • F – fine if the prosecution is successful What happens to the expected cartel profits? When is the cartel stable? Expected profits of a firm in cartel: • without autitrust: Vm = πm i 1 − ρ • with autitrust: V a m = πm i − asF + asρ 1−ρ πn i 1 − ρ(1 − as) Even if the fine F = 0, the cartel is stable if ρ > ρa = πd i − πm i (1 − as)(πd i − πn i ) > ρ∗ Experiment Stability, deterrence and detection of cartels Leniency Pepall et al. (2010, pp. 269-274) The same infinitely repeated game with antitrust, but with leniency: We assume that each firm may adopt on of the three strategies: 1. Collude, Not Reveal – the expected profits V C NR = πm i − asF + asρ 1−ρ πn i 1 − ρ(1 − as) 2. Collude, Reveal – if • there is no investigation – keep cartel: V1 = (1 − a)(πm i + ρV C R ) • there is investigation – stay in cartel until the end of the period and then reveal and pay a reduced fine L < F: V2 = a(πm i − L + ρπn i 1−ρ ) V C R = V1 + V2 = πm i − L + aρπm i 1−ρ 1 − (1 − a)ρ 3. Defect – the expected profits are Vd = πd i + ρπn i 1 − ρ What are the possible equilibria? How does the equilibrium selection depend on antitrust parameters a and s and on the leniency fine L? Experiment Stability, deterrence and detection of cartels Leniency programs Pepall et al. (2010, p. 274)